The problem here again isn’t that the baby is alive, but it is the placenta that causes the issue. The fact that the child is alive is not the issue here. Basically, the issue is ultimately caused by all complications of pregnancy, that they got pregnant.what you both are saying is incorrect. Yes, there is one, and that condition is called Eclampsia. If the baby is not removed out the mother’s body the mother will die as it is the child in and of itself that is causing the mother’s body to.enter into.convulsions until she dies and nothing can stop it. BUT and this is a big big BUT, eclampsia very rarely presents itself before 20 or 21 week therefore now a days given that this is right on the border of viability, doctors usually would perform a c-section to give the baby the chance to survive. So while there is a condition that is directly caused by the baby’s presence there is an alternative and licit option to save the mother’s life and I have never heard of a case that involves eclampsia under 19 weeks so the option should definitely be a c-section.
The other ailment is ectopic pregnancies where the embrio is going to die anyway and can cause the rupture of the tube and if that happens the mother will die. But as I said in this case removal of the tube before rupture would be the licit option.
So, I still stand by my statement that the fact the baby is alive is never the cause of a disorder.
I never said that the problem wasn’t that the baby was present in the womb, but the fact that the baby has life.