Yes, Joshua! Your reply really caught my eye. For the youth of today IS the Church of tomorrow isn’t it? This is exactly why, I have chosen to forego so many of my dreams and instead give my time to the youth, my 3 in particular, but even if I didn’t have kids, still the youth. I feel there is no better place to have an apostolate, as they will make up the future generation.Maybe we have our priorities in the wrong place. After all, the children are the Church of tomorrow. If our children are poorly catechized and they end up leaving the church, then where will the fault be? Maybe its not about how much money a parish brings in but how it is used.
I know for a fact my parish, in a very well-to-do neighborhood, only puts on the finest program of any kind. Our confirmation program was absolutely awesome. They gave us 5 books, a notebook, awesome handouts, candles, food, etc., and a beautiful Bible, and it was all free. And the teaching was absolutely awesome too of course! By the looks of it so far, the teen program must be just awesome in this particular parish, retreats, field trips, who knows what else? I have no idea yet! And I think you are probably right, most parishes probably only allot like you said 2% for youth ministry- -probably this one too! therefore perhaps the need for the fee. Anyway, when to comes to my child, I will pay anything for him to have the solid backbone of a Catholic catechesis program. Of course there are no guarantees, but I feel if he’s willing to go, then I’m all for it. The rest is in God’s hands. Still, think I’ll ask what this fee is for anyway!
In this parish, they have, you know, a “family fair”, there was a raffle, etc., for a big grand prize, I couldn’t believe each raffle ticket was $100.00.!!! That’s the big city for ya! How I wish I lived in a smaller town! Oh well~~~
Thx everyone!