A Hypocritical Church's Sex Lessons (Scheer; LA Times)

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The pope has minimized priests’ crimes while wagging a finger at gays.

by Robert Sheer
Los Angeles Times

One of the most sexually repressed institutions in human history has been caught with its pants down yet again but still insists on wagging its disapproving finger at the rest of us.

Last week, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange released more than 10,000 pages of letters, handwritten notes and other documents from the personnel files of 15 priests and teachers as part of its $100-million settlement of another in a numbing series of class-action sexual abuse lawsuits against the Catholic Church.

Despite the horrific drumbeat of child molestation revelations, however, sensible Catholics hoping for a more transparent and less sexually repressed church shouldn’t hold their breath. The new pope is not only a longtime leader of vicious church attacks on “evil” gays, he also has shamefully blamed the molestation scandal on the media.

“In the church, priests also are sinners. But I am personally convinced that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the United States, is a planned campaign, as the percentage of these offenses among priests is not higher than in other categories, and perhaps it is even lower,” said Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger — now Pope Benedict XVI — in 2002 when he was the head man of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

There is nothing holy about shooting the messenger.

The leader of the world’s largest religious denomination apparently doesn’t understand the essential truth of the molestation scandal: It was the church’s breathtakingly systematic cover-up over many decades that so horrified followers and outsiders alike. . . .

Full article (registration NOT required)
Well the media will take ANY opportunity to take a shot at the Church. Not surprised. Saddened though.
Pope Benedict himself exemplifies this contradiction. The same man who doesn’t get the scale of the molestation cover-ups has written some of the Vatican’s most anti-gay rhetoric, including a 1986 letter to bishops calling homosexuality “an intrinsic moral evil,” as well as a 2003 battle plan telling Catholic politicians they have a “moral duty” to oppose gay marriage and adoptions.>>>>>>>

And he was right in calling homosexuality an intrinsic moral evil. It was THIS evil that infiltrated the church and was responsible for the abuse scandal. Unfortunately neither the church nor the media are willing to accept that the PROBLEM was homosexuals (not pedophiles) and their sometimes predatory behavior. The church erred in thinking this could be handled internally or that predatory priests could be ‘cured’ in the same way a priest who had a heterosexual affair could repent and remain chaste. This predatory behavior was a repetitive pattern, it was not an anomoly. But the Church did not understand this behavior pattern. The PREDATORY and serial offenses were the problem, not simply a lapse in judgment that would not be repeated.

Then they want the church to open its arms to homosexual behavior and homosexual marriage? Do we all look THAT stupid?

Lisa N
The Los Angeles Times again confirms my belief that it is the most hateful anti-Catholic major media forum in the West (by West, I mean everything west of the Atlantic Ocean).

That article is fallacy-laden and does not even look at the why of our “Dark Ages attitude on sex.” Um, perhaps it may have something to do with the Biblical prohibition against homosexual sex. Maybe that has something to do with it. I don’t know. Being a chaste unmarried man, perhaps my reason is too clouded to be enlightened. :rolleyes:

I’m sick of the LA Times. They’re going down! (Are they trying to be British or something?) I hope our Catholic bretheren in the West are canceling their subscriptions by the hundreds. I wish the author’s email address in that article were listed so I could give him the proper response for an article like that. argh!

Let me say that again…ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!
As you said, consider the source. The LA Times also ran a lengthy article that applauded Kim Jong Ill (?) the 'dear leader" of North Korea who is allowing his people to starve to death. He’s really not such a nice guy, once you get to know him…

You are right, the only response to the LA Times is ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

Lisa N
William Donohue weighs in:

May 24, 2005


Catholic League president William Donohue wrote the following news release in response to columnist Robert Scheer’s latest piece:

“In today’s article, *Los Angeles Times *op-ed page writer Robert Scheer manages to mangle the facts and distort the truth about both the Catholic Church and homosexuals. He does so because he is full of hate.

“He dubs the Catholic Church ‘one of the most sexually repressed institutions in human history’ that is responsible for a ‘horrific drumbeat of child molestation revelations’ led by a new pope who is ‘a longtime leader of vicious church attacks on ‘evil’ gays’; Pope Benedict XVI is also accused of scapegoating the media. Scheer is wrong on all counts.

“It is not the Catholic Church’s emphasis on sexual reticence that gave us the scandal, it was morally delinquent priests who jettisoned the Church’s teachings on sexuality. The ‘drumbeat of child molestation revelations’ is pure myth: 81 percent of the victims were male—the majority being postpubescent—and 100 percent of the victimizers were male, thus making this a homosexual scandal (not a pedophilia scandal). But don’t look for Scheer to mention this: He will protect gays at all costs and he will slander the Catholic Church at any expense.

“The pope never called gays ‘evil’ and Scheer knows it. What the pope said when he was a cardinal is that homosexual behavior is ‘intrinsically evil,’ thus reiterating Church teaching. So what? This is hardly a unique position: None of the world’s religions—Christianity, Judaism, Islam (as well as the Eastern religions)—accepts homosexuality. And who is Scheer, a non-Catholic, to stick his nose into internal religious matters anyway?

