A Long Time Struggle

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Alright so this is a long time coming. Just over the past year I have come back to the faith and have been practicing for around 7 months. I’m 18, male, but have struggled with the same few mortal sins for the entire period. I do confessions weekly, mass multiple times a week, 10-20 minutes of prayer each day, yet cannot seem to shake it. I’ve spoken with priests but no real answer has shown itself. While I am entirely at fault, it often seems so difficult to remain pure in today’s society. Every fall, I always get back up and always will, no matter the guilt or shame. Any ideas or suggestions from those who have gone through this?

God Bless
Alright so this is a long time coming. Just over the past year I have come back to the faith and have been practicing for around 7 months. I’m 18, male, but have struggled with the same few mortal sins for the entire period. I do confessions weekly, mass multiple times a week, 10-20 minutes of prayer each day, yet cannot seem to shake it. I’ve spoken with priests but no real answer has shown itself. While I am entirely at fault, it often seems so difficult to remain pure in today’s society. Every fall, I always get back up and always will, no matter the guilt or shame. Any ideas or suggestions from those who have gone through this?
It’s possible you may have an emotional/etc problems

Perhaps you may have to see a medical doctor?
I must say i’ve never thought of that, but I wouldn’t say I have any medical problem that I know of.
I must say i’ve never thought of that, but I wouldn’t say I have any medical problem that I know of.
it’s not beyond what can happen. And if you did … you would not be in the best position to determine it.

Your situation is IMO highly unusual - to say the least…

For starters - you should return to a priest - and perhaps seek out a spiritual advisor - who’s most likely way more qualified than members on this list.

Also - Your very level of Faith comes into Question…

Hightly unusual? I’m sorry but almost every single guy I know struggles with the same sexual sins.
Hightly unusual? I’m sorry but almost every single guy I know struggles with the same sexual sins.
That’s not what’s unusual…

What’s unusual is - " I do confessions weekly, mass multiple times a week, 10-20 minutes of prayer each day, yet cannot seem to shake it. I’ve spoken with priests "
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umm i didnt know it was unusual to practice your faith
Errrrmmm - Changing my focus…?

What you say that you’ve been doing IS certainly not the norm for teenage boys w/that problem.
I fail to see how struggling with a sin, despite attempting to fight it, is highly unusual.

OP, I applaud you for acknowledging your struggle and taking steps to correct it. It may just be that this particular sin is going to take some time and persistence to overcome. Maybe do a Novena! And know that I am praying for you 🙂
Lou thank you I thought it may just be that, im gonna keep working at it
I am trying to defend you, lol. I do not think that your situation is “highly unusual,” as someone mentioned.
Any ideas or suggestions from those who have gone through this?
Use the search feature. There are hundreds of threads asking what you have asked. There are bound to be a few ideas in there for you.
If committing mortal sins frequently, then weekly confession is not unusual. Growing up weekly confession was the norm with the line for confession Saturday afternoons being long, and the confession of venial sins was probably more common then than now. (Yes, I know it isn’t necessary for venial sins, there are other ways for their forgiveness etc., and there are also Confessions of Devotion).


Identify the times when this occurs and change your routine at those times. During the day? Go and do something instead even if just go for a walk. Remember idle hands are the devils workshop.

At night? Pick up a Bible and read until it passes, or pick up a Rosary and pray this, even all 4 Mysteries if need be.

At home alone? Go out and join friends in activities. Take up a sport or running or go to a gym.

Try praying “Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now and protect me from these temptations” - repeatedly if necessary while removing yourself from where you are e.g. bedroom.

Keep busy.

And engage your will, that is don’t just rely on spiritual help to do all the work for you.

Change your viewing habits. Computer? - don’t visit those sites. Reduce computer time to only whats necessary. Magazines? Throw them out and do not buy more. Movies/DVDs - throw them out too and don’t buy more! I’m sure you get the idea.
Replace bad habits with good habits. Reject temptation as soon as it arrives, do not let it take hold. Go to adoration. Pray for the intercession of St Augustine, who overcame sexual sins.
Any ideas or suggestions from those who have gone through this?
Thank you @LouLouTyson for affirming and supporting Sarahbi!

Sometimes, the ideas are too generic. As you pray, reflect and speak to God, what was revealed to you? (Often, there may be some commonalities across all the failed attempts that led you to sinning. Perhaps, finding that major factor/struggle and working on make that small change first may help you in your journey of becoming more holy.)

Always remember that you are not alone! God is with you! Will pray for u!
How on earth is the OP’s situation highly unusual ?
Only in this sense… – I do confessions weekly, mass multiple times a week, 10-20 minutes of prayer each day, yet cannot seem to shake it. I’ve spoken with priests

Any ideas or suggestions from those who have gone through this?

of which I deemed is not the norm for teenage boys w/that problem;
that is, to actually go to that extent…

And of which I made a concrete suggestion:

For starters - you should return to a priest - and perhaps seek out a spiritual advisor
- who’s most likely way more qualified than members on this list.
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Sorry to say bud but it’s very usual. I’ve been told that by several priests and my doctor. It’s that age. Your hormones are going crazy.

What would I suggest? The rosary, asking St Joseph for help, talking with God honestly and openly about your struggles. And definitely see a priest.
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Sorry to say bud but it’s very usual
Don’t be sorry, and I’m not a bud . 🙂

You’re claiming that It’s very usual
that teenage boys who masturbate
go to Mass multiple times per week
and have spoken with multiple priests?

Maybe that’s so - yet I don’t buy it.

I still like my suggestion

return to a priest - and perhaps seek out a spiritual advisor
- who’s most likely way more qualified than members on this list
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