Okay, to take a “meta” view of that statement, we can say that by eating of the fruit, we also feel shame for “wanting to be like God”, for “opposing and disobeying”. That makes some sense, for sure, if that is what follows.
It’s more profound that that I think. They simply
were guilty-of acting outside of/not in accord with nature-and their sense of shame was the unavoidable consequence, because theIr
own natures attested to this anomaly. They
knew, without necessarily knowing how they knew, that they were guilty. Their guilt would remain until they, by another act of the will, as it was informed, had a change of heart and reversed their course, with God’s help, until they would
know better IOW. Only then could their innocence be regained.
Indeed, this also can follow with the tree representing rejection itself. They ate of rejection, and they self-rejected (felt shame). If we are ashamed of their action, or labeling it as “wrong”, are we also rejecting, or are we accepting, or is it neither?
Why would they do so though? In my understanding the essence of their sin could be seen as “pride”, placing themselves equal to or above their Creator. The desire to be like God, not at all a bad desire in itself, would be the motivating factor, but the idea that they could be like Him
without Him, that creation doesn’t
need their Creator, making themselves His equal, is essentially the sin of pride.
Another “meta” question: When we use the words “pride” and “self-righteousness”, do we do so with a sentiment of acceptance, or one of rejection? Are the terms merely expressions of objective observation, or do we judge our “pride” and “self-righteousness”? Not sure what you meant by the “extremes”, but I agree that rejection does lead to a lot of suffering and harm.
The extremes are shame and self-hatred on the one hand, and pride and self-righteousness on the other, both being two sides of the same coin IMO. Pride sets an inordinately high standard for who we should be, while shame hates itself for not living up to that standard. At least that’s the origin of shame IMO. In true innocence we aren’t trying to “measure up”. Anyway, both, shame and pride, cause huge problems in ourselves and our world.
In any case while I applaud the desire to understand the creation story and what it means for us better, and from a psychological standpoint perhaps, I’m not so sure your direction is right on. You seem to insist on making it all about a personal judgement call while it should be obvious in our world that pride and self-righteousness cause great deals of harm objectively speaking to ourselves and neighbor on a continuous basis. Pride and the self-righteousness it engenders is the basis for all wrong behavior, because it makes us the god of our motives; it compels and allows us to justify