A dog saint?

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Don’t forget St Dominic. 🙂

"According to the Golden Legend St. Dominic’s mother while pregnant dreamed that she would give birth to a dog who would hold a torch in its mouth and would “burn the world.” …

Get the rest of the story and see the dog here …
:cool: Suszane Schiffman the french director made a movie of the called The Soceress and the Monk.You can find it at both Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com It’s a very good movie.There is the one in french,and an english verison of it.
I have the english verison by her.
Don’t forget St. Bernard!

(yeah, sorry…that was lame. :o )

We always prayed to St. Francis when a dog was lost or sick. The saint Guinefort thing is nonsense, although it’s a good story. I do know that God can use dogs to help us humans. Same is true of all animals, of course, but there is something special with dogs.
We always prayed to St. Francis when a dog was lost or sick. The saint Guinefort thing is nonsense, although it’s a good story. I do know that God can use dogs to help us humans. Same is true of all animals, of course, but there is something special with dogs.
Quite true.
I know my late kitty Merlyn was pretty holy. He’d climb up on my lap while I said my rosary at night. I fully expect to see him in heaven. Of course, he’s probably up there now, begging for table scraps (chicken and turkey was his favorite!) 😃
What do you think about this?

St. Guinefort

Better him than some. There was a thread about him three years or so ago. Which began IIRC as a discussion of St. Murgen the Mermaid 😃

I wonder if St. Guinefort’s “intercession” was at all effective 🙂 ?

FWIW, anyone in Heaven is a Saint - so if an animal is in Heaven, that means it is a Saint. “If” being the operative word… :cool:
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