A warning to the pro-life movement

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It’s not tragically ignorant. Please. Stay in school, don’t get in trouble with the law, and don’t get pregnant is good advice.
Hello, my name is mental health, I rob people of their reason. Especially with depression I’ll force you to seek comfort by any means necessary.

Do you have any idea how condescending your advise sounds to people it doesn’t apply too?
If abortion makes up such a small amount of what PP actually does, then why are they so unwilling to drop that service to maintain Title X funding?
Could it be because they believe (whether we agree or not, and regardless of objective reality) that it is an important service for them to provide?
Do you have any idea how condescending your advise sounds to people it doesn’t apply too?
With the incredible amount of abortions being paid for by the tax payer, and loss of life to the BABY, babies in the millions, it seems it needs to be said a lot more. I know, using the word baby and not fetus is upsetting.

The ‘I am so offended’ response to anything common sense really doesn’t have any more impact, it’s used so often it’s ridiculous. It’s a power strategy to make the person shut up.
I won’t make a definite statement one way or another without seeing the actual figures. But it seems to me that if the ratio of services is close to what is claimed (low percentage of visits related to abortion) and the population they serve is predominately low income, that the likelihood of abortion providing the majority (or even a major percentage) of their revenue (how I would understand “cash cow” in this context) is low probability.
With the incredible amount of abortions being paid for by the tax payer, and loss of life to the BABY, babies in the millions, it seems it needs to be said a lot more. I know, using the word baby and not fetus is upsetting.
The mental health of people matters. It’s not the term “baby” I’m worried about as much as “Just don’t do it, simple.”
As I’ve said, there’s plenty of posters here who claim DJT is the “most pro-life” President of all time. What hasn’t been established is how that applies to the already living
How about being the first president in many many decades not to start any new wars ?
(Ignoring the 200k dead from his frankly appalling response to CV-19, and not mentioning the allegations of forced sterilisations in the concentration camps on the US/Mexico border.)
What do you think he should have done? Thank you in advance for responding. This is not a snarky question. It’s an honest question–I honestly don’t know what any President would have done differently, considering the state of American hospitals and clinics (short-staffing, ancient computer technology, shoe-string budgets, highly-paid CEOs and administrators).

The short staffing of American hospitals, IMO, is not so much because of administration’s frugality (although in some cases, it probably is), but also because of the lack of trained, licensed, educated (earning the appropriate degrees) people to step into the many positions in clinics and hospitals. It’s not just nurses and doctors who do all the work. Without the ancillary health care services, M.D.s and nurses are dead in the water.

So that’s my assessment, based on working in the hospital microbiology lab for over 36 years, and being on the front lines for the COVID-testing process in my hospital. I’m not sure any President could have done much about these issues–he can’t materialize trained personnel out of nothing. And even if he paid for snazzy computer systems in hospitals and clinics, it takes months to set these things up–right now, we’ve been waiting for two years to be online with our new system.

Again, I appreciate your response.
Ok so this is off the top of my head.

Firstly the economy needed to go into stasis the federal government instead of giving a one off stimulus of $1200 could have supported wages instead. Let’s say they paid employers directly, 80% of each worker that is laid off monthly salary. But let’s cap it to a dollar amount so those who have mega salaries aren’t fleecing the system when they don’t need the money, $3000 seems about right. That would allow workers to be able to stay home and pay the bills.

Secondly masks, this should be mandatory in all public places. I’m in the UK but as far as I know, the US constitution has a clause referring to the ‘common defense’ I’m assuming that doesn’t just mean fighter jets and tanks.

Thirdly, he should have been crystal clear with the dangers. No lying about how it will “disappear”, show leadership, wear a mask, practice social distancing. More than anything though, and I repeat this, don’t lie. There are people that took him at face value, he needed to tell them clearly the risks.

With regards to healthcare I believe the US government has a war procurement policy. Could that not be used to “purchase” healthcare, so that treatment and testing are ‘free’ at point of need.

