I find it so very hard to keep up with all of the prayer requests on here, so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sacrificing whatever amount of time of yours which was spent praying for Sophia’s heart and the hearts of her family. I’ve never met this child, nor have I met the family, for I only knew them through a friend. However I’ve grown very fond of this little girl, and it brings me such joy to know that you’ve all been praying with us. I’m almost certain it would give Sophia’s family great consolation to know this too…
This friend is compiling a scrapbook for the family, with letters/cards/drawings from everyone who prayed. If you’ve been touched by this little one, and feel like contributing, don’t hesitate to private message me.
Those who have prayed, and are still praying, thank you. God bless you. Everyone on these forums are in my prayers.