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The Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat is the largest pilgrimage centre of Western Croatia. Its foundation is reported to be, according to tradition, related to the miraculous transport of the Nazareth Barn, and its stay on Trsat (1291 – 1294). Shortly after the relocation of the Mary’s house to Loreto, Prince Nikola I. of Krk built the first small church on the place where the barn stood on Trsat. Mary’s Trsat became a pilgrimage point of convergence, the reputation of which was strengthened by the astounding painting of the Lady of Trsat, which was a gift given to the inconsolable Croats in 1367 by Pope Urban V for the loss of the Holy Barn. It is believed that painting was made by st. Luke apostle. In the XV century, the Sanctuary was taken over by Franciscans, who have remained its guardians to the present day. On 8 June 2003, Pope John Paul II attended a long pilgrimage procession.
Feast day is 10th of May because on that day in 1291(and stayed until 10 of December 1294.)Nazareth house of Holy Family miraculously came to Trsat.
Our Lady of Trsat pray for us!
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
Croatian version of Hail, Holy Queen:
Zdravo, Kraljice,
majko milosrđa,
živote, slasti i ufanje naše, zdravo!
K Tebi vapijemo prognani sinovi Evini.
K Tebi uzdišemo tugujući i plačući
u ovoj suznoj dolini.
Svrni, dakle, zagovornice naša,
one svoje milostive oči na nas,
te nam poslije ovoga progona pokaži Isusa,
blagoslovljeni plod utrobe svoje.
O blaga, o mila, o slatka Djevice Marijo. Amen.