A Prophecy

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Christine Gallaher is probably Irelands most famous mystic. This is her latest prophecy:

Message concerning events that will befall Europe and the World

Early on Monday, February 21, 2005 Christina was made aware of events which will befall Europe and the world. She related as follows.

"Floods will increase all over Europe and throughout the world, leading to a deluge. The sea will gradually rise and come in over the land. This will happen both in Europe and around the world. When the sea levels rise and encroach upon the land they will do so permanently: they will not recede. Heavy rainstorms, hail, gale-storms and tornadoes will increase to terrific levels in areas accustomed to such storms but they will also begin to happen in regions where they do not normally occur. All extremes of weather change will occur not only within all months but even in any one day as the seasons enter total turmoil. In Europe many mudslides will take place, in ever-increasing numbers. Earthquakes will occur not only in areas accustomed to earthquakes but in new areas not normally affected. There will be another tsunami-type wave which will come over Ireland and a number of different countries throughout the world. In the United States a major horrific earthquake with a number of offshoots will lead to widespread devastation.

All the weather abnormalities will go on increasing and will culminate in fire coming from the sky.

I find it difficult to contradict the scientists who try to explain the weather changes in terms of global warming. Yes their theory is correct in accounting for a small proportion of what will take place but if global warming were to instantly cease that would not offset what is approaching the world. I do know this with the same certainty as when I was twice shown the tsunami in the Indian Ocean beginning in 1992 and which I published the same year. I know this with the same certainty as when I publicly stated the collapse of the twin towers on 11 September 1999 - two years to the exact date before they were destroyed. The fullness of what is imminent can be explained only as the hand of God coming on the earth in justice and all will see this being proven. I know there are those who will laugh and be dismissive but that laughter will be turned to tears and they will realise that it is the parable of the wise and foolish virgins all over again. There is only one weapon which is prayer and the sacramentals Our Blessed Lady requested us to use for our protection.

I wish I were not the bearer of all this but I know the time has arrived when it must be given, irrespective of how it will be received. I will not publicly repeat this again. Only the wise will be able to see the truth and the foolish will not listen until it is too late."

The following message was given to Christina on February 22, 2005;

"The blood of the martyrs cries out to God to purify the earth.

The blood of the innocents, the aborted babies, cries out to God to stop this abomination. (Christina could experience a sea of blood.)

Mothers have become accustomed to abortion, as if it is accepted as a contraception method.

**"The three sins that afflict the Heart of Jesus’ is now fulfilled and is on-going throughout the world. **

**(This refers to a message given to Christina by Our Lady on December 28, 1992 when she said, **

"The three sins which grieve My Son’s Heart most at this time are:

Abortion, the killing of the innocents,
the sacrificing of the innocents to Satan,
and the immoral abuse of the innocents.")

There will be an epidemic throughout the world with a germ which is bred through AIDS. Many innocent people will catch it and die.

There will be a virus-type plague which will kill many people throughout the world.

(This clearly relates to the early message of Our Lady to Christina about the purification of the world in which She said there would be more diseases than there would be names for.)

The worlds’ inhabitants are now prepared for the antichrist. The world is steeped in all kinds of evil crafts and evil possessions. There is much pain in the Hearts of Jesus and His Mother Mary as they look upon the life of Jesus in humanity being trampled upon daily. There is so much sin and blindness in the world that the majority have accepted these evils as normal".

**Jesus then spoke to Christina, **

"My little victim, I need you to stand firm and have no fear, I am with you and I will bring down justice on all who have been your tormentors. My Mother’s pleas were unheard by those who have ears to hear.

Has the Bishop given his approval of these apparitions?Are they under investigation?I can not comment on them if I do not know whether they have been condemned.We have to listen to the Church in these matters.God Bless and I will check back on your response.🙂

“Christine Gallaher is probably Irelands most famous mystic. This is her latest prophecy:”

What is the Catholic Church’s position on Christine Gallaher?

God Bless!
I live in Ireland and I have to say much of Ms Gallaghers antics are very much frowned on. The Bishop of her Diocese has removed the Blessed Sacrament from the House of Prayer and Mass cannot be said there.
I would advise much caution.
I live in Ireland and I have to say much of Ms Gallaghers antics are very much frowned on. The Bishop of her Diocese has removed the Blessed Sacrament from the House of Prayer and Mass cannot be said there.
I would advise much caution.
Thankyou Fergal,I appreciate the information,if it is Gods doing then it will be approved pending investigation,if it isn’t we should pray for her and leave it at that.God Bless
On December 16th 1997 Archbishop issued a letter on the events surrounding The House of Prayer. He could not find evidence beyond reasonable doubt as to any supernatural cause for the phonomena but acknowledged that he could not question the integrity, good will, sincerity of spiritual devotion or orthodoxy of faith either in Christina or the calloborators in the work of The House of Prayer. He stated that there appears to be a great deal in the same work which is wholesome and good and which has been a force ofor good in the faith, prayer and lives of many people who have, in whatever manner, been associated or otherwise in contact with it. He stressed the need for the House of Prayer to be incorporated into the life of the Parish in Achill and closed by saying:

