I think Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq. I think he may have been justified by 9/11 to attack Afghanistan as it was supporting terrorist camps. However there was no evidence to show that Iraq had any connection to the 9/11 incident.
IF anything, all indications are that the Saudis were more culpable. 11 of the attackers were Saudis. Yet we still see Bush walking hand in hand with the Saudi leader. Saudi money still funds Al-Queda and they have done nothing to capture Osama Bin Laden. It was a Saudi official who let Bin Laden get away previously.
Saddam is not a nice guy by any stretch, and his sons were even bigger nutcases. It is good that we got rid of him. BUT now we are caught up in what basically should be an internal struggle for power. No matter who emerges, they will be seen as an American puppet ruler.
As long as US troops are there, it will be a breeding ground for anti-American insurgents both Iraqi and non-Iraqi nutcases. Pretty soon we will find ourselves in another Vietnam, where the locals just want us out of there at all cost. That is a war we can not win, without total genocide. We can turn the desert into a sheet of glass but what would that prove ?
90% of Iraq is muslim, the odds of it becoming another Islamic state is astronomically high. To expect a pro-US government is not realistic. IF we wanted to take over an oil producing country in the middle east, we should have attacked the one most responsible for the 9/11 incident. Take out Saudi Arabia and we could solve our energy crisis overnight
There may be a couple of billion muslims at our gates, but why should that bother us, we ripped over millions of indians to get rich farm land and they didn’t even bomb anyone. Why not hassle a few arabs to steal some oil ?
My only question is, now that Iraq is done with, what country do we attack next ???