Ok. I work in a room with 4 other women who sit right beside me. They are not Catholic and know I am. DH and I are, of course, practicing NFP, but we are not trying to have kids right now if you know what I mean. In fact we don’t have sex more than we do to be blunt right now due to a lot of things. Anyway, ever since finding out that I’m now Catholic, every single day I have to hear, so when are you getting pregnant or I bet she’ll be pregnant within the year. Well, like I said, I’m not actively trying but if I do end up pregnant, so what to them? Why do they have to be so persistent and annoying??? I don’t get it. Sometimes (and I know I shouldn’t think this) but I want to just quit having sex alltogether with DH because they make me so angry and uncomfortable. I guess I just want to know why everyone else (that’s not even your family) want to pressure you to hurry up and have kids!!!