A more charitable reading of the Adam and Eve story?

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It’s a historical event told in a mythological style. While Catholics can believe in evolution, they are bound to affirm the historicity of the story of the Fall
Evolution could not happen without God. If the Bible says that Adam was created from the dust of the ground, I take this to be true. I am then left with the feeling that the ToE is somewhat a myth.

As to the tree of knowledge, God would know that if we are tempted by something seemingly small, like eating the forbidden fruit, then this would lead to bigger and bigger injustice. The state of the world today confirms this.
There’s truth in that IMO. The ultimate rejection, the one that reportedly causes all the other separation and alienation, even from and within ourselves, is the rejection of God, as God, by wanting to be God themselves. By wanting to be “like God”, but by opposing and disobeying His superior authority, His godliness, they simultaneously rejected their “creaturely status” as the catechism teaches, and shame entered their world.
Okay, to take a “meta” view of that statement, we can say that by eating of the fruit, we also feel shame for “wanting to be like God”, for “opposing and disobeying”. That makes some sense, for sure, if that is what follows.
They no longer accepted themselves, they hid behind clothes as a sort of awkward attempt to cover their shame, their “ungodliness”. Their shame, that we all carry with us to this day, was wrong ; their innocence had been lost where previously they didn’t even know they were naked.
Indeed, this also can follow with the tree representing rejection itself. They ate of rejection, and they self-rejected (felt shame). If we are ashamed of their action, or labeling it as “wrong”, are we also rejecting, or are we accepting, or is it neither?
I don’t know that evil is just an illusion that comes from identifying something as such, however, as if evil is caused by a being with free will rejecting a good of creation. But maybe. They had, in a way, identified themselves/their bodies as evil-and shame and self-hatred resulted, after their counterparts, pride and self-righteousness- first asserted themselves. This is the paradox of human nature and both extremes certainly cause gobs of ugliness in our world, and both, incidentally, come from rejecting/not accepting ourselves for who we truly are. Humility brings us back around to sanity but it’s a fairly rare commodity to the extent that we desperately need it IMO.
Another “meta” question: When we use the words “pride” and “self-righteousness”, do we do so with a sentiment of acceptance, or one of rejection? Are the terms merely expressions of objective observation, or do we judge our “pride” and “self-righteousness”? Not sure what you meant by the “extremes”, but I agree that rejection does lead to a lot of suffering and harm.
Humility brings us back around to sanity but it’s a fairly rare commodity to the extent that we desperately need it IMO. I think the acceptance of a Superior, of God, is the final answer. That’s what Jesus came to accomplish, true reconciliation between man and God.
I definitely see Jesus’ mission in this also.
Adam and Eve had free will since day one…

This is why the devil (serpent) had to tempt and trick Eve in order to make her, by her own will, take the fruit and convince Adam, by his own will, to do the same.
So, if the tree itself represents human capacity for rejection, what does the serpent represent?
The Catechism states, “The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man.
So what do you think of the idea of the tree representing rejection itself?
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I really don’t see how people can miss that eating from the “Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” refers to man being given a conscience. When you think about it you realize that it is the conscience which truly separates us from all other animals and is also responsible for ALL of the achievements and innovations done by man because it creates in us the desire for a greater good than what we have, and of course, the desire for the greatest good which is God. It is the conscience which truly makes us human.
I think you have a very good point there, and I come to favor this reading. However, I am thinking that if the tree represents capacity to reject, rejection itself, then we can look at the many standard interpretations of the story more charitably.

For example, the problem with the “conscience” symbolism is that it makes one wonder why God would forbid man from eating it. On the other hand, God could certainly warn against rejection itself, which is an aspect of the conscience, but does lead to problems that can be avoided. For an example of avoiding rejection as a motivator, we can be solely motivated by compassion, love, will to do mercy, etc. which I think was reflected in other posts on this thread.

