A sudden, powerful stirring

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A sudden, powerful stirring
By Fouad Ajami

This article is highly recommended, read it all here.

In retrospect, it was an appearance by President George W. Bush before the National Endowment for Democracy, in November 2003, that signaled the birth of a new “diplomacy of freedom” in the Arab world. The American military effort in Iraq was in its early stages then; the euphoria of the military campaign had ended, and a war of attrition had begun. Saddam Hussein was still on the loose, and there was no trace of those vaunted weapons of mass destruction that had taken us to war. At that uncertain hour, Bush proposed nothing less than a break with the ways of American diplomacy in the region. “Sixty years of western nations excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make us safe, because in the long run," he said, "stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty. As long as the Middle East remains a place where freedom does not flourish, it will remain a place of stagnation, resentment, and violence ready for export.”

We don’t know for sure if the American public shares Bush’s passion for the pursuit of freedom. We know that America has paid dearly for this democratic movement, in both blood and treasure, for this democratizing push was given force by Iraq’s elections. But the outlines of a new Arab world may now be dimly seen. A brilliant American officer, Lt. Col. Mark Martins, whom I met in Baghdad, allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. “Democracy is not a luxury car,” he E-mailed me last week. “It is an all-terrain vehicle and good for fighting insurgency.”

We now take democracy on those hard Arab roads. It is their world, and they must repair it. But they hang on Bush’s words, in Damascus and Beirut, and in Cairo as well. It is odd that it is a conservative American president who proclaims this confident Wilsonianism. But the crowds in Araby don’t seem to mind.
I think it is clear that Christian democracies (e.g., U.S.A.) trump secular or quasi-Christian dictatorships (e.g., communism (which is just a deformation of Christianity)). But it is not at all clear that Islamic democracies trump Islamic dictatorships.

Or put more succinctly, will democracy trump religion in the Middle East? This is the key. And this is Bush’s big bet. Because if democracy doesn’t work there, may God help us all.
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