A-gassed at Gas-tly Gas

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**While I am truly sorry for what you are going through Vluvski, I want to thank you for the most laughs I’ve had in quite awhile:D Just when I thought I’d read the funniest thing, along comes another post with something even funnier.

I especially liked the one about the fart contest at the movies and ****“You need to trade places with him when you play the cover game and give him a whiff of his own medicine.” Although giving him a whiff of your medicine might be more effective.

On a more serious note, I pray that there is nothing medically wrong with your hubby. I hope you find the cause soon so that you can enjoy your alone time together without the oh-so-romantic-gas mask on (or at least get one in pink:p).

Its something he’s eating that his body is having trouble digesting. Common culprits are dairy and meat (bloodtype A’s particularly don’t digest the meat well due to low stomach acid – while bloodtype O’s have plenty of stomach acid and meat is not a problem).

So noticing what he is eating in the hours before the gas starts might help you learn. Also if you know his bloodtype and you google “bloodtype diet” and find the food lists for the types, you can see whats “highly beneficial” for his type and whats “to avoid” - and see if he is generously consuming foods from his avoid list.

But there’s an easy solution - enzymes! You get them at the healthfood store, and there are all kinds, including chewable. Pineapple have lots of good other side benefits (often called Bromelain) but they are usually more expensive, too. I recommend chewable payaya enzymes because they are inexpensive and they taste like sweet tart candy so he won’t mind chewing them regularly. They will do the trick! And he’ll feel lots better too.

Also beneficial for good intestinal flora, to help with digestion, is healthy bacteria, or probiotics, that have acidopholis and bifidous. You can get those in chewable as well, at the helath food store. But maybe just strt with the enzymes, that might solve it 100%. (But do add probiotics if he has taken antibiotics in the last year or so).
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