“While the Church is obliged to exercise the greatest caution in approving such works it cannot ignore the possibilities presented by the dynamism which has characterised this particular one so far. I believe it sjows genuine poitential for growth and for making a valuable contribution to the life of the Church. In this regard I look forward to working closely with the members of the Association as they integrate their dedicated approach with that of the Parish of Achill and of the Archdiocese of Tuam in general” The letter was then signed +Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam and dated 16/12/1997

Hello Padraig, well I’ve read the messages before, and she seems to be on the button, but Christina is still under investigation by the Church.

To the best of my knowledge she has been obedient to the Bishop, and I have met her on three or four occasions.

Iv’e also read this latest message from another source, but Fergal is right, we should be cautious, and will leave it to the Church to give it’s approval.


For those that click on the above link, just to clarify, the picture of the little building at the bottom, is the house of prayer, an old ex-convent that has been refurbished.
If you could look 180 to the left, you would see a Catholic Church.
I don’t know if I believe her prophesy or not. But one item in it reminded me of a story about St. Patrick. He loved the Irish so much, that he asked the Lord if the island could be wiped out before the final chastizement. Then they could be spared that particular suffering. Weather this story is true or not I don’t know. But it would be consistent with Christina’s prophesy.
Mary's Lamb:
I don’t know if I believe her prophesy or not. But one item in it reminded me of a story about St. Patrick. He loved the Irish so much, that he asked the Lord if the island could be wiped out before the final chastizement. Then they could be spared that particular suffering. Weather this story is true or not I don’t know. But it would be consistent with Christina’s prophesy.
Hello Mary’s Lamb,

Can you say some more about that?

How Saint Patrick Spent Lent in the Year 439 AD
               St. Patrick on The Reek and the Angel Victor 
               His Triumph over the Devil's Demon Birds

(Adapted from the "Tripartite Life")
On the summit of the Reek (Croaghpatrick) the Tripartite life tells us that Patrick wrestled with an Angel who appeared to him to tell him that God will not grant him all that he asks because his demands are both excessive and obstinate.

“Is that God’s pleasure?” asks Patrick. The Angel confirms that it is. To this comes Patrick’s surprising reply: “Then my pleasure is that I shall not leave this reek until I am dead or until all my requests are granted.”

Disheartened, Patrick remains on Croaghpatrick from Shrove Saturday to Easter Saturday, abstaining from both food and drink. As to Moses, God speaks to Patrick out of a fire.

At the end of forty days and nights a vast swarm of blackbirds covers the place where Patrick is, so that he cannot see. The birds do not leave even when Patrick sings maledictory psalms at them; growing angrier, he strikes his bell loudly, flings it at the birds and so breaks it. Patrick weeps copiously, his tears soak the front of his chasuble. An Angel comes to console him and dries his chasuble.

White birds come to fly around them singing sweetly, and the Angel promises Patrick the sea and the land as far as his eye can see. Patrick asks, “Is there nothing else that He grants me besides this?” The Angel tells him that he may have seven souls saved from hell on every Saturday until Doomsday. Patrick replies that if God is going to give him anything, let Him give twelve souls. “Thou shalt have them, but get thee gone from the reek,” says the Angel.

Patrick refuses to go, saying that as he has been tormented he will not go until he is satisfied, and asks what else God will give him. The Angel promises the rescue from Hell of seven souls every Thursday in addition to the twelve already promised every Saturday, if Patrick will leave the reek. Patrick refuses again in the same terms. He asks what else he can have.

to be continued…

The reason the Angel wishes Patrick to leave the reek is for him to get on with the pressing work of converting Ireland to Christ.]

Should I be worthy, I am prepared to give even my life
without hesitation and most gladly for His name,
and it is in Ireland that I wish to spend it until I die,
if the Lord would grant it to me
~ St Patrick**
(continuing with the “Tripartite Life”)

…Patrick again refuses to leave the reek in the same terms; he
asks what else he can have. The Angel reveals that a great sea is to flood over Ireland seven years before the Judgement, and again asks Patrick to be gone from the reek. Again Patrick refuses. “Is there aught else thou wouldst demand?” the Angel asks him. “There is,” says Patrick, “that the Saxons should not dwell in Ireland by consent or by force as long as I abide in Heaven.”

