Well, my point is that we have not just talked and marched …we have provided real life and even long twerm support - both before and after birth , for both single Mom’s and for couples. We also support many causes …thus we need to push back on the idea that we are single issue …at the same time abortion’s primary victims are not seen, the cannot March on Washington or the State houses, they cannot protest out side of the abortion mills.
They - the primary victims - only have our voices, hands and feet to do that hard work for them. That is the hard work of changing hearts and minds and laws. Just because it’s hard or it seems like we are not making progress, we need to keep the faith. We have made progress on every one of those fronts - even as we have been dismissed, vilified and ignored.
The sheer number of victims just with the babies, not to mention the mothers and fathers means we have to stay the course …look at how they have counted the Covid 19 victims and the weight those deaths have been assessed …far more babies are lost each and every year …those numbers have been horrendous since 1973 …47 years …not months, not one every 100 years but each and every year …while the trend has been downward …chemical abortion will hide the numbers and make the victims even more difficult to “see”.