ABC news: Incompetent or deceptive?

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Girl with Rare Disorder Barred from Communion
Catholics believe the wine and the wafer symbolize the body and blood of Christ. When it was Haley’s turn to experience her first communion, she donned a special white dress for the occasion, ready to participate in the ritual that unites Catholics around the world. But for Haley there was a difference.
The article goes on to explain how she can’t digest wheat, and
that somehow means the Church has barred her.

No where other than the referenced paragraph is the other
species of communion mentioned nor is the fact that she
could be given the precious blood instead of the body and
that would be equally valid.

Either ABC news is incompetent or deceptive. My opinion is
that they could have dug someone up in the editorial dept
who had enough knowledge of Catholicism to set them
straight before unleashing this subterfuge, or they could
have at least come here! But then, they might have missed
their all-important “scoop” on this chance to knock the

Incompetently deceptive

Or should it be

Deceptively incompetent?
I never watch the alphabet channels at home. Happened to be at MIL’s house on Easter Sunday and had to sit through an hour of Peter Jennings. It was all I could do not to pick up the ham and throw it through the screen. The deception, the innuendos, the flat out falsehoods were so obvious. Thank heavens I am not subjected to this on a regular basis

LIsa N
Lisa N:
I never watch the alphabet channels at home. Happened to be at MIL’s house on Easter Sunday and had to sit through an hour of Peter Jennings. It was all I could do not to pick up the ham and throw it through the screen. The deception, the innuendos, the flat out falsehoods were so obvious. Thank heavens I am not subjected to this on a regular basis

LIsa N
AMEN. Listening to Peter Jennings and his snooty tone is paaaaaaainful.
AMEN. Listening to Peter Jennings and his snooty tone is paaaaaaainful.
I agree, after 9-11 I gave up the last few MSM channels that I occasionally watched for fun. I am very careful about where I get my news now.
I agree, after 9-11 I gave up the last few MSM channels that I occasionally watched for fun. I am very careful about where I get my news now.
My experience mirrors yours. I did check in to see what the networks were saying in election night, and beyond the hilarity that was Dan’s Ratherisms, Peter could have been broadcasting from the BBC, and Tom just looked beat up and tired.
My experience mirrors yours. I did check in to see what the networks were saying in election night, and beyond the hilarity that was Dan’s Ratherisms, Peter could have been broadcasting from the BBC, and Tom just looked beat up and tired.
Some of them looked like deer in the headlights and George Stephanopolis looked like he was going to burst into tears at any minute. It was like being privy to a wake.
Lisa N
This happened some time ago so why did they have to bring it up on Easter? I would go so far as to say they are lying, anti-Catholic incompetents.
All last week between Terri Schiavo and Holy week I kept asking the same question. How do they either dig up dissenting Preists or so many Catholics that misrepresent our faith. I saw a guy on the net works last week that was spewing that worldwide Catholics have a problem with American Catholics because we support birth control and abortion. I was so annoyed. I just changed it.

Is it that hard to find someone that understands our faith?
Catholics believe the wine and the wafer symbolize the body and blood of Christ.
Huh? :eek:

I love the theology of ABC News. :whacky:
They can’t get anything write first the bread does not symbolize Christ. Second last year it was reported a group of sisters have come up with a communion wafer that has wheat but has low levels of the ingredients that cause the alergic reaction of those alergic to wheat. Fr Pacwa mentioned this on his show and I remeber reading about it somewhere but no investigation about this alternative wafer was given. This wafer was popularized after this case became public last year. ABC dug up this old story especially for easter without digging up the solutions the church has come up with. OF course the immediate solution was communion wine but the mother refused that as an option and really that is the crux of the problem here the misunderstanding of the mother that the child need both the wine and bread to have the full sacrmanet of course ABC won’t bring that up either.
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