How would I be able to refute the possibility that the nature of God can be both good and evil?
A couple of possible strategies would be (i) the standard scholastic lines of argument about the nature of God … Summa Contra Gentiles is a good place to look; and (ii) the Cartesian “is God a trickster?” angle from the meditations of Descartes.How would I be able to refute the possibility that the nature of God can be both good and evil?
Nice summary of the standard scholastic argument.My understanding of evil is that it is the privation of good and doesn’t exist of itself as a different entity (the opposite being akin to dualism?). God is infinately good and since there is no privation of in infinite goodness there can be no evil can exist within His nature. Of course that is my limited understanding. Maybe someone can take this idea home and clear up any nonsense I may have set forth. I am far from a philosopher or a theologian.
newadvent.org/summa/100600.htmI think I may be asking for a refutation of pantheism but I’m not even sure even what I’m asking. I guess I’m asking how it can be proved that God is a purely infinite good being.
Ravi Zacharias, though not a Catholic, is a great Christian apologist. He grew up in India (he has a cool accent for it) and is very well acquainted with Hinduism and pantheism. He talks about how Christianity stacks up against it in his talk “Jesus Among Other Gods” which can be downloaded from his web site in two parts.I think I may be asking for a refutation of pantheism but I’m not even sure even what I’m asking. I guess I’m asking how it can be proved that God is a purely infinite good being.
You are right.My understanding of evil is that it is the privation of good and doesn’t exist of itself as a different entity (the opposite being akin to dualism?). God is infinately good and since there is no privation of in infinite goodness there can be no evil can exist within His nature. Of course that is my limited understanding. Maybe someone can take this idea home and clear up any nonsense I may have set forth. I am far from a philosopher or a theologian.
Time to pull out my Theology for Beginners.
How about this for an approach.I think I may be asking for a refutation of pantheism but I’m not even sure even what I’m asking. I guess I’m asking how it can be proved that God is a purely infinite good being.
Does this ‘peculiarities’ means non-goodness?How about this for an approach.
God is the name we give to the Creator of all things including people with all their peculiarities.
This is the old testament. The new testament says : We love because God has loved us first.The greatest commandment tells us to Love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Part (if not all) of keeping this commandment is done by accepting the goodness of God and all God’s creation.
“Strive to accept” is not the fullness of God’s plan of our salvation.The infinite goodness of God is not something we “prove.” It is something we strive to accept every moment of every day as we strive to keep the greatest commandment.
consider the following scripture from Deuteronomy:
“Learn then that I, I alone, am God, and there is no god besides me. It is I who bring both death and life, I who inflict wounds and heal them, and from my hand there is no rescue.”
When life deals us wounds, and even death, no abstract “proof” will be able to keep our trust in God, There will simply be our determination to accept what is, and to continue to seek God’s kingdom as best we can.
Yes may be it is good teaching to accept what is “good and bad from God” (just like the story of Job), since we are still living in a sinful world. I’m only stressing that after Jesus’s coming, we now know that God does not will evil. That by Jesus’s coming, the light of God is coming into the world again.-Jim
Isaiah 45:7:It is written in book of Genesis that God created light on the first day, then separate it from darkness. It means that God NEVER created darkness. And because God never created it, darkness does NOT exist (because never created by God).
Ok, what is non-existance?Isaiah 45:7:
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the LORD , do all these things.
What now?
Does the creation of “something” along with the allowance its absence not imply the creation of “not-something”?Ok, what is non-existance?
Isn’t it “The absence of existance” ?
One thing for sure, that darkness was separated from Light, and that God never intend “nothingness” comes into our life.Does the creation of “something” along with the allowance its absence not imply the creation of “not-something”?
Someone, who creates light and allowes instances where light is not present (i.e. darkness), implicitly creates darkness as well.