Bahaman, of all of your posts…
Stop… seriously, just stop. These are getting more and more illogical with each passing day.
You haven’t even tried to form a coherent position with this one… your opening statement alone is simply asserted, with no supporting evidence, logical rational, or even existing notion from which it is derived… It’s just a BS statement you pulled out of your hat…
You cannot develop a whole new philosophical theorem overnight. You cannot disprove multiple-thousand years of philosophical, historical, and theological study and reflection with some crackpot notion you cooked up in half a minute.
As I have told you countless times, instead of trying to refute things you, clearly, do not understand; why don’t you spend some of the time you’re wasting here (because, since you never listen to us anyways, this is ultimately a waste of time for you and for us) actually doing philosophy readings and study. St. Thomas Aquinas has already given more than adequate answer to most of the… “points”… you repeated try to make. There have been plenty of books that bring Aquinas’s readings into the realm of everyone who doesn’t have degrees in philosophy and theology (i.e. pretty much everyone…), and you would benefit immeasurably if you would recognize that maybe you just don’t know enough yet to be forming deep, philosophical positions on the nature and reality of God.
I’m not trying to be mean, but seriously, you make one of these a day; sometimes I’ve seen two or three. This is not how you learn things and this is not how you develop as a person; this is how you waste time and, frankly, make yourself look childish and immature. I really want you to be a good debater, but you’re constantly moving in the wrong direction… You need to truly study, and recognize that many, many people have already addressed your “theories” far more eloquently than you or I could ever hope to.