Firstly the economy needed to go into stasis the federal government instead of giving a one off stimulus of $1200 could have supported wages instead. Let’s say they paid employers directly, 80% of each worker that is laid off monthly salary. But let’s cap it to a dollar amount so those who have mega salaries aren’t fleecing the system when they don’t need the money, $3000 seems about right. That would allow workers to be able to stay home and pay the bills.
It would have been impossible to put the economy into stasis. Many of us HAD to go to work, especially all of us working in health care. And we needed the supplies from all those factory workers making masks, gowns, swabs, lab tests kits. Also, we all needed food/groceries/fast food when we weren’t home to cook-- so all those food supply workers had to stay on the job. And all of us needed truckers and delivery vans and transport of our sendout lab tests–people kept getting sick with other conditions than COVID–breast cancer and strokes didn’t take a time-out just because there was a new virus in town. And the road crews needed to keep the roads in good shape.
And all the computer people had to keep working because they are the ones keeping it all moving.
And the news media had to keep going–more than anything, we needed to know what was happening all around the country and world. Can you even imagine how much more terrifying this pandemic would have been if we didn’t get updates from the news media?
And pastors, priests, and counselors needed to keep working–people of faith don’t stop needing Reconciliation, or counselling for an addiction, or an uplifting sermon.
And the rescue mission/charitable industries had to go into high gear and keep working, especially after people were forced to stop working in restaurants, theater and entertainment (local, not the hot shots that make a million dollars just for stepping onto a set and smiling), any kind of tourism, etc.
The power grid people needed to keep working–electricity, gas, water, sewage, etc.
And the car repair people had plenty of business–cars keep breaking down even during a pandemic.
As for your salary cap–hate to tell you this, but my husband and I between the two of us bring in $8000/month, and we have bills that pretty much take all of that, and those bills are not diamonds, champagne, and a yacht. We pay for things like mortgage, student loans, the 4th highest property taxes in the nation, health care needs, retirement investments so we don’t have be dependent on other taxpayers, various charitable works (e.g., groceries for my inlaws) etc… $3000 would have been pretty paltry, and possibly caused us to go into foreclosure.
No, shutting down the economy would have been disaster, utter chaos, apocalyptic. Work is what humans are created to do–remember Adam tilling the soil? To shutter us all at home and send us a subsistance wage would have meant despair, violence from those who have no conscience or religion, and probably widespread suicide.