Sin is a matter of will not feeling. So do you mean by rejecting an act of will, but done in an emotionally way? I do not see how being done emotionally would be a necessary condition.
This seems like a really good question for the proposal!
As I see it, the thought is that sin – which as you say has got to be a matter of
will – is driven by rejecting God’s creation in an emotional way. I find that pretty plausible, to be honest, insofar as our emotions seem to come packaged with evaluative commitments – anger and anxiety say something like ‘this is bad!’, for instance – and the will basically involves either consenting or not consenting to those implicit values.
So I think the claim
is that this kind of emotional rejection is a necessary condition (but not at all a sufficient condition, of course!) for sin, if only a necessary condition in the causal sense that we wouldn’t be
motivated to sin if we didn’t see God’s creation as worthy of rejection in this emotional way.
That does sound like an extremely hard-to-defend claim. But it has some striking connections to the catechism’s take on sin:
Sin is […] a failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods […]. Sin sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it [results from] the will to become ‘like gods,’ knowing and determining good and evil. (1849-1850)
The root of all sins lies in man’s heart. (1873)
Sin involves ‘turning our hearts’ away from God, and is caused by a ‘perverse
attachment’, both of which sound emotional and involve a kind of rejection. More directly, given that sin involves
knowing on some level that we’re going against God, we would need some countervailing evaluative pressure away from the natural
appreciation of the things God wills. And ‘rejection in an emotional way’ would seem to fit the bill. Maybe it’s even
uniquely suited to play that role.
Because without that knowledge, anything we did that looked sinful wouldn’t be (right?), and with that knowledge we would need to decide what that knowledge represents as valuable is in fact not.