I guess the most intriguing part about Ebon’s arguments isn’t that he convinces me there is no God, but that he convinces me that we don’t need to believe in God to find truth or happiness! Skepticism is really what drives us continually to seek knowledge, and what has brought about the amazing revolutions in industry, physics, biology and technology that we see and enjoy today…
No, it’s not skepticism that drives us to continually seek knowledge, it is the curiosity that is part of Natural Law.
The fact is, Atheists aren’t in despair, they aren’t immoral, and they aren’t worse people than Theists. They simply see the freedom of not believing in God.
Some of the most serious athiests who have lived and written, (Nietzche, Sartre, Goethe) have realized late in their lives that something was missing, that they had an emptiness that they couldn’t fill.
In light of our own fragile evidence, what right do we have to tell atheists they are wrong? Why do we, who make bold claims to hold absolute truth, make enemies of those who oppose us while simultaneously feeling more benevolent? Can one be a Catholic Christian and still be open-minded?
Open-minded, yes, athiest no. It is not necessary that we make enemies of those who oppose us, but we are called to inform them of the Truth.
The thing is, we claim that we alone have the absolute full truth, and condemn anyone who thinks otherwise. It just seems like all the comforts I see in theism are available in atheism, just in different ways. Both can lead to happiness, and both have equal reasonable claims to the truth.
Who condemns? We must inform them of our Truth, and even Marczyk acknowledges our assertion of free-will. God has given us the honor of deciding for ourselves if we will accept Him or not. It sounds to me as if you’re talking yourself into the “comforts” of athiesm without having the demands of Catholicism.
The following result of athiestic thought:
*Wesley Smith: Bill, do you think Terri is a person?
Bill Allen: No, I do not. I think having awareness is an essential criterion for personhood. Even minimal awareness would support some criterion of personhood, but I don’t think complete absence of awareness does.
Bluntly stated, most bioethicists do not believe that membership in the human species accords any of us intrinsic moral worth. Rather, what matters is whether “a being” or “an organism,” or even a machine, is a “person,” a status achieved by having sufficient cognitive capacities. Those who don’t measure up are denigrated as “non-persons.”
So who are the so-called human non-persons? All embryos and fetuses, to be sure. But many bioethicists also categorize newborn infants as human non-persons (although some bioethicists refer to healthy newborns as “potential persons”). So too are those with profound cognitive impairments such as Terri Schiavo and President Ronald Reagan during the latter stages of his Alzheimer’s disease.
came from:
To be fair, there is a person calling himself a Catholic priest holding similar views quoted in the same article. I wonder how he’d fare in a discussion with Fr. Pavone, or even if he’s read the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
The point being that this form of “bioethics” is not possible without atheistic thinking, wherein the “quality of life,” trumps the sanctity of life."
This is just one little example of “all the comforts” you see in atheism.
I would advise you to examine prominent athiests, especially some of the philosophers, before you extoll athiesm as just “Christian without the discipline of God.” Try reading
Architects of the Culture of Death
And, yes, many athiests can be and are fine, upright, moral people. I pray for them, although they probably wouldn’t want me to.
Atheistic, humanistic thought is frightening and will destroy us if we let it.
Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.” Jn 14:6
I wanted to post my gratitude to
eptatorata for post # 9 above. It was very fair.*