Mostly though not lying about the risks would have been a good start.
Firstly the economy needed to go into stasis the federal government instead of giving a one off stimulus of $1200 could have supported wages instead. Let’s say they paid employers directly, 80% of each worker that is laid off monthly salary. But let’s cap it to a dollar amount so those who have mega salaries aren’t fleecing the system when they don’t need the money, $3000 seems about right. That would allow workers to be able to stay home and pay the bills.
It would have been impossible to put the economy into stasis. Many of us HAD to go to work, especially all of us working in health care. And we needed the supplies from all those factory workers making masks, gowns, swabs, lab tests kits. Also, we all needed food/groceries/fast food when we weren’t home to cook-- so all those food supply workers had to stay on the job. And all of us needed truckers and delivery vans and transport of our sendout lab tests–people kept getting sick with other conditions than COVID–breast cancer and strokes didn’t take a time-out just because there was a new virus in town. And the road crews needed to keep the roads in good shape.

And all the computer people had to keep working because they are the ones keeping it all moving.

And the news media had to keep going–more than anything, we needed to know what was happening all around the country and world. Can you even imagine how much more terrifying this pandemic would have been if we didn’t get updates from the news media?

And pastors, priests, and counselors needed to keep working–people of faith don’t stop needing Reconciliation, or counselling for an addiction, or an uplifting sermon.

And the rescue mission/charitable industries had to go into high gear and keep working, especially after people were forced to stop working in restaurants, theater and entertainment (local, not the hot shots that make a million dollars just for stepping onto a set and smiling), any kind of tourism, etc.

The power grid people needed to keep working–electricity, gas, water, sewage, etc.

And the car repair people had plenty of business–cars keep breaking down even during a pandemic.

As for your salary cap–hate to tell you this, but my husband and I between the two of us bring in $8000/month, and we have bills that pretty much take all of that, and those bills are not diamonds, champagne, and a yacht. We pay for things like mortgage, student loans, the 4th highest property taxes in the nation, health care needs, retirement investments so we don’t have be dependent on other taxpayers, various charitable works (e.g., groceries for my inlaws) etc… $3000 would have been pretty paltry, and possibly caused us to go into foreclosure.

No, shutting down the economy would have been disaster, utter chaos, apocalyptic. Work is what humans are created to do–remember Adam tilling the soil? To shutter us all at home and send us a subsistance wage would have meant despair, violence from those who have no conscience or religion, and probably widespread suicide.
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Secondly masks, this should be mandatory in all public places. I’m in the UK but as far as I know, the US constitution has a clause referring to the ‘common defense’ I’m assuming that doesn’t just mean fighter jets and tanks.
Making something mandatory doesn’t mean people will comply, unless you find a way to sew a mask onto someone’s face.

A mask law would work like any other law, e.g., speeding. Do you honestly think that the speed limits stop people from speeding? Oh, that’s hilarious! Good heavens–I drive to work everyday on a long street in our city that runs the length of the city–it’s in the city, not a bypass or a highway. It goes by houses, little businesses, a school, etc. And the speed limit is 30 MPH, but I’ve clocked it–the average speed of those driving to work is around 65 MPH.

And keep in mind that Dr. Fauci originally cast some doubt on masking by saying that it wouldn’t be helpful. Then he changed his mind. There are still a lot of people who are uncertain of whether masks work or not. Many times we have heard that masks do not prevent the wearer from catching COVID-19, but only prevent others from catching it–to me that doesn’t make sense.

I wear a mask where I am required to wear a mask. I have a very hard time wearing the mask because of my glasses fogging up–it’s scary to not be able to see. But I wear it, and I think most people of conscience and good will wear the mask when they are in settings where the mask is necessary. I do not believe a mask is necessary while taking a walk in the park where only a few people are present, or sitting on my deck at my house.

