A reason why I will miss even World News

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Yes, it was contentious!

But it was also a place where there were a lot of totally different views expressed. Even tho each “side” felt like it was being moderated out of existence, neither ever was and I learned a lot about other points of view as well as my own.

CAF is just about the only place I know of, at least a Catholic place, where all points of view were out there.

So I want to thank all those who agreed with me, and even slightly more, those who disagreed with me, for all the time they took to express, explain, and defend their points of view here. I learned so much! And it was great to be able to be in a place where we could all discuss and argue about so many different issues.

Merry Christmas to all of you, and Happy New Year, despite the hole CAF’s closing will leave!
Merry Christmas Annie !

Not sure I’ll miss the WN sub forum, but I may.

But I agree, I’ve learned some things about our Constition, the SCOTUS, and politics in general.

I may bow out before this final week, so Happy Holidays to everyone and be safe !
Here, here! The WN forum has been full of contentious views, but my how exciting (and informative) it has been.
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