I believe that most women who have abortions are blind to the moral gravity of what they are doing so i am not the kind of person to demonize them for their decisions. However the act of abortion itself is a fascist nihilistic act. We seem to moving into a consumer-nihilistic culture where the goal is sensory enjoyment and where something or some life is sacred only when we say it is, if that happens to be the whim of the majorities fancy. There is something to say in favor of women’s privacy as i do not believe in the idea of policing women’s wombs and thus the legal side of the abortion qeustion is difficult since a women does not cease to have rights just because the child in her womb ought to have rights from a moral stand-point.
However, i have always seen the legal qeustion and the moral question as two different things. While the system may not be able to protect my life from the moment of conception, i do not believe that my mother had the moral right to extinguish my life at the moment of conception. I didn’t have the capacity to express my will to exist at the moment of conception, but being alive now and being conscious of my desire to exist, it is self evident that the possibility of abortion was a threat to my existence. And the idea that my mum might have decided to end me is morally repulsive.
A non-believer may not see a problem with this, but one must admit that deciding the value of somebodies existence and determining their life or death on nothing more than whatever practical value or practical burden they may have, cannot be seen as anything less than a fascist and nihilistic act.
However, i have always seen the legal qeustion and the moral question as two different things. While the system may not be able to protect my life from the moment of conception, i do not believe that my mother had the moral right to extinguish my life at the moment of conception. I didn’t have the capacity to express my will to exist at the moment of conception, but being alive now and being conscious of my desire to exist, it is self evident that the possibility of abortion was a threat to my existence. And the idea that my mum might have decided to end me is morally repulsive.
A non-believer may not see a problem with this, but one must admit that deciding the value of somebodies existence and determining their life or death on nothing more than whatever practical value or practical burden they may have, cannot be seen as anything less than a fascist and nihilistic act.
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