Do you see that when we reject, the “garden” loses something, that the world is no longer a paradise, from a personal perspective?
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First of all, God, not men, gave them one command and through the serpent, the devil, a literal being, enticed Eve by telling her that, while knowing who God is, to ignore His command. I see no symbolism here at all. Man and God knew each other.
It’s not like that at all. Catholics are not taught symbolism here. Not about Original Sin.
First of all, God, not men, gave them one command and through the serpent, the devil, a literal being, enticed Eve by telling her that, while knowing who God is, to ignore His command. I see no symbolism here at all. Man and God knew each other.
On the contrary, Augustine proves (De Lib. Arb. i, 11) that “nothing else than his own will makes man’s mind the slave of his desire.” Now man does not become a slave to his desires, except through sin. Therefore the cause of sin cannot be the devil, but man’s own will alone.

So, since man’s will alone is the cause, does the serpent represent the notion that something which appears to be good is good (even though it causes suffering)? Once it appears good, man becomes a slave to his desires.
For example, the problem with the “conscience” symbolism is that it makes one wonder why God would forbid man from eating it. On the other hand, God could certainly warn against rejection itself, which is an aspect of the conscience, but does lead to problems that can be avoided. For an example of avoiding rejection as a motivator, we can be solely motivated by compassion, love, will to do mercy, etc. which I think was reflected in other posts on this thread.
First off not everything in the Old Testament is historical. In the Pentateuch extremely few things are especially when compared to our modern sense of history. Many Jewish scholars even doubt if Abraham was an actual historical figure.

Secondly, the Adam and Eve story is far older than the version in Genesis. It is found in many different cultures in different forms throughout the region and beyond. The Genesis version seems to be like a play or dramatic story. It has numerous dramatic elements which enhance the story… their names, the perfect garden where all their wants weremet, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil right in the center with tempting fruit, the serpent, their being driven from the garden… there are others as well. Each of these have other symbolic meanings. If the story were written today people reading it would see those elements as literary devices to enhance the story. I think the same holds true for the very first people who heard the Genesis version. As I said I think that even they would not have believed that a serpent actually spoke to Eve, but as a literary device with the serpent representing evil it makes perfect sense.

Considered from an evolutionary development point of view I do not think the story loses anything. In fact its meaning is enhanced. There was first fully human man and a first fully human female from who all of us are descended. They didn’t necessarily live in the same place or even at the same time, but they did exist. It was through the first man that sin entered the world. The defining point of becoming a true human was when God gave him a human soul rather than the animal soul which his parents had. And with the human soul came a conscience through which he could judge good and evil. It is only then, with knowledge that he is doing something wrong, that he could and did sin. In my thinking we did not inherit his sin or a stain of sin but rather his ability to commit sin.

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The “garden” can be viewed as a false paradise where animal pre-humans never thought about the cares of the world. Like other animals they lived their life by the status quo, whatever that was at the given moment. They had no drive to find something better to build or change their environment, those drives only came with the conscience which created the search for the greater good. Pain, suffering, toil, death, the “punishments” in the A&E story were things they never took into consideration. If they were in pain, that became the new status quo and they lived with it. They became realizations when they were given a conscience and knew that there could be something better than them.

But whether “Adam” was a “created human” or a product of evolutionary development who was given a human soul and conscience by God they both still would have been God’s creation who did have the capacity to sin.
That’s not accurate. Romans 5:12:

New International Version
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned–

New Living Translation
When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.

