there are very few if any excuses for a divorce in my book. there are programs out there treatments, therapists and other resources. i am a child of divorce, i suffered my whole life including my adult life because of it. i think all to often people are lazy and dont care to fix it. they get selfish and say “im not happy” well boo freakin hoo. life isnt always about being happy. my husband and i have only been married 5 months and had to go to retrouvaille. we could have said hey we got married to young, just give us an anullment and lets move on, while we’re still young enough and cute enough to marry better people. we didnt do that, we knew we loved each other, we knew we made a commitment to God, and so we draged our shameful selves into retrouvaille. it was humiliating to be there after such a short period of time, but the only thing more humiliating would have been a divorce. i could have blamed my failed marriage on my parents divorce, on my mistrust of men, on my husbands issues, but i didnt i looked deep inside my self and asked my self what am i doing to sabotage my marriage. it has been 4 weeks since our retrouvaille weekend. it was a miracle. we are so in love and happy. God forbid should we fall again, thats right where we will head. i believe a person has to earn their way out of a marriage. you dont just get to say im not happy, i want a divorce. Thats not what God made marriage to be.