I live in Ireland and I have to say much of Ms Gallaghers antics are very much frowned on. The Bishop of her Diocese has removed the Blessed Sacrament from the House of Prayer and Mass cannot be said there.
I would advise much caution.
Not by everyone Fergal, have you ever met the lady ?
She may be false, who knows, but she was very well mannered the first time I spoke to her and shook her hand.
She suffers much, not just from bleeding of the feet, she was on RTE TV a few years ago and the reporter asked her if she was suffering now.
She said yes I am, and he said could you show us some evidence of that, so she put her hand to the fringe of her hair, and lifted it up and the blood came streaming from her head, she had the marks of the crown of thorns. ( the exact picture is below)
Christina has said also if you have a hard time believing what she says, then say the Rosary for enlightment, the full 15 she said.
As for me I’ll keep an open mind, it reminds me of the words of Jesus, " that a prophet won’t be accepted in their own country".