And who would enforce a mask law? The cops? C’mon Honestly now! In our city, we have a shooting every day, and there is so much gang violence and drug crime and sex trafficking and domestic violence (this is huge in our city), and of course, all those speeders and other traffic law violators who truly do put people in danger. The cops have enough to do. Enforcing a mask law would have been just silly–what happens when an honest, good, charitable citizen just forgets and walks into the grocery store without their mask–should they really receive a fine? A lot of old people walk into a store without their wallets or their grocery lists–think of all the poor old souls who would get in trouble making an honest mistake when they forget to wear their mask.

Nope–people who are community-minded and have a well-formed conscience do NOT need a “mask law” to do the right thing, and people who are self-minded and have a faulty conscience will not obey a mask law, and probably would not be caught because they’ve learned how to dodge the law.

In the United States, we are free and independent–that is the basis of forming our country. We are NOT free and independent to prey on others and commit crimes and live a selfish, criminal life. But we ARE free and independent to do the right thing even if there ISN’T a “law” requiring us to do the right thing. That’s what being an American means.
Thirdly, he should have been crystal clear with the dangers. No lying about how it will “disappear”, show leadership, wear a mask, practice social distancing. More than anything though, and I repeat this, don’t lie. There are people that took him at face value, he needed to tell them clearly the risks.
How could the President be “crystal clear about the dangers” when the health care professionals were not knowledgeable enough to know the dangers?!

I work in a hospital lab–we KNEW that COVID-19 was coming, and we tried to prepare. When I look back on our preparations, I laugh–we had no IDEA! And we were the professionals!

The President is a businessman. He has no medical background. All he could do was rely on his medical advisors like Dr. Fauci.

From the beginning, Dr. Fauci tried his best to keep us all updated, but he made mistakes. He initially told us that mask-wearing wasn’t necessary and would do more harm than good. Then he changed his mind. That misstep has caused many people to doubt the effectiveness of masking. But Dr. Fauci cannot be condemned or criticized for the misstep–he did not know all the facts! WE STILL DO NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS about COVID-19!!!

I honestly think that Pres. Trump has done well. He has tried to keep up our spirits, he has made sure that the economy kept going so that we could get our medical supplies and food and other necessities, he authorized a payout to all Americans, he’s tried to help those who were unemployed, etc.

Yes, he’s made mistakes in his speeches, based on the conflicting information that he received day by day. Everything changed daily–in the lab, we heard one thing one day, and the next day we would be told, “No, don’t do it that way after all.”

I think that no matter WHAT Pres. Trump said or did, he would have been torn apart by the lions and tigers and bears who are his policial enemys. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have been out to get him since Day One, and he has been attacked on all sides by people who are convinced that he conspired with the Russians to get elected, or that the Electoral System has to be discontinued because they don’t understand (in spite of the fact that they are lawyers educated in American history, civics, and government) that we are not a democracy, but a FEDERATION OF SOVEREIGN STATES!!!

I personally don’t see how Pres. Trump has lasted this long in the face of the constant criticism, media attacks, sneers, etc. Inquisitor85, it doesn’t matter what Pres. Trump says–it would be met with scorn and criticism from people who are still furious that people in the United States preferred a businessman who wants Americans to live free rather than a lying, conniving woman who wanted the federal government to control everything Americans say, do, and think.
If abortion makes up such a small amount of what PP actually does, then why are they so unwilling to drop that service to maintain Title X funding?
Dr Leena Wen was the Baltimore health commissioner and was appointed the head of PP a few years ago. She lasted eight months, because she wanted to focus on women’s health services and away from abortion. They fired her.

So, PP is all about abortion as a charism, if I can use that word. It’s their thing.
In the US the president has no authority over public health: it is not a power delegated to him by the US constitution. Power over public health is in the hands of individual states. All lockdown orders were issued by state governors. The president of the US has no more authority to institute a nationwide mask mandate than you do (which is none at all).
Worked in western Europe, why would it not work in the US? Also I mean a cap at $3000 per person, not per household.
Making something mandatory doesn’t mean people will comply
Correct. To swing this to the OP why would it work with abortion?

