A Fee for Confirmation Program for Teens? Is this common?

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Maybe we have our priorities in the wrong place. After all, the children are the Church of tomorrow. If our children are poorly catechized and they end up leaving the church, then where will the fault be? Maybe its not about how much money a parish brings in but how it is used.
Yes, Joshua! Your reply really caught my eye. For the youth of today IS the Church of tomorrow isn’t it? This is exactly why, I have chosen to forego so many of my dreams and instead give my time to the youth, my 3 in particular, but even if I didn’t have kids, still the youth. I feel there is no better place to have an apostolate, as they will make up the future generation.

I know for a fact my parish, in a very well-to-do neighborhood, only puts on the finest program of any kind. Our confirmation program was absolutely awesome. They gave us 5 books, a notebook, awesome handouts, candles, food, etc., and a beautiful Bible, and it was all free. And the teaching was absolutely awesome too of course! By the looks of it so far, the teen program must be just awesome in this particular parish, retreats, field trips, who knows what else? I have no idea yet! And I think you are probably right, most parishes probably only allot like you said 2% for youth ministry-😦 -probably this one too! therefore perhaps the need for the fee. Anyway, when to comes to my child, I will pay anything for him to have the solid backbone of a Catholic catechesis program. Of course there are no guarantees, but I feel if he’s willing to go, then I’m all for it. The rest is in God’s hands. Still, think I’ll ask what this fee is for anyway!

In this parish, they have, you know, a “family fair”, there was a raffle, etc., for a big grand prize, I couldn’t believe each raffle ticket was $100.00.!!! That’s the big city for ya! How I wish I lived in a smaller town! Oh well~~~

Thx everyone!
in reply to contemplative regarding costs for materials used in our high school program

no, most families do not have a bible available in the home that the student can bring to class, underline and use. they usually have the huge white wedding bible (that is seldom opened), usually in Spanish, but all our high school students require a bible and catechism for use in every class, so we can’t wait for it to be given as a gift 2 yrs later. We do have catechisms and bibles for use, but the object of the exercises we give is for them to become comfortable in using the bible for prayer as well as study, and for that they need their own bible. They also need it for all retreats and many youth programs, missions etc. in our church and around the diocese.

The handouts for the confirmation program are over and above CCD class and are the program approved by the diocese (Confirmation for Teens by Liguori) used for the parent/candidate/sponsor sessions. To try to duplicate this material and make copies would cost more than these packets (I know, I costed it out).

the rosary is also used continually, they need their own, and most have lost their 1st communion rosary. yes, they need the prayer book, if you look in your bible and CCC the basic prayers are not there. they need a prayer book that also includes, commandments, beatitudes, examination of conscience and outlines of basic things they are required to commit to memory. They also need this prayerbook because we use it during each session, as well as for youth group events.
In an ideal world, Catholics would give generously and the parish would not have to worry about such expenses. However, if people are not tithing, how is a parish supposed to foot the bill for all their programs?

Too many Catholics have the notion that everything should be free (IMO!). Protestants have no trouble tithing, paying a minister who probably has a family to support, supporting foreign missionaries and more.

$300 does seem high, so I’d have no problem asking what it goes for (and asking if I could pay in installments!). But assuming it should be free or really cheap? No . . . not until Catholics as a whole start giving more than $5 a Sunday. —KCT
many parishes have a very strong service component that includes field trips even out of state, to appalachia or even to Mexico, which naturally have travel expenses attached. Together with the weekend retreat, or a trip to a youth conference, Y2K, or similar event could easily come to $300 for the candidate’s share of the expenses. Has the original poster had a chance to find out what the fee covers?
Our parish has a little fee, but that is mainly for the retreat. I would have to check to make sure, but I think it is only about 75 dollars… I will get back about it…
I can see charging something, because most confirmation classes involve a retreat somewhere along the line…but $300?

I would hope the parish is willing to subsidize parents/children who cannot afford such an unreasonable fee.
Where is the Confirmation retreat, the Four Seasons???

I sure would ask, even suggest (and politely demand) a detailed list of just where the money is going to go.

$75 tops for materials with a waiver in a poor parish; $150 in Our Lady of the Mercedes type parishes.

To be fair, I have friend with whom I worked, for whom I pray, as she left the Church with her three children for the non-denominational variety. The last straw, rather than look elsewhere within other parishes, was when her parish charged her for Rel Ed. Apparently, non-denominational Sunday School is free. Of course, she also claimed that she never heard EVER in Catholic doctrine that it was sinful to live with one’s boyfriend, so who knows?
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