I am in an adult confirmation class, mostly lifelong Catholics who are needing one or more of their sacraments. A question came up that wasnt answered by the deacon satisfactorily…it went against what is taught in the catechism…and the class argued with the deacon. Lol. I love my classmates. I am sorry this teacher laughed at a valid question, if it were me and he did that again, I would stand and ask him why he finds an inquirer’s question worthy of a cheap laugh. I take my class seriously, and I would appreciate teachers doing the same.I would suggest that you tell this teacher how he makes you feel. Is he a part of the RCIA class or is he just coming to help? That would make a big difference in how to approach this. But overall, the class is going to be a safe place to stand up for yourself and I would really suggest that you talk to him directly. Don’t use the priest to do it for you because that won’t help you as a person. Telling the smug person why this class is important to you and how he is making your learning more difficult would be great practice for telling people in the outside world why you believe in the Church. Just take a deep breath and lovingly confront him.
But then again, the poster who mentioned you should learn why that gets to you so much is also correct. To be Catholic I have seen, is to be part of a counter-culture group and you will be placed in the spotlight more and more often to defend your faith to people. If you get upset and have a hard time when someone laughs, you will REALLY have a bad time when an atheist takes you to task. Use this as a situation to make yourself stronger.