A Protestant at Catholic Communion

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Dr. Bombay:
Many non-Catholics attend Mass and receive communion out of ignorance. They genuinely don’t know they shouldn’t.

Then you have the self-centered, arrogant type who think the universe revolves around them and they can do pretty much anything they want. They know the Church asks non-Catholics not to receive but they do anyway.

If I ever attended a non-Catholic service, I wouldn’t dream of taking part in it. And I certainly wouldn’t presume it’s my “right” to do so. We should always respect the internal disciplines of a religion, whether we agree with them or not. It’s called common courtesy. Sadly, courtesy is getting rarer and rarer nowadays.

BTW, the originator of this thread hasn’t posted anything since last July, so I don’t think he’s still listening.
Flip side of this is that my in-laws are Lutheran and are very offended because I don’t go to communion at their church when I go with them.
Flip side of this is that my in-laws are Lutheran and are very offended because I don’t go to communion at their church when I go with them.
As a student of liturgy, I often attend other Liturgical Churches.

One Sunday, after Divine Liturgy in my parish, I went to the Choral Eucharist at the local ELCA Lutheran parish.

Because I believe in the Real Presence and the necessity of Apostolic Succession for a valid Eucharist, I never recieve in Lutheran Churches.

As the people were going up to take communion, I pulled out my Breviary to pray midday prayer. Figured it was better than sitting there and gawking.

The Usher came to me and I just smiled at him and nodded my head, indicating that he could pass me by. The Lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder, “Hey, you can go no.” I responded, “No, I cannot.” I can’t repeat her entire response but it was, in essence, “Oh ****, you are one of them! You think you are so *** **** special, don’t you. Why even bother to come here! Get the **** out of my church.”

I’ve never went back.

Reference? I’m pretty sure those not in communion with Rome cannot ordinarily receive
Normally not and Catholic priests are supposed to administer to Catholic faithful except Eastern Churches with the same sacraments being valid and churches declared by Rome to be in the same position regarding the Eucharist. This excludes Protestant Churches.

However, John Paul II himself gave Holy Communion to Lutheran bishops without declaring their church to be in the same position regarding the Eucharist. Individuals may believe in Real Presence, but the church itself doesn’t. However, I suppose this should be interpreted in favour of the individuals who so believe and who are properly disposed. Still, question is, why remain Protestant?
Area Man,

Do you live in a cave? Didn’;t you know that only those Baptised into the Catholic Church are permitted to recieve the Holy Eucharist? And of those only the people who have gone to confession are permitted to recieve the Eucharist? The Eucharist is Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood. Would Jesus want aomeone who has never confessed their sins to partake of him?
Dr. Bombay:
Then you have the self-centered, arrogant type who think the universe revolves around them and they can do pretty much anything they want. They know the Church asks non-Catholics not to receive but they do anyway.

If I ever attended a non-Catholic service, I wouldn’t dream of taking part in it. And I certainly wouldn’t presume it’s my “right” to do so. We should always respect the internal disciplines of a religion, whether we agree with them or not. It’s called common courtesy. Sadly, courtesy is getting rarer and rarer nowadays.
THANK YOU! It’s all about “me, me, me” “I want, I want, I want” lately. I wouldn’t dream of taking Communion at a non-Catholic service. That would be the same as saying that I agreed with their theology, which would be a lie, which is a mortal sin, etc. Plus, I have enough respect for the church members to not butt into their communion. I’m a guest, and I don’t have the “right” to expect “membership privileges”. I don’t think it’s too much to ask that non-Catholics have the same respect for us. Why do they want the Eucharist so badly? Is it because they know that it really is Jesus? Fantastic! Come into the Church and join our Communion. Is it because they’re not used to being denied what they want, when they want it? Deal with it. The world doesn’t revolve around any one of us.
In the PCUSA, there is no Holy Communion. It is just symbolic bread and wine that never becomes the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ – it just stays what it is: bread and wine (well, I think they use grape juice instead actually.) They call it coming to the “Lord’s Table.” It is just a reenactment of the last supper.
Also, the PCUSA does not believe in Confession of sins for absolution of grave sin. They just have a “general confession” as a group, saying “…we have not loved you with our whole heart…” and other sorry words, but no specific sins mentioned, and no sacramental absolution. They believe they are “worthy” to receive the bread and grape juice just because they admit they are sinners. That does not qualify as worthy reception in the Catholic Church. One who receives the Holy Eucharist must be in a state of grace (impossible for a Presbyterian, because he has not confessed his grave sins to a priest and received Absolution.
It is a far step for a Presbyterian who does not believe in transubstantiation or Confession to suddenly fully embrace all of the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. I would recommend finding out about RCIA as soon as possible.
Bud Stewart:
The following has been taken from the book “Pastoral Answers” by M. Francis Mannion and published by Our Sunday Visitor.

“The Catholic view of Communion is that in the Eucharist we don’t only receive Christ in a personal way. We are also expressing and deepening our commitment to the living Body of Christ, his Church on earth. To receive Communion in the Catholic Church is affirm publicly all that the Catholic Church belies, teaches and does. When we walk to the altar of the Lord in a Catholic Church, we are expressing belief in the Catholic doctrine of the real presence of Christ, in Catholic teaching about the authoritative role of the papacy and the episcopacy , in the Catholic moral tradition - in short, in the whole of Catholicism.”
Congratulations Area Man, you’ve inadvertently become a Catholic. Welcome to the fold! 😃
As a student of liturgy, I often attend other Liturgical Churches.

One Sunday, after Divine Liturgy in my parish, I went to the Choral Eucharist at the local ELCA Lutheran parish.

Because I believe in the Real Presence and the necessity of Apostolic Succession for a valid Eucharist, I never recieve in Lutheran Churches.

As the people were going up to take communion, I pulled out my Breviary to pray midday prayer. Figured it was better than sitting there and gawking.

The Usher came to me and I just smiled at him and nodded my head, indicating that he could pass me by. The Lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder, “Hey, you can go no.” I responded, “No, I cannot.” I can’t repeat her entire response but it was, in essence, “Oh ****, you are one of them! You think you are so *** **** special, don’t you. Why even bother to come here! Get the **** out of my church.”

I’ve never went back.

:eek: This is terrible! Why would any christian behave this way? And to a clergyman?

Were you wearing a collar or anything? (Not that it should matter)
The Pope gave communion to Tony Blair (not a Catholic) for pastoral reasons. I think we should not judge those who profess what the church believes regarding the real presence of the Eucharist, and we should instead worry about our own potentially unworthy communions. There is real grace bestowed upon a believer when he or she recieves the Eucharist, and I don’t think it is our place to refuse anyone a seat at Christ’s table.
Now that is the most charitable statement about a Protestant receiving the Eucharist I have read on this entire forum.

God bless you.👍
Area Man,

Do you live in a cave? Didn’;t you know that only those Baptised into the Catholic Church are permitted to recieve the Holy Eucharist? And of those only the people who have gone to confession are permitted to recieve the Eucharist? The Eucharist is Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood. Would Jesus want aomeone who has never confessed their sins to partake of him?
I humbly suggest you read your Catechism. 😦
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