The Angel also promises exemption from pain and torture to all who sing Patrick’s hymn from one watch to another. When Patrick complains that the hymn is long and difficult, the Angel emends the requirement to singing the hymn from ‘Christus illum’ to the end only, and adds that anyone who gives anything in Patrick’s name, and all who make penitence in Ireland, shall escape Hell.

Yet again, the Angel tells Patrick to leave the reek and get on with his missionary work, and yet again Patrick refuses.

to be continued…

Should I be worthy, I am prepared to give even my life
without hesitation and most gladly for His name,
and it is in Ireland that I wish to spend it until I die,
if the Lord would grant it to me
~ St Patrick**
continuing with the “Tripartite Life”

…Yet again, the Angel tells Patrick to leave the reek and get on with his missionary work, and yet again Patrick refuses. The Angel promises Patrick the rescue on Doomsday, of one soul for every hair on his chasuble. Still Patrick refuses to obey the Angel’s injunction to leave the reek, remarking that he will not accept this blessing, as any one of the saints who labour for God could expect to bring so many souls unto Heaven.

The Angel asks Patrick what he will accept. "That is not hard to say, " Patrick replies, “seven persons out of Hell on Doomsday for every hair on my chasuble.” The Angel, not yet fully exasperated, grants this, and for the sixth time tells Patrick to leave the reek.

When Patrick refuses this time the Angel threatens him with force, but Patrick boldly answers that even though the High King of the Seven Heavens should come, he will not leave until he is fully satisfied, so the Angel asks him what else he wants.

Patrick asks that on the Day of Judgement he, himself, should judge the people of Ireland. The Angel tell him that assuredly that blessing cannot be obtained from the Lord. “Unless it is got from Him,” Patrick says to the Angel, " there is no leaving the reek before Doomsday."

The Angel goes back to Heaven. Patrick celebrates the Offering
(Eucharist.) The Angel returns at the ninth hour to relay to Patrick
God’s message. It is that, after the twelve Apostles, there would be no man more admirable than he, were it not for his obstinacy, but that nevertheless he may have what he asked for. Patrick is to strike his bell; the people of Ireland living and dead will be consecrated to him, at which Patrick exclaims,
    "Blessed be the bountiful King who has
    bestowed this;  now shall there be a
    departure from the reek."

     The End, and Glory be to our God!

Should I be worthy, I am prepared to give even my life
without hesitation and most gladly for His name,
and it is in Ireland that I wish to spend it until I die,
if the Lord would grant it to me
~ St Patrick**
Hello Father Ambrose what do you think about the Prophecy of Christina and St.Patrick?God Bless
Hello Father Ambrose what do you think about the Prophecy of Christina and St.Patrick?God Bless
Dear Lisa,

I am Orthodox and so I have to admit that I know next to nothing about Christine Gallaher.
Fr Ambrose:
Dear Lisa,

I am Orthodox and so I have to admit that I know next to nothing about Christine Gallaher.
Well about St.Patrick do you think it is similar?I guess she could have read it if it is.I know we are supposed to live every day as if it could be our last,Jesus did give us clues about recognising the signs of the times,although we don’t know the day or the hour,I am am sure the Lord give revelations if it is within His will to do so,wouldn’t the purpose be to straighten up and fly right as it were?Father I know your Orthodox but I have been taught your sacraments are valid ect.So is your ordination so I am asking you as a Priest,the purpose of the Prophecy’s if authentic a warning,or exhortation to do right?God Bless
Hi Fr Ambrose,
You have convinced me that St Padraig really WAS Irish as only an Irish man would stand and argue with an angel!😉
I have a kinda vision here myself;
Mary is sitting nursing baby Jesus. Joseph rushed in and says, ‘We gotte get outta here and fly to Egypt!’
Mary starts and says, "Why Joe whats up?’
Joe bustles forward, ‘Herod’s gonna kill us, that’s whats up!’
Mary looks wide eyed, ‘But how do you know this, Joe!’
‘Why Mary an angel came and told me so!’
Mary shakes her head gently.‘No Joe we ain’t going nowhere till the Temple authorities confirm this and I get you ckecked out by a team of head shrinkers!’.
Now Padraig,

What about the letter released by the present Archbishop Neary in 1998? I will present it here for the information of others.

8 July 1998 The Archbishop of Tuam Dr. Michael Neary has issued a statement following the announcement that the House of Prayer in Achill was to close its doors.
                  The following is the full text of his statement:
"I learned with considerable surprise, that Mrs. Christina Gallagher has decided to close the House of Prayer at Achill. This information was transmitted to my office by the local radio station to which Mrs. Gallagher had already made a statement of her intentions. In the course of various statements made by Mrs. Gallagher on radio throughout the day, and in the courses of the ensuing public discussion, a number of points have been made which I feel bound to address in an equally public manner.

