A Prophecy

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Given the recent statements by the bishop, I would stay the heck away from this apparition. Have nothing to do with these people! Many false prophets will come claiming themselves to be of God when they are not! Pay not attention to this so called prophet and alleged prophecies.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
You migh be right, you might be wrong, after-all they didn’t listen to Noah either, time will tell.
You migh be right, you might be wrong, after-all they didn’t listen to Noah either, time will tell.
Just another note, Simon Birch said it himself if it cast judgement on the Church. It has already criticized our Bishops. If it says things like the anti-christ is right around the corner, that’s like saying the end of the world is coming in a few years! Then it is not a fruit of the holy spirit. The St. Paul says it himself, “test all things.” No one knows when the end of the world will come but God alone! To say the end of the world is right around the corner is in of itself misleading and innaccurate. It is for these reasons why I am strongly opposed to this apparition. Therefore, I my personal opinion this apparition is a false apparition. By their fruits you will know the false prophets from the real ones.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
By their fruits you will know the false prophets from the real ones.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Yep, like I said, time will tell, :tiphat:
Fr Ambrose:
Can you say some more about that?
I was raised in the belief that St. Padraic asked God for a favor for his beloved Celts and it was that the Antichrist never be allowed to set his foot on the blessed soil of Ireland - thus it is believed that in the last days Ireland will be covered by the waters and sink beneath its depths in order to prevent the Antichrist and his minions from taking any root there.
Hi Fr Ambrose,
You have convinced me that St Padraig really WAS Irish as only an Irish man would stand and argue with an angel!😉
Sounds like a Kerryman to me:D
Just by the by, but the Cardinal Archbishop of Lisbon at the time publically condemned the Fatima apparitions and Padre Pio’s Archbishop publically fulminated against the saintly Capuchin constantly condemning him to the Vatican.
Things aren’t as black and white as we’d maybe like to think they are…
Just by the by, but the Cardinal Archbishop of Lisbon at the time publically condemned the Fatima apparitions and Padre Pio’s Archbishop publically fulminated against the saintly Capuchin constantly condemning him to the Vatican.
Things aren’t as black and white as we’d maybe like to think they are…
Yes but obedience was followed by Saint Padre Pio,and if it is Gods work it will be approved,would God be more upset if we followed rightful authority if it were a true apparition,or would He be more upset if we disobeyed rightful authority if it were a true apparition?Just a thought God Bless
As far as I can tell from the Archbishops letter he has neither condemned the alleged apparitions or Christine Gallagher, nor accused her of disobedience…
As far as I can tell from the Archbishops letter he has neither condemned the alleged apparitions or Christine Gallagher, nor accused her of disobedience…
Well there should be no harm as long as there isn’t anything contrary to the Church and there hasn’t been a condemnation.God Bless
Well there should be no harm as long as there isn’t anything contrary to the Church and there hasn’t been a condemnation.God Bless
Yes there are! She says in one the Pope is in danger. Huh!? The Pope is in good hands. To say the Pope is in danger is very suggestive my friend. God would never allow him to be martyed or to be in danger. We are garraunteed Papal succession until the end of time.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
Maybe, Bones, you should read the other prophecies that concern papacy. St John Bosco would be a good place to start…as it has been said everything is not black and white and so simple…

Yes there are! She says in one the Pope is in danger. Huh!? The Pope is in good hands. To say the Pope is in danger is very suggestive my friend. God would never allow him to be martyed or to be in danger. We are garraunteed Papal succession until the end of time.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
I do think that there were approved messages regarding the Pope being in danger,Fatima for one, there have been anti-popes in history as well,but I will read it again and go to the site left here and see what you are speaking of.God Bless
I was raised in the belief that St. Padraic asked God for a favor for his beloved Celts and it was that the Antichrist never be allowed to set his foot on the blessed soil of Ireland - thus it is believed that in the last days Ireland will be covered by the waters and sink beneath its depths in order to prevent the Antichrist and his minions from taking any root there.
You may be right there, as I heard it said that there will not be an Irishman alive at the time of the antichirst.

At least I have something to look forward too, :cool: this was supposidly a promise God made to Patrick, also that the Irish would not lose the faith.
I live in Ireland and I have to say much of Ms Gallaghers antics are very much frowned on. The Bishop of her Diocese has removed the Blessed Sacrament from the House of Prayer and Mass cannot be said there.
I would advise much caution.
Not by everyone Fergal, have you ever met the lady ?

She may be false, who knows, but she was very well mannered the first time I spoke to her and shook her hand.

She suffers much, not just from bleeding of the feet, she was on RTE TV a few years ago and the reporter asked her if she was suffering now.

She said yes I am, and he said could you show us some evidence of that, so she put her hand to the fringe of her hair, and lifted it up and the blood came streaming from her head, she had the marks of the crown of thorns. ( the exact picture is below)

Christina has said also if you have a hard time believing what she says, then say the Rosary for enlightment, the full 15 she said.

As for me I’ll keep an open mind, it reminds me of the words of Jesus, " that a prophet won’t be accepted in their own country".

I’ll tell you one of the reasons why I’m inclined to believe it. For about a year there I had the same dream over and over. I dreamt I woke uo at night and floated over the City of Belfast, where I live looking down at the twinkling lights of the city below. Suddenly a huge sound came from out to sea, as though the whole world had exploded. then from out of the night a wave of darkness extinguished the lights below. I knew my city was gone.

Next I would find myself in a great old Church with many people praying. High over the altar was what looked like a statue of Our Lady, holding the child Jesus in her arms.
In my dream I floated upwards in the Church untill I stood before them. Then I realised they were not statues at all with Mary crying and Jesus looking solemnly to a city that was no more…
The dream ended, but like I say was repeated many times, the exact same dream.
The dream ended, but like I say was repeated many times, the exact same dream.
Thats weird, Padraig, because I heard from another source that Belfast would be partially submerged someday.

As you know I live over in the lakeland, so i’m well used to water, but not of the magnitude that Christina describes.

Also about your converson story, it comes alive for me because i’ve driven past that prison, (Crumlin) many times, a few of my friends done time in there in the early 70’s.
They’re talking about making it into a tourist venue, i’m sure you probably won’t want to visit.🙂
I did visit it a few months ago! Weird going back to it all cold and dark and empty now! I didn’t hear about that prophecy about Belfast, where did you hear it?
I did visit it a few months ago! Weird going back to it all cold and dark and empty now! I didn’t hear about that prophecy about Belfast, where did you hear it?
Sorry, can’t recall, but I definately heard about Belfast being under water.
If I find the source I’ll pass it on, my friend that served a week in the Crum; as they say might know better, I’ll ask him.

Really it’s been so long since I heard it, that I’ve forgotton, don’t quote me on this, but I may have read it in one of Christina (Ferguson) Gallaghers books. ( can’t be sure about that)
I have two of her books, so will take a look, oh ! another piece of useless information,😉 Christina’s birthday is June 4th, coincidentally, the day I was married.
I’ll tell you another thing I’ve noticed, Josha. I don’t know what it is like in your part of Ireland. But here in Belfast, it seems to me, people are more and more splitting into two groups, the really good and the really bad. Things are becomming more and more black and white.
There is everywhere signs of a great quickening all around us. I believe God is sending His angels for a great harvest of souls in the world.
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