It needs. How God could know what the current time is when all states of creation are present to him. There should be something, what I call reference point, which differs the state in current time from others.
If my excessive font manipulation doesn’t get the point across, allow me to continue. God doesn’t need to know what time it is because time is inconsequential to Him. He knows the way
we understand time at any given point of His eternal Now because He is omnipotent, and all knowledge is within Him. Something which contains all things does not require something external to itself to know something; if it did then it would no longer be omniscient.
You claim to have studied these subjects in depth, but the childishness of you tiresome, repetitious posts betrays the fact that you have either studied them very cursory, like a college student who takes psych 101 and fancies himself a great know-er of the inner workings of humanity; or you are literally a child who has found his father’s philosophy book and is trying to make sense of it.
You make the same statements over and over and over again, trying different combinations of letters and words to try to prove your “point,” which has already been so thoroughly shredded as to be considered confetti. You
never listen to us; in all of your fifty plus topics on this and that subject, I don’t believe you’ve ever admitted when you were wrong, regardless of how completely your argument has been laid waste. You are a man screaming into a crowd, and then covering your ears and closing your eyes when the crowd screams back. You are not seeking knowledge, you are not seeking learning, you are not even seeking debate. You are just looking for a place to grandstand and make yourself feel intelligent.
For the past year or more, I, Bookcat, and others have tried to engage you in respectful, complete dialogue; and tried to help you understand where your notions are flawed so that you can grow as a person, as a debater, and as a philosopher. We have offered suggestions about better ways to present your arguments and pointed out when you are making irrational statements or committing logical fallacies, not to make you feel stupid, but to help you
be better. You, in turn, have never once responded to our posts in a rational way. You rarely respond to what we actually say, and when you
do respond, you do little more than restate the position which had just been attacked as though restating it was sufficient to reaffirm its correctness. Your non-sequiturs and strawmen arguments are the stuff of legends, and your premises and conclusions are the stuff of nightmares; not because they bring about any fundamental dilemma to your opponents, but rather because they are so thoroughly irrational that we cannot comprehend how it is possible that you hold those positions to be true.
I recognize that this post has been harsh, but I do not believe it to be unduly so. We, all of us who engage you, desire for you to grow as a person. We want you to learn, and we want you to develop. We hope for you to learn logical reasoning and rational deduction, because it is through these things that many of us came to know God; a state which we genuinely desire for you. However, no matter how much we may desire these things for you, if you do not desire them for yourself; if you do not desire true knowledge and ability, then we are wasting our time.
I wish you well Bahaman, but I cannot do this dance any more. Feel free to respond if you desire, but I won’t be opening this thread again, so I won’t see it.