Abortion: How to answer The "right" to avoid pregnancy risks/complications

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Involved in therapy and mentally unsound are not the same. It is healthy to seek counseling for many (some would argue most) people. “Of unsound mind” denotes mental illness.
I suppose it depends on your definition of unsound mind. I think it can be argued that we are all to greater or lesser degree of unsound mind. Therapy is usually recommended in cases of greater unsound mind where it may be overwhelming for us to cope with our minds.
Because assault does not cause mental defects
I also agree with this. Trauma of the mind is not a “defect” in my opinion it is a valid response of our mental faculties but it certainly can influence our decisions in a way that we otherwise wouldn’t choose.
A problem with this argument is that it doesn’t explain why abortion should be illegal in the case of rape.
The rape argument is the red herring.
It’s used to shut down the conversation.
Okay then–so your position is that laws banning abortion should have an exception for rape?

Because if that is not your position, then your argument doesn’t work.
These sort of responses are used to paint the prolife movement into a bunch of heartless people.
Honestly, nothing we say will make them like us.
They’re minds are made up and they won’t be confused by facts.
Those who do not want to be parents should take a vow of celibacy. The purpose of the marital act is the propagation of the human race, so those who do not wish to have part in the propagation of the human race must also refrain from the joys of the marital act. A couple that engages in relations during an infertile time, old age, or with a reproductive system that is damaged by disease or injury nevertheless submits to God’s power to work a miracle. Even if you desire not to have a child at this time, engaging in the marital act without subverting it is saying to God, “We don’t to have a baby right now, but not our will but Thine be done.”

Conversely, the act of contraception is a form of sacrilege, an affront to the Sacrament of Marriage, which seeks pleasure without its attendant responsibilities. Graver still is the act of abortion or infanticide, because it subverts the marital act no less than contraception and also sheds innocent blood, and the shedding of innocent blood is further aggravated by being an act against natural affection.

If continuing a pregnancy places the mother’s life in immediate danger, or if the child is near death, the child should be delivered immediately and baptized, and both mother and child should be given proper care. If the mother has a condition that could endanger her life but poses no immediate danger, she should be monitored so that emergency care and emergency delivery can be provided immediately if her condition deteriorates. It may come to pass that mother and/or child dies in spite of the best efforts of the doctors, and it may even come to pass that a mass casualty situation precludes giving appropriate care to the patients, but under no circumstances is it licit to kill the child deliberately.
These sort of responses are used to paint the prolife movement into a bunch of heartless people. We are commanded by Christ to love, to charity. Our answers must be charitable.
Excluding rape cases doesn’t paint anyone as heartless.
Okay then–so your position is that laws banning abortion should have an exception for rape?

Because if that is not your position, then your argument doesn’t work.
That can be done some other time.
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