A Question about Homosexuality

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the attraction is just a thing that the person has to deal with. the ACTION is wrong, the embracing of the “gay” lifestyle is wrong. just like there is nothing wrong with a disposition to alcoholism but if you begin to drink despite it, you are doing somthing very dangerous and very immoral.

personally i do not see homosexuality as a disease or disorder. i see it as a symptom of somthing that varies in each person, be it psycological, genetic, or otherwise.
Thank you for all the responses they’ve really helped me out. Scout- I do care about the Church’s teachings (I am Catholic) and wanted to clarify what I had thought. I understand that homosexual acts are sinful but you must understand that it’s hard for me to tell her (and hard for her) to be celibate the rest of her life. As a teenage male, I struggle with avoiding pornography, masturbation, etc. just as my sister struggles with homosexuality.

thanks again
I’m sorry if I made the assumption that you didn’t care what the Church taught. However, if your sister knows what the Church teaches and still chooses to participate in that lifestyle, then there’s probably little you can say to her that will convince her live a chaste life or change her thinking. Being gay doesn’t make her a bad person, because we all sin and have struggles with certain sins in our lives, it’s just the sin that she has to struggle with.

My advice is to just pray about the situation and pray for your sister, and continue to pray about it. Our Lord will give you an answer to your dilema. I don’t know when the answer will come, but it will come. Our Lord is faithful.

Scout :tiphat:
Irish Catholic:
Next I went surfing online… I needed some scientific proof to back me up. If it was true that homosexuals are “just born that way” that totally blows everything. Pinto said that homosexuality was a result of original sin, which sounded good, but has it been proven that it isn’t genetic?
Another website to scientifically debunk the political agenda of those who would like to have us believe that homosexual orientation is solely/primarily genetically determined–at best, the scientific evidence is inconclusive–> .
Dr. James Dobson, “America’s foremost authority on the family”, has written an excellent book titled *Bringing Up Boys. *It has a whole chapter about homosexuality. I’m not sure if his book Bringing Up Girls is out yet, but you may want to check it out. 😉
. Am I forced to choose between the Church’s teachings and my love for my sister?

Matt, 17 years old
No you are not, plain and simple! As a matter of fact because of the Church’s teachings your are obligated to love your sister, you would be disobedient to the Church if you did not.

Here is your real dilema: Are you going to really love your sister or are you going to pretend she is ok when she is not (this is of course assuming she engages in homosexual activity)?
I don’t have any trouble believing people are born gay.
Sorry JKirk … I have a problem with believing people are born gay. There is normally a single trigger point which opens the door or pushes a person into a homosexual lifestyle. Once there, they feel the rush of excitement of doing something they ar not supposed to and then they wake up to the truth and feel trapped. Since they are trapped, misery loves company, they bring others or seek out others in the lifestyle. There is all sorts of hurts and people looking for love in this lifestyle. There is false love and a whole bunch of emotional pain and suffering.

Matt, you do not have to choose between the Churches teachings and your sister. NEVER STOP LOVING HER or praying for her.

I understand your struggle to love your sister and yet obey the Church’s very clear teaching on homosexuality. I am there with you. I have a very close friend who has recently told me she is a lesbian. She has divorced her husband and moved in to live with her lover and her lover’s husband and 2 children. This woman is my oldest friend in the world and not someone I am willing to abandon, but neither am I willing to abandon the Truth.

My friend also does not feel that what she is doing is a sin. She gets extremely angry whenever I try to speak with her about this. She is constantly challenging me to tell her how love and acceptance can possibly be wrong. She has suffered a great deal in her life, especially when she lived with her parents where she was abused. In some ways her early experiences (environment!) have corrupted her understanding of sexuality, and while she admits and recognizes this, she refuses to accept ANY responsibility for making the choices she is making now. She says it is not her fault because of what was done to her when she was a child.

I disagree. It is her choice now. It was not her choice then as a child, and yes she has a lot of “debris” to clean up in her mental and spiritual state. But I will not accept that being abused early on in life excuses you from moral responsibility as an adult. All of us had some difficult things happen in our lives. This does not excuse us from morality! She knows she needs counseling and help. She refuses to get it and insists that her lover is all she needs to find “healing”. While I have great compassion for her wounds, I also see that she is only wounding herself more now.

Your sister may have had a similar abusive experience that she cannot yet share. My friend was thirty before she told ANYONE what had happened to her as a child, even her husband did not know.

I have had several friends through the years who were gay or lesbian, and without fail, all of them asserted that they were **not ** born that way. Studies done on this topic have failed to show any clear evidence one way or the other. It really does not matter if we are born predisposed to a certain sin or not: it remains a sin. I may have a predisposition to shoplifting, but that does not excuse me from the consequences of doing that.

Like my friend, your sister is exchanging what she thinks is earthly happiness for what may be her eternal soul. The true source of happiness is holiness. You may or may not be able to converse with your sister about these things, but try. You and your sister will be in my prayers, and I’d ask all who read this to pray for my friend too.

