I’m looking for people who know more about science that me…preferably those who work in this field. A person argued this:
Now, the sentence doesn’t make much sense becuase he contradicts himself. I pointed that out and he answered:My personal standpoint to use against those people who say that abortion is wrong because life begins at conception (which is biologically true, although using that logic, the removal of a tumour is wrong, as in the early stages of pregnancy, there is little difference between an 8 cell foetus & an 8 cell tumour (no I’m not calling a baby tumour, I’m just looking at it from an objective scientific standpoint))
I would refute what he says from the logical standpoint but that will not do much good because he will keep repeating the 8 cells argument. I’m not completelly sure how to serpond to that. I have an idea but I don’t want to be spreading false claims out of ignorance. Could someone please help me refute this?I fail to see how I contradict myself when I say that an 8 cell tumour is almost identical to an 8 cell foetus. The sole difference is in that a foetus doesn’t metastasize, other than that, it is the same - a small group of cells that grows faster than normal groups of cells. At that point, it has no blood, no distinct tissues, & no shape, it is therefore a tumour. I simply stated that I wasn’t going to start going around to expectant mothers saying “Oh, hows the tumour?”, no contradicting there.