A little humor "In The News"

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A little humor I found “In the News” when I was reading last night. I think it is appropriate for the “In the News” forum–not only did it happen, this forum is where I have most my arguments and debates, and a little humor among us political rivals (rivals, never enemies) may be good for our souls. 🙂

Anyways, have you ever done anything really dumb? One church leader did. This church leader started an anti-drug program in his community, and coincidentally the headquarters was on “High Street” (that isn’t the humor, but it is ironic). They had an anti-drug seminar, and he sat on a panel answering questions to children and parents in the community. At the end of discussion, the panel had legal persmission to light up some pot and pass it around the room to the adults, serving the legitimate purpose of teaching them the odor so they could detect it around their kids.

Meanwhile, as the pot was being passed around the room and parents were learning the scent, the church leader was talking to a woman and her two sons, both sitting there looking at him admiringly, as he speaks to them about drugs. About that time, the pot got passed to him–his mind was so buried in the conversation that without thinking, he took a drag and passed it on, and continued preaching against drugs. Until he realized what he had just done…

Needless to say, he felt really DUMB.

I found it to be quite funny. 😉

Blessings to all!
How original is that…that is hilarious.
A little humor I found “In the News” when I was reading last night. I think it is appropriate for the “In the News” forum–not only did it happen, this forum is where I have most my arguments and debates, and a little humor among us political rivals (rivals, never enemies) may be good for our souls. 🙂

Anyways, have you ever done anything really dumb? One church leader did. This church leader started an anti-drug program in his community, and coincidentally the headquarters was on “High Street” (that isn’t the humor, but it is ironic). They had an anti-drug seminar, and he sat on a panel answering questions to children and parents in the community. At the end of discussion, the panel had legal persmission to light up some pot and pass it around the room to the adults, serving the legitimate purpose of teaching them the odor so they could detect it around their kids.

Meanwhile, as the pot was being passed around the room and parents were learning the scent, the church leader was talking to a woman and her two sons, both sitting there looking at him admiringly, as he speaks to them about drugs. About that time, the pot got passed to him–his mind was so buried in the conversation that without thinking, he took a drag and passed it on, and continued preaching against drugs. Until he realized what he had just done…

Needless to say, he felt really DUMB.

I found it to be quite funny. 😉

Blessings to all!
A little humor I found “In the News” when I was reading last night. I think it is appropriate for the “In the News” forum–not only did it happen, this forum is where I have most my arguments and debates, and a little humor among us political rivals (rivals, never enemies) may be good for our souls. 🙂

Anyways, have you ever done anything really dumb? One church leader did. This church leader started an anti-drug program in his community, and coincidentally the headquarters was on “High Street” (that isn’t the humor, but it is ironic). They had an anti-drug seminar, and he sat on a panel answering questions to children and parents in the community. At the end of discussion, the panel had legal persmission to light up some pot and pass it around the room to the adults, serving the legitimate purpose of teaching them the odor so they could detect it around their kids.

Meanwhile, as the pot was being passed around the room and parents were learning the scent, the church leader was talking to a woman and her two sons, both sitting there looking at him admiringly, as he speaks to them about drugs. About that time, the pot got passed to him–his mind was so buried in the conversation that without thinking, he took a drag and passed it on, and continued preaching against drugs. Until he realized what he had just done…

Needless to say, he felt really DUMB.

I found it to be quite funny. 😉

Blessings to all!
OMG. I’m sure he didn’t inhale.
Did he hold it in, or exhale immediately? Did he ask for a Twinkie or some pizza afterwards?
I don’t know. Sounds dubious to me. Anyone who takes a drag (or whatever you call it with pot) mindlessly, has done it on a regular basis. Or is that the point?
La Chiara:
I don’t know. Sounds dubious to me. Anyone who takes a drag (or whatever you call it with pot) mindlessly, has done it on a regular basis. Or is that the point?
Anyone in the habit of passing the spliff would take a drag without thinking about it.
Thank God he wasn’t showing them the smell of crack cocaine or heroin cooking. On the other hand if someone was passing around a shot of bourbon to smell I probably would had tossed it down without thinking. 😃
I’m a bit nieve and I am very allergic to smoke so I never chose to suround myself with anyone who did drugs or smoked just a plain cigarette. Then I got to college and there was a smell…and one of the girls was like someone must be smoking pot.
I almost died…my WHOLE town smells like that!!!
Thank God he wasn’t showing them the smell of crack cocaine or heroin cooking. On the other hand if someone was passing around a shot of bourbon to smell I probably would had tossed it down without thinking. 😃
Try not to when you attend a D.A.R.E meeting if it is offered at your childs school! It would drive the M.A.D! members crazy! 😃
I’m a member of D.A.M. Members Against Dyslexia
:rotfl: Now thats a new one!
I’m a bit nieve and I am very allergic to smoke so I never chose to suround myself with anyone who did drugs or smoked just a plain cigarette. Then I got to college and there was a smell…and one of the girls was like someone must be smoking pot.
I almost died…my WHOLE town smells like that!!!
Your not from Detroit are you?:eek:
I could see this happening with the priest, even if you once smoked cigarettes you would know what to do with a joint its habitual and an easy mistake to make, but as someone else posted it was a good thing they were not testing cocaine, LSD, or heroin.:bigyikes:
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