"I wish to state clearly and emphatically that at no time have I ever instructed Mrs. Gallagher, either verbally or in writing, to take this step. On the contrary, I have repeatedly stated, both verbally and in writing, that it was not my intention to close the House of Prayer. This decision has been made by Mrs. Gallagher and if she has taken advice on the matter it was not requested of me or my office.

"I have had occasion in the past to question, both privately and in conversation and correspondence with Mrs. Gallagher, whether she had indeed been well advised at various stages in her dealings with the Archdiocese. I repeatedly offered the services of a canon lawyer, in order to make absolutely certain that justice would be served, but this offer was not availed of. I remain unconvinced that she has ever, in this matter, had the benefit of advice which might be called sound advice in every relevant sense.

"My predecessor, to the record of whose earlier decisions in the matter Mrs. Gallagher has chosen to appeal, officially opened the House of Prayer in 1993. Dr. Cassidy explicitly and repeatedly stated at the time and afterwards that the House of Prayer was intended to be a place of quite adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the recitation of the Rosary and the provision of a place of retreat for some priests would be the only activities. Within a fortnight after the opening he found himself obliged to write to Mrs. Gallagher in protest against persistent deviation on the terms on which the Archbishop had permitted the House of Prayer to function was to continue. Instead of a quite place of retreat a de facto shrine was coming into being, attracted large crowds of visitors weekly. In a letter to Mrs. Gallagher of 15 September, 1994, Dr. Cassidy criticised these developments again and refused permission, as requested by Mrs. Gallagher, for an extension of the actual premises.

“My own initiatives with regard to the House of Prayer are a matter of public record. My intention throughout was to facilitate a far greater degree of integration of the House of Prayer into the local church community and to encourage Mrs. Gallagher to proceed cautiously and wisely in the gradual development of her work. I believe and still believe that the measures which I adopted and the mode of development which I proposed would have guaranteed a future, perhaps a significant one, for Mrs. Gallagher’s work insofar as that work might have been inspired by God and for the good of the church.”

Archbishop Neary continued: " The model of existence and operation which I had hoped Mrs. Gallagher would adopt for her work was that of the Private Association of the Christian Faithful, the most basic and flexible model of association presently available in Canon Law. I was pleasantly surprised when, after months of delay and apparently fruitless correspondence, Mrs. Gallagher contacted me recently to tell me that she had set up such an association, as she had indeed a right to do. I was surprised further, however, to be informed in the same letter that not my approval but rather that of Rome would be requested for the statutes of the new association since this work was to be “of world-wide scope”.

"In my most recent letter to Mrs. Gallagher I was obliged to ask for clarification in the matter of Sunday Masses being allegedly celebrated in the House of Prayer in direct contravention of my express instruction in the matter. I found myself furthermore obliged to note in the same letter her tendency, persistent throughout my dealings with her, to misunderstand and misinterpret legitimate directives and to consequently misinform her associates and supporters. I am unsure as to whether this tendency resulted from genuine confusion of not but I am quite certain of the clarity with which the directives in question were stated.

"My letter also contained a request for detailed accounts concerning any monies which might have been willed or otherwise donated for “pious causes” of whatever kind since the House of Prayer had been opened. This is an area which comes under the jurisdiction of any diocesan bishop but I had not addressed it previously, preferring to wait for the establishment of the Private Association and, with that, a more structured mode of supervision. It remains a legitimate matter of interest for my office and will be perused in spite of the decision to close the House of Prayer.

"I regret very much that Mrs. Gallagher believes herself to have been put under undue pressure by what I considered, and still consider, to have been sensible and fair measures adopted for the good of all. In this context I repeat my already stated doubts as to the wisdom and quality generally of the advice she has been receiving. Whatever the merits of her remarkable claims, and time may eventually clarify this, I had hopes that her work might have been amenable to integration into the life of this diocese.

"That it has not proved so amenable can only be a cause for regret, since I believe that good spiritual works of every kind are desperately needed today. I recognise that many people benefited spiritually for the House of Prayer, however, and I urge them not to be in any way discouraged but rather to hold on to and build on the good they have received.
"I wish Mrs. Gallagher well and will pray that she finds happiness and peace", he concluded.
Given the recent statements by the bishop, I would stay the heck away from this apparition. Have nothing to do with these people! Many false prophets will come claiming themselves to be of God when they are not! Pay not attention to this so called prophet and alleged prophecies.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
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