A practicing Catholic - what is it?

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In this day and age, when there is no longer much or any social stigma attached to not going to church, and when the priest is not going to be seeking out your house and giving you a stern talking-to if you don’t go, it is highly unlikely that someone making a concerted effort to “check all the boxes” is not truly living their Catholic faith.
There are pro abortion politions who claim to be practising Catholics. I know at least some attend Mass.

So no, checking the boxes is not enough if you are not sincerly trying to live the faith.
There are pro abortion politions who claim to be practising Catholics. I know at least some attend Mass.

So no, checking the boxes is not enough if you are not sincerly trying to live the faith.
Are the majority of church-goers you know “pro-abortion politicians”?
When I look around at the people attending Mass at my parish church on a Sunday, I don’t see a whole roomful of hypocrites who are going to be on TV advocating abortion tomorrow. There is only one parish where I attend that has a “pro abortion politician” as an occasional church goer.

Yes, hypocrites exist, but in my experience, they are the exception rather than the rule.
And we’re talking about “in general”, not some specific case of a particular handful of people who flout the rules.

I’m muting this thread now because like I said, I’m sick of this idea that everybody who goes to church on Sunday is probably a hypocrite unless they’re out there doing all kinds of other activism or joining orders or otherwise showing proof of what an awesome Catholic they are. It’s a judgmental attitude that I remember very well from the 1960s and I think it’s best left back there.
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I’m muting this thread now because like I said, I’m sick of this idea that everybody who goes to church on Sunday is probably a hypocrite
I don’t mean to imply that everyone is a hypocrite. But I do stand by my statement that if you are not living the teachings of the Church outside of Mass then, imo, you should not describe yourself as a practising Catholic.
I think that a practicing Catholic is a Catholic who sincerely and faithfully lives out his/her Faith everyday, the best they know how as a lot of things in this world will fight against that Faith; with Faith, hope, charity; doing what Jesus taught us to do. In the hopes of hearing God’s mercy in the words: “ Enter, good and faithful servant. “

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