You are missing the point. You are using your power of reason to reach the conclusion that explanations exist could arise without explanation - like using a ladder to prove there is no ladder! If there is no explanation of the power of reason there is no rational basis **at all **for any explanation.If there is no explanation there is no rational basis for explanations! Everything is unreasonable.
to believe anything whatsoever. Scepticism is self-destructive… and self-contradictory…If you reject the principle of sufficient reason there is no reason
This is false. The negation of the PSR is not “nothing has an explanation” it is “some things don’t have explanations.” There does not seem to me to be any immediate contradiction in thinking that a framework in which explanations exist could arise without explanation. You’ll need to offer more than a simple assertion, especially if your goal is a formal proof.
Your dogmatism is unjustified. How do you **know for certain **“some things don’t have explanations” ? It is an assumption without a rational foundation which is unscientific given that science is based on the search for explanations. According to you we should give up the search for explanations because they may not exist! You are the one who needs to offer more than a simple assertion. Do you base all your conclusions on the **possibility **that everything is absurd?