A Question about Homosexuality

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THAT SAID – Your sister is not evil, and should not be treated any differently than anyone else. We are all sinners. If she follows Church teaching, she may even well be a future Saint. 🙂
I like that.:clapping:
I understand that the Catholic Church denounces same-sex marriage. But is homosexuality itself sinful (according to the church)? My sister is gay. She is also the nicest person I’ve ever known. She is very religious and was born and raised Catholic. I refuse to believe she would knowingly sin. When she first told me she was gay, I was shocked. But looking back, she always dressed, wore her hair, etc. like a boy. After reading this websites article about same-sex marriage, I was quite upset about some of the “facts” which were presented. First, the article claims to not be homophobic. This is the same article that labels gays as depressed, suicidal, drug users etc. The proof given for this claim is that these figures have remained stable despite increased “public acceptance.” Denouncing any human’s right to love and condemning same-sex marriage as evil… this is acceptance? I am Catholic and plan on remaining Catholic. However, I do not know what to believe with this one issue. Am I forced to choose between the Church’s teachings and my love for my sister?

Matt, 17 years old
Hi Matt,
Yes it is true. You do not have to choose between God and your sister. As a Christian you are commanded to love her. Look at Paul, he was some sinner but when Christ called him, he obeyed and now is one of the greatest saints.
Personally, I hated homosexuals, then my loving and beautiful son, now 28 turned gay. I loved him so much that it was only a lesson for me. It taught me how to hate the sin and love the person. before I had difficulity doing this, like they were only words to me. I still hate homosexuality but unmistakedly I love my son. I feel we are positioned in life to learn from our environment, our surroundings and I feel my poor son is carrying this burden that I may learn. I owe him, big time. He is bearing sin so that I may learn.
Christ be with you
walk in lovehttp://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon7.gif
It then follows that homosexual activity is sinful just as premarital sexual relations are sinful. Correct?

I feel that homosexuality has been singled out from fornication, adultery, lust, etc.
why so? all of those things are sinful. Same sex genital activity arises from a disordered desire, a desire for something that is against nature, against the way God designed us. Heterosexual activity outside marriage is also gravely wrong, but it arises out of natural desires for good things that God gave us. One activity is wrong because it debases our very human nature and identity. the second activity is wrong because it appropriates something good and proper to our human nature, at the wrong place and time, something that does not belong to us. Sexual pleasure is a fruit and gift of marriage, in which man and women complement, or complete, each other, by the Creator’s design. Sex has as its purpose uniting the man and women in a bond blessed by God, generating children, giving pleasure (which God gave us as a good) and building up the Body of Christ. To use this gift outside marriage, against God’s will for us, is gravely wrong.

Homosexual activity can fulfill none of the purposes of sex except pleasure and so thwarts God’s plans for us.

There is absolutely no evidence that those experiencing same sex attraction are “born that way.” Plenty of girls and women are not caught up in the makeup/hair/shoes/clothes/jewelry worship of our modern society. That may make them modest, or practical, or plain-looking, but it does not make them lesbian.

Plenty of people find fulfillment in life and a path to filling out God’s plan for their lives outside of marriage and children, but that makes them single, it does not make them gay.

a natural stage in adolescent development is strong friendships and affections for persons of the same sex. It is part of growing up, learning about friendship, loyalty and all those good qualities. Our culture has distorted friendship by its implication that love equals sex. The culture lies, God never lies. The bible is full of stories that tell us what real love is like between friends, among family members, between rich and poor, between rulers and people, between men and women, between Christ and disciples, between God and mankind.

love does not equal sex. Intimacy does not equal sex. A life situation that renders us unable to enjoy sex as God intended, within marriage, for now or forever, is not by definition a life devoid of love, or of a life devoid of intimacy. A life lived in Christ, submitting all our desires, hopes, dreams, will, understanding, memory, intellect and heart to him–now that is a life full of love, and it is possible for every man, woman and child, no matter what state of life, or personal problems, or inclinations to sin they find themselves struggling with.

do you love your sister? then truly love her. read 1 Cornithians chapter 13 to see what that kind of love is all about. You will not find “love tells lies to make people feel good about themselves” because that is not true love.
Dignity operates in direct contradiction of Church teaching. It is not a Catholic organization.

The real shame here is people who lie in order justify sin. Homosexual sex is a sin. There is no room for compromise on this point, and it isn’t an act of love to insist otherwise since the stakes include the souls of others.

– Mark L. Chance.
itsjustdave1988 said:

I recommend the following article:

**“Out of the Closet and into Chastity” **
By David Morrison (an ex-gay activist convert to Catholicism)

Thanks for all the responses, I’ve learned a lot in the past couple days. 👍 The article above (thanks a bunch itsjustdave) really helped me. I have copies made for my parents and sister… whenever I can build up the courage to bring it up.

Now if only catholic.com would remove those statistics about gays being suicidal, drug users, etc. I still don’t understand the purpose except to label homosexuals as “bad” people. Stick with being kind and compassionate: it works quite a bit better
Now if only catholic.com would remove those statistics about gays being suicidal, drug users, etc. I still don’t understand the purpose except to label homosexuals as “bad” people. Stick with being kind and compassionate: it works quite a bit better
reporting statistics about human behavior and its consequences (assuming they are reliable and gathered by appropriate statistical sampling methods) is not “labeling” and is not making a moral judgement. If I publish statistics about smokers and cancer, that is not making a moral judgement about people who smoke, or calling them “bad people”, nor is it inciting violence against them. It is simply stating the proven fact that a certain behavior has been shown to cause drastic harm and even death to a huge percentage of the people who do it.
Now if only catholic.com would remove those statistics about gays being suicidal, drug users, etc. I still don’t understand the purpose except to label homosexuals as “bad” people.
I sometimes find lists of statistics about how gay people have more chance of bad things like suicide to be annoying. I can have the gut response: so, the choir gets to say, “look at those awful people,” and the opposition gets to say, “look at those homophobes.”

My irrational gut responses aside, I don’t think that is the reason reasonable people give lists of statistics like that. Perhaps the user of stats wants to demonstrate that homosexual behavior has consequences and that it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Probably the stats are meant to persuade.
You have heard many times rightly that sexual activity outside of marriage is disordered and married people are sinning by sexual activity in marriage without openess to procreation. It is all disordered because it destroys the persons true procreative or chaste role. Having Children is god’s perfect will for all of us. He wills that creativity of having children so we can fulfill our real destiny. We all cooperate with God by having physical children or in chastity having spiritual children. So love them and pray for their healing so they can find their true destiny from God. Again we don’t agree with their actions because doing so would agree with actions that destroy their real God directed perfect future and we love them by our vision of them healed and victorious. We are called to be unified with Christ lifting our friends up. John
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