A Sad, Sad, Commentary

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I don’t know…but everytime I here the News here in Massachusetts I brace myself. So many of our parishes are being closed and the property being sold…it just makes me sick at heart… I fear there is still much more to come out…but in order to heal, it has to and we must stand on Christ’s Promise that “…he will never abandon us and will be with us always…even till the end of time.”…
This does not bode well for the Los Angeles Archdiocese; whose court cases or settlements are yet to come I think and…

Purification is never easy. ❤️
Indeed, “a sad, sad, commentary”.

The settlement is disturbing on many levels. No less disturbing is the final statement in the article:

*But David Clohessy, executive director of the national Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the Orange County agreement is probably just good business.

“It’s always tempting to read a lot into a settlement, and I think that’s dangerous,” Clohessy said.

“I think fundamentally they are just business decisions. They don’t symbolize the scales falling from a bishop’s eyes and suddenly him getting it or becoming compassionate.”*
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