I normaly visit an atheist board and sometimes a question addressed to Christians is this:
“If God told you to kill someone would you do it?”
as Catholics we do not relly on personal revelation so the question can be changed to say:
“If the Pope or The Church commanded you to go and kill, would you do it?”
bear in mind that there are serveral occasions in which God, in the Old Testament commands his people to kill others. Knowing this, what would be your response to the question?
Let’s look at history. God commanded Abraham to kill his son. Abraham was about to do it, but God stopped him. It might seem that we should just follow God as Abraham did since Abraham was praised for this, but remember that Abraham didn’t have the level of revelation we have. God didn’t even give the 10 commandments yet. God holds us accountable for what we know.
From the Church we know that we cannot do evil so that good may come from it, even if that good is being faithful to an impression of God… more on that later… Further, from the story (God stoppped it), and from the 10 commandments and from the Church, we know that killing the innocent is always wrong. Furthermore, God cannot be other than what God is, so in light of all this, we would therefore seriously wonder if God was asking us to kill or if it was a hallucination or some other explanation. The same goes for the Church in a sense, because the Church cannot be other that what it is (a teacher of truth). I would conclude that I was interpreting official Church teaching incorrectly.
If the Pope told me to kill someone, I could easily refuse without a problem, because although Popes are infallible when defining a doctrine of faith or morals for all Catholics to believe, he is nonetheless a sinner like everyone else. I do not have to be complicit in his sinfulness.
Lastly, remember that God himself is the author of life and can take life. So, of course, this doesn’t prevent him from using other people’s sins to accomplish his plan. God writes straight with crooked lines, as the saying goes.