I’ll grant you though that it won’t force compliance, however my understanding is that most non-compliance with mask requirements comes from the “Constitutional Rights” crowd. Selling it as those peoples Constitutional duty would make them at least consider the consequences of their selfishness on others.
How could the President be “crystal clear about the dangers”
Maybe by telling the American people what he did know, rather than straight up lying about it. He knew it was serious back in March, instead he lied to you. Saying instead it would just magically disappear. You know he lied, we all know he lied, there is recorded evidence of him lying on this point. That alone is beyond reprehensible.
. To swing this to the OP why would it work with abortion?
Of course a “law” or even a Constitutional Human Right to Life Amendment (not likely except in our dreams) won’t work with abortion. Of course people will still choose to abort and find a way to do it.

But the heinous and evil law won’t be on the American books, and God won’t hold our nation responsible for legalizing “evil.”
Saying instead it would just magically disappear.
I’m going to tell you something that will shock you. First, I have worked in a hospital lab in the Microbiology Dept. for over 31 years in my current lab, and six years at a lab in a Raleigh, North Carolina hospital. In other words, not “hick” hospitals or veterinary offices or in one of the “Mall Labs.” Like my co-workers, I have a Bachelor’s Degree. A few of my co-workers have Masters Degrees.

We all believe that COVID-19 will eventually “disappear”. Actually, the better word is “decline,” as the virus will always be among us. We believe that as many millions of us contract the virus, the number of infections in any given area will slowly decline and the situation will become like all the other viral onsets–seasonal and combatible with either a vaccine, or self-care (isolation, masking, gloves, hand-washing) which actions may (or may not) work without a vaccine.

(Self-care has always been a good idea to try to avoid acquiring ANY virus that happens to be floating around, and add all to the actions I have mentioned the actions regarding eating and drinking–cook well-done, don’t let veges and fruits be prepped on the same board as the meats, watch expiration dates, etc.).

Throughout history, we have seen the rise and fall of many viruses, with the resulting disease and deaths of many millions of earth’s people. Most of these viruses are still around, but we either have vaccinations against them, or we have herd immunity, or we have learned how to prevent their attack by draining standing water (malaria, dengue, yellow fever, ZIKA, etc), destroying vermin and other pests like rats, eating and drinking “clean” food and water, hand-washing, face-coverings, etc. And of course, vaccines, which most of the world’s population will happily avail themselves of.

The one viral disease that we still don’t have a handle on is malaria, which kills billions every year. All of our efforts have been stymied throughout the centuries. Our best defenses at this time are draining standing water and covering with a cheap moquito net while sleeping. It’s no wonder that early Christian artists sometimes depicted Satan as as “mosquito-like” monster.
As I’ve said, there’s plenty of posters here who claim DJT is the “most pro-life” President of all time. What hasn’t been established is how that applies to the already living.
Hard to know what you mean by “applies”. What would DJT have to do with the already-born (babies are alive from conception) to receive favorable marks in your eyes? He certainly has done more for pre-born babies than any other president so far.
Ok in slightly more plain terms, what has the President done to improve the lives of average American citizens? You know not potential citizens, but the ones who are actually here right now.

If also like to know when it became a pro-life position to lock children in cages on the US/Mexico border.
Ok in slightly more plain terms, what has the President done to improve the lives of average American citizens? You know not potential citizens, but the ones who are actually here right now.
Plenty, from where I stand. Removing unConstitutational restrictions on religious freedom, walloping the jobless rate (before COVID hurt everybody), and lowering paycheck taxes are three I can think of off the top of my head.
If also like to know when it became a pro-life position to lock children in cages on the US/Mexico border.
Overblown, fake news. Some children were separated temporarily for their safety, a practice that Barack Obama also followed. A lot of those children were raped or otherwise harmed on their journey by “mules” as well; seems to me that the fault lie with the parents that tried to use their kids as a shield to get into the country illegally.
If also like to know when it became a pro-life position to lock children in cages on the US/Mexico border.
Nobody supports that, but there is no perfect pro-life candidate and the number of abortions greatly outnumber those incidents.
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