I wish that there were inalianable rights, I really do. But there are none. A right is always granted by some entity, which has the power to enforce it. The same entity can take that right away, and enforce that, too. It all boils down to power.sure, but i still don’t understand why that should make a moral difference.
is it because you subscribe to some kind of deep relation between morality and property rights, and perhaps also believe that ownership of the body is something like the most basic example of a(n inalienable) right to property?
Well, if taxation is voluntary, and there are no repercussions for failing to pay those taxes, then you are right. However, I never heard of such a system. If you do not pay the property taxes, you will lose your house. Alan Sherman wrote once that in the US the government let’s us play Monopoly with our money, properties, etc… but as soon as it sees fit, it can trample on all our property rights, because it has more power than any individual.not on all theories of taxation, i’m afraid…
It is very nice, but much too vague. Especially since there is always an “unless…”, as we all know.by “moral”, i just mean the moral norms that apply to human action. like “one ought not intentionally to kill another person”.
Objective, for sure. But not absolute. There was the famous and true story of the people whose plane crashed in the Andes and they had to survive by eating the dead passengers. Was their action moral, or not?well, it is (or was) either immoral or not; in that sense, the morality of cannibalism is objective.
I hope because the soceity which does not grant the right to self-determination is repulsive to me.but do you fervently hope that it won’t change simply because you like things the way they are right now? or because you believe that, if things did change in the way you describe, we would then be part of an unjust regime?
Well, let’s call ourselves realistic instead of cynical, and everything will look better.and i’m young and cynical enough…kind of sad, really.
Just what I consider very important to make life enjoyable. To me these are negative rights. To be left alone as long as I do not actively harm others. (Of course the devil is in the details. Maybe we could talk about them in another thread.)in what sense are fundamental rights “fundamental”, though?