My sister is also the most intelligent person I have ever known. It is not as if “faulty reasoning” has led her to be gay. Why is it so hard to believe that people are born gay?​

The Catholic Church teaches a practicing homosexual is in sin. It teaches those who use artificial birth control are in sin. It, also, teaches sex before marriage is a sin. So, for you to state homosexuality is singled out by The Roman Catholic Church is false.
Unfortunately, modern society wants the general public to embrace behavior which is wrong. Homosexuality, adultry, are matters which society wants us to embrace and see as natural. Natural or not they are wrong behaviors which lead to a lot of heart ache.
Matt -

I just wanted to say I can sympathize with where you’re coming from. My parents are lesbians (they adopted me when I was 5 months) and they are the greatest, strongest, most compassionate women I know. The relationship they have is so much stronger than the “straight” marriages my friends’ parents have.

I’m not Catholic, but I attend university where 90% of the student population is Catholic. I’ve struggled to reconcile what I hear about Catholicism from the priests and sisters on the faculty, the behaviors of the other Catholic students, and my experience growing up raised by two cohabiting women.

I have seriously considered becoming Catholic, talked at length the local religious folks, includin the archbishop, and enrolled in RCIA. I was asked to leave the course midway through after the instructor and parish priest found out my parents were gay. They said it wouldn’t be “appropriate” for me to continue.

There are a lot mixed messages out there. One thing I can say, having relatives who are gay, is that you don’t have to stop loving them or love them any less because of that.

I was asked to leave the course midway through after the instructor and parish priest found out my parents were gay. They said it wouldn’t be “appropriate” for me to continue.​

Somehow I doubt the truthfullness of that statement. Mandy, weren’t you the person who accused someone of breaking your lap top because they found out your paren’ts were gay?
Mindy Mae:
Matt -

I have seriously considered becoming Catholic, talked at length the local religious folks, includin the archbishop, and enrolled in RCIA. I was asked to leave the course midway through after the instructor and parish priest found out my parents were gay. They said it wouldn’t be “appropriate” for me to continue.
If this happened just as you stated it, then that is seriously wrong! Now, if you were showing up every week and arguing and disrupting everything, then I could see why they’d ask you to leave. But, if you just said, once, “Well, I’m adopted by lesbians and so I struggle with this teaching” in a noncombative way, I think they’re out of line to do this.
My sister is also the most intelligent person I have ever known. It is not as if “faulty reasoning” has led her to be gay. Why is it so hard to believe that people are born gay?
Because there is zero evidence that someone is “born gay”. There may be predispositions to acting out in a homosexual manner but there is no scientific evidence that anyone is genetically a homosexual. The very facts of our bodies indicate that we are obviously a male or a female.
Because there is zero evidence that someone is “born gay”. There may be predispositions to acting out in a homosexual manner but there is no scientific evidence that anyone is genetically a homosexual. The very facts of our bodies indicate that we are obviously a male or a female.
The Church teaches that gay people ARE born gay. The sin of homosexuality is a homosexual act, not just being born gay.

Considering the fact that The Church first rejected evolution and the heliocentric theory it’s clear we must trust science to give us such answers. The Church now admits both are correct, they will soon admit people are born gay. It’s a birth defect. The person has no choice, so it’s not a sin. But a homosexual act is still a sin. Being born gay just adds a little more temptation to somebody. Besides, there are sources that say the opposite of what you said. Peace http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Led Zeppelin75:

Considering the fact that The Church first rejected evolution and the heliocentric theory it’s clear we must trust science to give us such answers. The Church now admits both are correct, they will soon admit people are born gay. It’s a birth defect. The person has no choice, so it’s not a sin. But a homosexual act is still a sin. Being born gay just adds a little more temptation to somebody. Besides, there are sources that say the opposite of what you said. Peace http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Another false statement. The Church has not accepted evolution as truth, nor has it rejected its possibility.


Also, the Church will not admit that people are born gay, because there is inconclusive evidence that people are born that way. There are sources that contradict what “I said?” I provided links to Church teachings. Of course there are sources that say the opposite of what “I said”, the* Gay and Lesbian Task Force *being one of them. :rolleyes:

God Bless.
Led Zeppelin75:
The Church teaches that gay people ARE born gay. The sin of homosexuality is a homosexual act, not just being born gay.
You are correct that the Church teaches that homosexual tendencies are not sin. However, the Church nowhere teaches that “gay” people are born homosexual. That is completely untrue. The Church takes no position on whether it is genetic, developmental, or both.
Led Zeppelin75:

Considering the fact that The Church first rejected evolution and the heliocentric theory it’s clear we must trust science to give us such answers. The Church now admits both are correct, they will soon admit people are born gay. It’s a birth defect. The person has no choice, so it’s not a sin. But a homosexual act is still a sin. Being born gay just adds a little more temptation to somebody. Besides, there are sources that say the opposite of what you said. Peace http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
So, first you said the Church teaches that people are born homosexual.

Now you admit the Church does not teach that but they are wrong and science is right.

I can guess what you say after I say the following:

Science has ZERO evidence that people are born homosexual. However, there is a great deal of evidence that homosexual tenendencies are devlopmental in nature and related to very early upbringing.
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