A very special urgent request! Little Sophia's heart

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The following is from a friend of mine:

From: ❤️ † Vicki † ❤️
Date: Oct 15, 2006 11:59 PM

An update on my friend’s little baby Sophia Grace:

I am asking for a very special and VERY URGENT prayer
request for my friend’s little newborn baby, Sophia
Grace. Sophia was born Oct. 3 at 7 months, 2 pounds,
with a hole in her heart and other heart problems. She
had heart surgery which did not work well, and now
needs a heart transplant. Her condition as of tonight
is life or death because the doctors told her mother
that she just had a partial aneurism in one of her
arteries. If the aneurism ruptures, or blocks the
heart and lungs, she will die almost immediately.

Right now she is very pale and losing blood and all we
can do is pray for God’s will, but also for a miracle
that He will heal her or that she will get a heart
transplant very soon. Please pray.

If you could all say an emergency novena for Sophia,
that would be wonderful. You just say this prayer 10
times. (9 times for the Blessed Virgin Mary to help
her immediately, and the last for thanksgiving for
Mary’s help and intercession):

Remember, oh most gracious Virgin Mary
that never was it known
that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored thy help,
or sought thy intercession
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, we fly unto thee,
oh Virgin of Virgins, our Mother.
To thee do we come, before thee we stand,
sinful and sorrowful.
Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not our petitions,
but in thy mercy, hear and answer us. Amen. ***

And if anyone could offer up a Rosary, or knows a
priest who could offer up a Mass for her, that would
help so much!! Thanks to those who are already praying for her at prayer groups, etc!! She is holding on, and I know God doesn’t want us to give up on her!!

God bless you all,
~Your sister [and brother] in Christ, Vicki [and Tony].

Baby Sophia Grace before her surgery last week:
The following is from a friend of mine:

From: ❤️ † Vicki † ❤️
Date: Oct 15, 2006 11:59 PM

An update on my friend’s little baby Sophia Grace:
And if anyone could offer up a Rosary, or knows a
priest who could offer up a Mass for her, that would
help so much!! Thanks to those who are already praying for her at prayer groups, etc!! She is holding on, and I know God doesn’t want us to give up on her!!

God bless you all,
~Your sister [and brother] in Christ, Vicki [and Tony].

Baby Sophia Grace before her surgery last week:
Sorry to sound like a somewhat ignorant RCIA Candidate, but by “offer up a Roasary”…um, I do the Dominican Rosary every day. Do you want me to dedicate one of the decades to her, or all five decades? Or maybe all 7 decades of the Franciscan Rosary?:o
If you could all say an emergency novena for Sophia,
that would be wonderful. You just say this prayer 10
times. (9 times for the Blessed Virgin Mary to help
her immediately, and the last for thanksgiving for
Mary’s help and intercession):
Recited 12:45 AM Pacific Time, just before going to bed:gopray:
I just prayed the emergency novena suggested and will include baby Sophia Grace in my Rosary intentions today.

Andruschak, a decade or a whole Rosary, or one of many intentions of your Rosary will all do 🙂 Whatever prayers you feel drawn to say for Sophia will be used by God in a powerful way. When I’m driving and saying a Rosary and see something/someone who looks like they need prayers, I even just offer that Hail Mary that I’m on for that specific little intention (like if an ambulance goes by, someone’s broken down on the side of the road, the car in front of us has a freemason sticker, etc.).
Praying that the Queen of Heaven and Earth will bless little Sophia with her motherly blessing.

Also that she will bless her family, and all those Drs. and nurses who are working so hard to save her life.

(I will do my best to pray this novena every hour, v/s every day, as the case is so urgent.)

Another Novena offered up, and I’ll include her in my Rosary throughout the day.
I And if anyone could offer up a Rosary, or knows a
priest who could offer up a Mass for her, that would
help so much!! [/INDENT]
9:30 AM PST: I stopped by the CNEWA website. My original purpose was to order a set of Gregorian Masses for my biological Father, but I was also able to get a one-day Mass for Sophia Grace. Hope this helps:heart: .
Hey Tony!!!

They found a heart for her this morning! AHHH!! Thank you so much for your prayers! They are putting in her new heart right now!! Keep praying!!! <333

Thanks everyone.
Hey Tony!!!

They found a heart for her this morning! AHHH!! Thank you so much for your prayers! They are putting in her new heart right now!! Keep praying!!! <333

Thanks everyone.
Thank you Jesus.🙂

My sincere sympathy to the family of the heart donor.

My prayers remain with this little one and her family, friends and loved ones during her operation and recovery.

In my prayers
Thank you for the update. I will pray that the transplant goes well, and I will also pray for the family who lost a child, too.
2nd Update today:

New update on my friend’s baby, Sophia Grace. This morning doctors found her a new heart, and all today they’ve been doing surgery on her to place her new heart inside her. Please pray that her body doesn’t reject the new heart, but that it keeps pumping normally and she keeps healing.

Thank you for all the prayers! Keep praying!!

PS- It’s a miracle they found a heart for her because she was dying and the waiting list for her heart transplant was 2 weeks to 5 years but she got one in a few days!!!

Our prayers are with the child whose heart has been given to Sophia, and his/her family. May you, beloved child of God, find peace. Amen.
Blessed Mother please pray for Sophia and her parents with us.

Hail Mary full of grace the lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy whom, Jesus.

Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death,
prayers for Sophia and her family and the precious little soul and family who offered a heart. Bitter sweet.
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