“Not only has the pope not scapegoated the media, but as recently as Good Friday he drew attention to the ‘filth there is in the Church, and even among those who, in the priesthood, ought to belong entirely’ to God. Now if only the *Los Angeles Times *would rid itself of its own rot.”
One of the most sexually repressed institutions in human history
catholic mother of 7 here! an obvious example of NOT being sexually repressed if there was one imho…
Condon, thanks for posting Mr Donahue’s response. It’s pathetic the way homosexual apologists will cover for homosexual behavior in the very same way they criticize the Church for covering up the abuse scandal. The problem is not the Church but in all too human failings, particularly those humans who suffer from SSA.

Lisa N
Rob’s Wife said:
catholic mother of 7 here! an obvious example of NOT being sexually repressed if there was one imho…

Rob’s DA MAN!!! :dancing:

Sorry for the aside - just lending some levity.
The battle is being played out in the public square through institutions which influence the culture. Now the question is, what are we Catholics to do, so that we are not always reacting to what the other side (deign I say “enemy”) is saying? We’ve have explained ourselves until we’re blue in the face, but the cultural shape-shifters don’t seem to be listening. And as you can see by the article, the other side plays dirty. It’s not beyond them to misquote, slander, misconstrue, and misinform. But in all of this, I do believe that the Hand of God is at work, forcing hus Catholics to amplify our voice in the public square. We can start with our local newspaper. I live under the tyranny of the St. Petersburg Times which is the L.A. Times lite. No more anti-Catholic screed exist east of the Mississippi. So I make it a point to send in letters to the editor so that I can defend the faith. We must start with our non-Catholic family members, our co-workers, and our local public institutions. We must be vocal, persistent, and intrepid, not afraid to take our lumps and to protest,protest, protest, teach, teach, teach, defend, defend, defend, any and everytime someone deigns to slander, defame, and deface Holy Mother Church.
Rob’s DA MAN!!! :dancing:

Sorry for the aside - just lending some levity.
Rob’s Wife is DA WOMAN!!!

Dan L
Lisa N:
As you said, consider the source. The LA Times also ran a lengthy article that applauded Kim Jong Ill (?) the 'dear leader" of North Korea who is allowing his people to starve to death. He’s really not such a nice guy, once you get to know him…

You are right, the only response to the LA Times is ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

Lisa N
la times praised kim jong ill!!!:bigyikes:
Lisa N:
Condon, thanks for posting Mr Donahue’s response. It’s pathetic the way homosexual apologists will cover for homosexual behavior in the very same way they criticize the Church for covering up the abuse scandal. The problem is not the Church but in all too human failings, particularly those humans who suffer from SSA.

Lisa N
They want it both ways: The Church is evil for disapproving of homosexual behavior and at the same time, the Church is evil for allowing homosexuals to become priests and not punishing them appropriately for their behavior.

Why is this illogic lost on the looney left? Because they have stopped thinking rationally and rely soley on feelings.
The battle is being played out in the public square through institutions which influence the culture. Now the question is, what are we Catholics to do, so that we are not always reacting to what the other side (deign I say “enemy”) is saying? We’ve have explained ourselves until we’re blue in the face, but the cultural shape-shifters don’t seem to be listening. And as you can see by the article, the other side plays dirty. It’s not beyond them to misquote, slander, misconstrue, and misinform. But in all of this, I do believe that the Hand of God is at work, forcing hus Catholics to amplify our voice in the public square. We can start with our local newspaper. I live under the tyranny of the St. Petersburg Times which is the L.A. Times lite. No more anti-Catholic screed exist east of the Mississippi. So I make it a point to send in letters to the editor so that I can defend the faith. We must start with our non-Catholic family members, our co-workers, and our local public institutions. We must be vocal, persistent, and intrepid, not afraid to take our lumps and to protest,protest, protest, teach, teach, teach, defend, defend, defend, any and everytime someone deigns to slander, defame, and deface Holy Mother Church.
I agree wholeheartedly.
They want it both ways: The Church is evil for disapproving of homosexual behavior and at the same time, the Church is evil for allowing homosexuals to become priests and not punishing them appropriately for their behavior.

Why is this illogic lost on the looney left? Because they have stopped thinking rationally and rely soley on feelings.

la times praised kim jong ill!!!:bigyikes:
YES! It’s like praising Hitler. Hugh Hewitt had this article as the subject of one of his radio broadcasts. He simply could not believe that ANY responsible journalist could write such drivel about the ‘dear leader.’ Hewitt called for a mass subscription cancellation and apparently they did lose a lot of subscribers over this and other ridiculous columns and editorials.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
As you said, consider the source. The LA Times also ran a lengthy article that applauded Kim Jong Ill (?) the 'dear leader" of North Korea who is allowing his people to starve to death. He’s really not such a nice guy, once you get to know him…

You are right, the only response to the LA Times is ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

Lisa N
When he wrote for Ramparts, Robert Scheer’s hero was Kim Il Sung. Scheer is just another Red Diaper Baby who aided and abetted (and perhaps was funded by) the most murderous regimes the world has ever seen.
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