ABC's Good Morning America cancels guest at lesbian couple's request

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January 28, 2005
Contact Amanda Sova, SBM Media Relations (203)926-6960

HUNTINGTON, CT - Stephen Bennett, executive director of SBM, was booked and
scheduled to appear on “Good Morning America” today, Friday Jan. 28, 2005 at
7:00 am EST. He was to discuss “Postcards from Buster,” Education Secretary
Margaret Spelling’s rebuke to PBS and PBS’s decision to pull one episode
from the air.

The episode in controversy “Sugartime!” depicts two lesbian moms and their
daughters on a farm in Vermont. Many Americans are outraged, especially
right on the heels of the “Sponge Bob” controversy (really known as the We
Are Family Foundation controversy.) This episode of “Postcards from Buster”
blatantly promotes the lesbian lifestyle as natural and normal to juvenile

“Sponge Bob may be off the hook, but Buster the Bunny has been busted,” said
Bennett. “Those who have an immoral agenda just refuse leave our children

GMA also scheduled the two lesbians featured in the controversial episode to
appear for the debate segment with Bennett.

After the pre-interview, when the lesbians were informed that Stephen was a
former homosexual - now married to a woman with children, as well as
Bennett’s traditional stands on marriage and the family, the producers
called and said the lesbians felt “uncomfortable” even being in the same
room (studio) with Stephen. They wanted to set Stephen up in a satellite
studio in another state.

After Bennett assured the producers he would show nothing but love, respect
and kindness to the lesbian couple, GMA called and said “We’ve had a change
in plans and are going to use some pre-taped interviews we already have for
the debate segment.”

GMA said, “Logistics just could not be worked out.” They also said no
satellite locations were available. SBM frequently uses one at the YES
Network only 30 minutes away which is ALWAYS available at the drop of a
dime. (GMA’s studios in NYC are only one hour or so from SBM’s offices in

Did GMA do what they said? Absolutely not. They immediately called Stephen’s
friend and colleague Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition, to
do the live interview this morning via satellite in place of Bennett (Andrea
did a fantastic job as usual.)

Stephen believes he was booted because of the lesbians’ intolerance and
bigotry toward him for being a former homosexual.

Once again, the media elite strikes and tries to silence the message that
homosexuals can in fact change - even though that was not the topic of the
segment. Also, Bennett is deeply disturbed by the blatant hypocrisy of the
lesbians stating on air that they feel America treats them as if they “don’t
even exist.”

It seems by these two lesbians refusing to debate Bennett - let alone even
be in the same studio with him - in their book, former homosexuals DO NOT

So who really is the recipient of “intolerance, hatred and bigotry” here?
Obviously, NOT the lesbians.
We see the intolerance of the “gay” crowd. They are closed minded, bigoted and mean spirited.
Do what I do. Boycott the news. In general I do this, unless something really improtant comes up.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
“UNCOMFORTABLE” Don’t you just love the way that word is used now? Oh my, we mustn’t be UNCOMFORTABLE! I have refused to use that term in my own discourse and I wish someone would ask these people just what they mean by it, and like, is it all that bad? Is it sort of like Fear of Cooties in grade school? Do other things make them UNCOMFORTABLE??
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