English Standard Version
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—
Okay, to take a “meta” view of that statement, we can say that by eating of the fruit, we also feel shame for “wanting to be like God”, for “opposing and disobeying”. That makes some sense, for sure, if that is what follows.
It’s more profound that that I think. They simply were guilty-of acting outside of/not in accord with nature-and their sense of shame was the unavoidable consequence, because theIr own natures attested to this anomaly. They knew, without necessarily knowing how they knew, that they were guilty. Their guilt would remain until they, by another act of the will, as it was informed, had a change of heart and reversed their course, with God’s help, until they would know better IOW. Only then could their innocence be regained.
Indeed, this also can follow with the tree representing rejection itself. They ate of rejection, and they self-rejected (felt shame). If we are ashamed of their action, or labeling it as “wrong”, are we also rejecting, or are we accepting, or is it neither?
Why would they do so though? In my understanding the essence of their sin could be seen as “pride”, placing themselves equal to or above their Creator. The desire to be like God, not at all a bad desire in itself, would be the motivating factor, but the idea that they could be like Him without Him, that creation doesn’t need their Creator, making themselves His equal, is essentially the sin of pride.
Another “meta” question: When we use the words “pride” and “self-righteousness”, do we do so with a sentiment of acceptance, or one of rejection? Are the terms merely expressions of objective observation, or do we judge our “pride” and “self-righteousness”? Not sure what you meant by the “extremes”, but I agree that rejection does lead to a lot of suffering and harm.
The extremes are shame and self-hatred on the one hand, and pride and self-righteousness on the other, both being two sides of the same coin IMO. Pride sets an inordinately high standard for who we should be, while shame hates itself for not living up to that standard. At least that’s the origin of shame IMO. In true innocence we aren’t trying to “measure up”. Anyway, both, shame and pride, cause huge problems in ourselves and our world.

In any case while I applaud the desire to understand the creation story and what it means for us better, and from a psychological standpoint perhaps, I’m not so sure your direction is right on. You seem to insist on making it all about a personal judgement call while it should be obvious in our world that pride and self-righteousness cause great deals of harm objectively speaking to ourselves and neighbor on a continuous basis. Pride and the self-righteousness it engenders is the basis for all wrong behavior, because it makes us the god of our motives; it compels and allows us to justify anything.
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Unfortunately, too many people reject the concepts of pride and guilt. I saw the following on a forum where I am a moderator: “I never want to feel guilty or ashamed or sinful ever again.”
Admittedly some of what I said is speculation based on logic. The first truly human being as opposed to a pre-human animal is logically that one had a human soul the other did not. I do not think that the lemur-like creature that we may have evolved from had a human soul, so God had to give us one somewhere along the line. I am speculating that we received our conscience from Him at the same time, but it makes sense. I do see the conscience as a God given gift to guide us through the evil of the world.

The older Adam & Eve stories from different cultures is true… some even calling them variations of Adam and Eve. The different genres that are in Genesis most certainly is is true, Genesis 1 was most likely a poem or a song, Genesis 2+ was a story or a play. These were ORAL stories told around tribal campfires at night for entertainment and education of the young. It is natural to assume that different tribes would have different ways of telling the stories.

There has been identified at least four different oral traditions that were combined to form the Pentateuch. They were the “Priestly” source, the “Yahwehistic” source, the “Elohistic” source and the “I forget the name of it” source. They can be identified by the Hebrew word used for “God”. I may have been in error previously when I said it was the Priestly source which was responsible for Genesis 1… it may have been the Elohistic source. In Hebrew God is called “Elohim” translated to English simply as “God”. Genesis 2:4+ is from the Yahwehistic source. In Hebrew God is “YHWH” or “Yahweh”. In English this name is translated as “Lord God”, “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”. Jews were not allowed to say the sacred name of God for which “Yahweh” is the substitute, and that is “I AM WHO AM” or “I AM”. It was when Jesus said “I am” to the Sanhedrin that they tore their garment at what they thought was blasphemy"

In the Old Testament these traditions were crudely put together giving rise to contradictions that are sometimes almost right next to one another. The order of creation in Genesis 1 is completely different from than in Genesis 2. But the truth of the Bible is not found in its trivia but rather in the message the stories were meant to convey…
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It is equally impermissible to dismiss the story of Adam and Eve and the fall (Gen. 2–3) as a fiction. A question often raised in this context is whether the human race descended from an original pair of two human beings (a teaching known as monogenism) or a pool of early human couples (a teaching known as polygenism).
I do not dispute that. There were two first human beings who somewhere along the evolutionary line were given a human soul AND a conscience as a guide. The were the sources of sin entering the world. A pre-human animal-like creature without a human soul or a conscience cannot sin because there was no intent to do something which they knew was wrong. The first true humans with a human soul and a conscience did have the ability to choose to do evil over good. Whatever the first sin was, it was through them that sin entered the world.

