Abortion by Other Means

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Makes you wonder how many women really want abortions and how many are forced to by self-centered men. Also makes you wonder how many abortions are from rape victims too scared to report the rape.

How can the so-called femminists live with themselves as they let these young women suffer intimidation, persecution, and even death (spiritual or physical) at the hands of men? Is this empowering women? I don’t think so.
I am not surprised, the Roe v Wade mentality has turned this country into a very violent society(and people wonder why teen violence is up):rolleyes: God Bless
In my town, we had a case this year of an 18 yr. old boy who beat his girlfriend (16 - I think) causing her to miscarry twins. He has been charged with murder under the new laws. The twist is that his girlfriend claims that they were BOTH wanting to abort the babies and that she was a willing participant in the “abortion”. She cannot, of course, be charged at all. I initially thought that this was a case of an abused woman trying to get her abuser off the hook due to the twisted logic that many abused women suffer from. But according to people who knew her, she had tried some other means of aborting the babies - taking pills and such. It’s interesting to note that the young man charged with the murders is said not to be the father of the babies. Any way you look at it - what a tragedy! Ironic that they could have had someone else kill those babies legally - as long as that person had a medical degree. What a screwed up world! Stories like this make you cry out to Jesus, “Come back SOON!” :gopray:
This is what the Elite teach our children, we call it higher education in USA. That is why our schools are called high.
There are so many terrible repercussions that came out of Roe v. Wade. Violence against women is one of them. A higher crime rate is another. The value of human life basically went down the toilet when the supreme court decided that it was ok for a woman to kill her own child. I think the father should be involved in this kind of decision. However, since we live in such a morally drained society, the father isn’t always someone that the woman knows well enough to predict what he might do if she got pregnant. it’s funny how all these “choices” don’t liberate woman at all, in fact, it makes them more restricted than before.

God Bless! Katie
Let’s face it - radical feminism has mostly hurt women. The radical feminists, and this includes the men who have adopted the agenda promoted by them, are so self-absorbed that they won’t allow themselves to see the turth. Is is any wonder they are also anti-Catholic?
Let’s face it - radical feminism has mostly hurt women. The radical feminists, and this includes the men who have adopted the agenda promoted by them, are so self-absorbed that they won’t allow themselves to see the turth. Is is any wonder they are also anti-Catholic?
Magster you got there before me. We have really devalued MEN in this society. I don’t mean we have devalued, males, but MEN. They are taught they are superfluous to women and children and thus responsibility for a wife and child does not sit well with some of them. We have trained both sexes that personal responsibility is optional.

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Magster you got there before me. We have really devalued MEN in this society. I don’t mean we have devalued, males, but MEN. They are taught they are superfluous to women and children and thus responsibility for a wife and child does not sit well with some of them. We have trained both sexes that personal responsibility is optional.

Lisa N
Magster and LisaN you both hit the nail on the head.The radical feminist have ruined it for women and men and children are mostly walking wounded walking around:crying: Divorce doesn’t even bat an eye anymore,adultery is portrayed as extra corricular activity,choice is just an excuse to do the unthinkable with no conscience.God Bless
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