I’m confused as to how much I should support the death penalty (let alone if I should support it at all). I believe that I’ve read the standard Church teaching is that the death penalty should only be used as last resort to protect society, but that it’s otherwise permissible for Catholics to support capital punishment within reasonable limits or to not support it at all. So, in relation to capital punishment, where does life for a life stand? Specifically I’m speaking about Genesis 9:6, where the death penalty is required for murder (and I distinguish this from the same command in Exodus, which would only be directed at the Israelites, while the command in Genesis is for all mankind). Christ told us to turn the other cheek and forgive, but he also said that not one stroke of a letter will disappear from the Law. So what is your opinion on this? Should we execute every person who has been proven guilty of murder, should we only do so if they are a danger to the community, or should capital punishment be abolished.