A vent concerning co-workers and pregnancy

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I see. I would refrain from telling these people anything else about your personal life. Only those I’m truly close to, know about my personal life at work. I know people who share everything, and for some reason, others in the office think it’s their right now to ask them about their personal lives whenever. If they continue, I’d say…when it happens, I’ll send you a pic. :eek: (just think it for now, anyways hee hee)

Good luck to you!
I was thinking the same thing. Sounds as if you and the co-workers have been friendly enough in the past to discuss BC and/or religion. It appears that your co-workers think this is just good-natured kidding.Hopefully now that you’ve let them know it makes you uncomfortable, they’ll cut it out.

They sound like ignorant folks. Maybe you should go into work and say “we’ve decided we want to have a baby.” Then you can continue doing what you’re doing (which is avoiding pregnancy). If you get pregnant they’ll think it was your objective and if you don’t, then you don’t.

I don’t think you are stupid and I am NOT judging your situation at all, but you do know that NFP (as taught by the Catholic Church) should only be used to avoid pregnancy when there is a serious reason. I am sure you probably know that and have made a wise decision, but if by chance you do get pregnant, who cares a TIDLEY WINK about your co-workers. Maybe they need to see what the love of a child can do to a woman. God bless your situation, it is SO HARD dealing with people who criticize your faith 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
As a fellow manager, my response would be “this discussion unprofessional and not appropriate in the workplace”. I’d be a broken record, repeating this every time.
I agree. If you’re the manager, you have a position of authority that enables you to tell other workers when personal teasing is making you (or any other employee) uncomfortable without it getting personal - and advantage which the underlings don’t often have!
why do they say…i’ll bet you’ll be pregnant within a year? what does this mean??:confused:
It means they think we Catholics are ignorant little sheep who procreate like rabbits, because we haven’t been “enlightened” by BC pills and condoms.

These are the same kinds of people who ask parents of more than two kids if they know how that happens, or (more bluntly) if they’ve ever heard of birth control.

I don’t know if it is even worthwhile to try to engage such rude people in dialogue. They clearly have little respect for the OP if they are willing to voice their anti-catholic bigotry to her face.

I’d be more inclined to take the sarcasm route. “I can get pregnant that soon? Really??? that would be great! Could you explain to me how to do that?”

or: What? are you jealous?

or you could always be more confrontational and challenge their attitude with a blunt: "What do you have against pregnant people?

…or talk to your boss about religious discrimination and harassment in the workplace.
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