Three points I saw:
1. He says there is little difference between a fetus and a tumor, and he says this is a scientific standpoint.
For one, a tumor, by definition, is an abnormal growth.
For the scientific community to speak of objective normalcy…and thus what a tumor is not…is to place this comparison way beyond a “little difference.”
8 cells of a human being are not equivelent to 8 cells in a tumor, yet that is what this person so desperately wants to believe.
A cell is not a cell is not a cell is not a cell.
**2. **This person admits that life begins at conception.
What kind of life?
Cancer? An ameoba? A plant? A pig?
Ask this person what scientific species this life is.
Also, this person is equating all forms of life. That is nonsense.
A life is not a life is not a life is not a life.
He already knows this, as he probably has no problem spraying a roach, but would not be so keen on someone else so haphazardly taking his life.
3. Again, he admits that life begins at conception and compares this to a tumor.
Ask him if the single celled fetus is just as similar to a single celled tumor.
Is the tumor alive?
He will probably say yes.
Ask how it is alive.
He will probably say it is made up of a living cell/s.
This is the catch, though:
Since he admits that life begins at conception, ask him if he then believes that sperm cells and ovum are not alive.
He will thus have to backtrack and reevaluate why he agreed that life begins at conception.
He knows what life. Human life. He admitted it.