Even with a literal look at the the A&E story it seems that their eating from the forbidden fruit and disobeying God was not the first sin because they did so without knowledge that doing so was an evil. In the story Adam’s first sin was trying to blame Eve rather than taking responsibility for his actions and Eve in the same way tried to blame the serpent.

My point is that no matter what the first sin was or whether the actual name of the first human was “Og” or “Adam” it was through our first parents that sin entered the world whether their arrival was through a special creation of God or an evolutionary development in which God gave them the special gift of a human soul and a conscience.
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No, that’s not accurate. I had Religion Class in Catholic School and Catholic Answers has good resources. There is no evidence of souls, so the science on that does not exist. I’ve seen an illustration of the lemur-like creature we supposedly evolved from, which makes no sense. Interpreting the Bible in the way you are proposing ignores a number of encyclicals and the fact God, not evolution, gave Adam and Eve gifts that no human alive today possesses. Those gifts were lost the moment they committed Original Sin. The nature of the world itself changed.

It is a mistake to add any other Adam and Eve type stories. This is about interpreting Scripture which the Church has been given the responsibility to do. Posting maybe this or maybe that on internet forums is not authoritative. It doesn’t change what the Church tells us.

" Genesis does not contain purified myths ." Pontifical Biblical Commission , 1909.
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The Church calls them preternatural gifts:
impassibility (freedom from pain)
immortality (freedom from death)
integrity (freedom from concupiscence, or disordered
infused knowledge (freedom from ignorance in matters
essential for happiness)
“From an anthropological point of view, the difference between these two positions is critical. If the social-Darwinism account is true, then immorality is a product of our immaturity as a species, an atavistic remnant of our bestial ancestry. Salvation, according to this hypothesis, is just a matter of time: Humanity will grow steadily better under the guidance of natural selection, and the only way to accelerate the process is through the deliberate eugenic manipulation of the genome. If, on the other hand, man began life in a state of grace and fell to his present stature, then salvation becomes a work of restoration.”

Source: Catholic Answers
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I had Religion Class in Catholic School
That’s great! I may have taught that class.
There is no evidence of souls, so the science on that does not exist.
I never even alluded to that one.
I’ve seen an illustration of the lemur-like creature we supposedly evolved from, which makes no sense.
Whether or no you think it makes no sense to you doesn’t mean it cannot be true. To be honest it seems more likely to me that we evolved from a sea creature. If you look between your fingers and toes, at the base, you will see that we still have the remnants of webbing.
Interpreting the Bible in the way you are proposing ignores a number of encyclicals and the fact God, not evolution, gave Adam and Eve gifts that no human alive today possesses.
From “Humani Genris”:
36. For these reasons the **Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.**

I cannot figure out how what I said conflicts with that.

Science can ONLY tell us about the physical universe. But trying to use theology or the Bible to say what is true science is absurd. The absolute fact is that any time a scientist has made a theological pronouncement base on science OR a theologian has made a scientific pronouncement based on theology they have BOTH sounded like fools. And the Church has done that on a number of occasions in the past. If you hold that God created the universe (in whichever way HE chose, not the way we think He chose) then it logically follows that He also created the science by which the universe runs. TRUE science then is another source of God’s revelation to man where the issue concerns the physical universe.

While the jury is still out on a lot of things concerning evolution it still has a lot of scientific evidence to support it as well. With Divine guidance it may indeed be the likely answer to the question of development…
Edwest it is tough to figure out you are responding to unless you click the “reply” in that window.
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