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Can someone please tell me a proof for why God’s nature can only be of perfect goodness and not a perfect good and evil mix?
What constitutes “Proof” for you? A logical argument? A Philosophical one?

Yes may be it is good teaching to accept what is “good and bad from God” (just like the story of Job), since we are still living in a sinful world. I’m only stressing that after Jesus’s coming, we now know that God does not will evil. That by Jesus’s coming, the light of God is coming into the world again.

God bless
Perhaps we need clarification of the terms “bad” and evil"

Many feel that “evil” is the same as “suffering”

You say that God does not will “evil” and I don’t disagree but I have to say that God does will a significant amount of suffering. What we gain from Jesus’s coming is not an end to suffering but the exampe of one who endured great suffering and still found God to be good.

Regarding some of the rest of your comments. Jesus seems to specifically reaffirm the Great Commandment. John’s comments do clarify and rephrase but never contradict the Great Commandment.

God cannot contradict Himself. He cannot have two opposing natures, good and evil, that would be a self-contradiction. Neither can God change, which means something that is good will always be good and something evil is always evil, no matter what the post modern intellectuals teach us about relativity!
Perhaps we need clarification of the terms “bad” and evil"

Many feel that “evil” is the same as “suffering”

You say that God does not will “evil” and I don’t disagree but I have to say that God does will a significant amount of suffering. What we gain from Jesus’s coming is not an end to suffering but the exampe of one who endured great suffering and still found God to be good.

Regarding some of the rest of your comments. Jesus seems to specifically reaffirm the Great Commandment. John’s comments do clarify and rephrase but never contradict the Great Commandment.

Suffering is the result of sin. God did not create us to suffer, but to enjoy fullness of life.

But on the other hand, you are right, that because now we live in a sinful world, sometimes it takes ‘some or even a great deal of suffering’ to battle our sinful nature.

Because we fear death, often this fear turn us away from believing God, and submit to God’s enemy because of the terror of death.

For example: because of worrying of “lacking of food, money, comfort, or even sickness” one could compromise his/ her value and therefore submit to the power of God’s enemy.

So to battle this, one must walk not but what he sees/ feels (lackings and sicknesses) but instead he must walk by faith (letting the flesh suffers some period of time waiting for God’s action to rescue his body from this "“lackings” then, most of all, his faith & soul from being corrupted by these “lackings”).

So yeah I guess it’s true that sometimes we are “tested” in sufferings. These tests comes because of the sinful nature of our flesh battling our spirit who desires holiness (Rome 7:7-25).

Regarding the commandment, Jesus did not contradict the Law, but the fullness of it.

So if we know that God is faithfull, and He always defend us from anything bad because He LOVES us, then we can always put our hope and trust in Him. This is the fullness of the first commandment in us : Love thy God with all thy heart & soul -----> that is when we belive that He LOVES us first. So that in following Him we do it without fear of punishments of the Law but because we trust Him, and therefore we can love Him.

God bless
Jesus who died on the cross is God who bear all curses and finally “death” (which means “perfectly lacking everything”).
Good and evil are opposing forces. Opposites, and when opposing forces collide…you have chaos. " A house divided against itself can not stand "

Man who goes to war “for God” actually are deceived by their own idea about “God’s will”.

See that God’s enemy is spiritual. And this enemy “wants to kill”. But God wants “salvation”.

This false idea about God is sustained by “condemnations” in our own conscience. This condemnations “terminates” hope. And if somebody does not hope, he stops to believe in God’s actions too. And this causes man think “I need to kill” (Gods’ enemy, or maybe even hisownself). But he is deceived, because God’s enemy is not a person or a people.

This revelation only we know through Jesus. Before Jesus coming, Israel went to war because they were afraid of the punishments from God’s Law. And it’s true that God’s law does condemn evil. And this Law-- out of its purity-- condemn sin.

But unfortunately Sin (God’s enemy) can take advantage of the Law and deceives us :

Romans 7:11
For sin, seizing an opportunity in the commandment, deceived me and through it put me to death.

Then Jesus told us how to tell the difference in John 8:26-59. In this passage Jesus had an argument with the people. He told us that He only does His Father’s will. But those who wants to kill, does it out of their own will (does not submit to The Father’s will, but only submit to his own will). And that “this father” who does not submit to The Father’s will is “the father of lies” who is “the murderer from the beginning”

John 8:44
You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in his own will, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

So if we want to terminte God’s enemy, we must proclaim The Father’s will through Jesus. But this does not mean that we have to kill a person. Suppose we kill him, then we are not in God’s side anymore but end up doing “the enemy’s will”. In the contrary, we must “kill the false belief” but SAVE the man.

God bless.
I just realize that I have posted in the wrong thread. This is suppose to be about “Just war” topic.

I apologize for this mistake.

God bless.
The Dead Bishop:
Good and evil are opposing forces. Opposites, and when opposing forces collide…you have chaos. " A house divided against itself can not stand "
Yes I agree to this, therefore God out of his own will send His only Son in the form of a man. He took upon Himself all kinds of infirmities, transgressions, curses and punishments although He is innocent. By doing this God of Life opposed death in totallity of His Love and Goodness and Faithfulness.

This also shows that death has no place in God.

God bless
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