Abortion is okay for a facial imprefection?

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What is the world coming to?? An abortion was deemed legal because the child had a cleft lip and palate deformation??? That is just nonsense. Those are issues that can be taking care of with surgery after birth and the child will still have a wonderful and meaningful life. I just can’t believe that someone would kill a child simple because they might not look “perfect”.
God Bless,

Cleft lip abortion done 'in good faith’

James Meikle, health correspondent
Thursday March 17, 2005
The Guardian

Doctors and health officials will consider whether more guidance on abortions is needed following the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute two doctors who authorised a late abortion on a foetus with a cleft lip and palate.

Jim England, the chief crown prosecutor for West Mercia, said the doctors believed, in good faith, that there was a substantial risk the child would be seriously handicapped. “In these circumstances, I decided that there was insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and that there should be no charges against either of the doctors,” he said.

The inquiry began after a legal challenge over a previous decision by police not to charge the doctors involved in the abortion carried out, in 2001, on an unnamed woman from Herefordshire who was more than 24 weeks pregnant.

Joanna Jepson, 28, now at St Michael’s Church, Chester, but then a trainee vicar, found out about the procedure in 2002 when studying abortion statistics and suggested that it amounted to unlawful killing.

Yesterday Ms Jepson said: “While I’m disappointed about the CPS’s decision to drop the case, I am pleased the case has raised the issue of late-term abortion and the plight of disabled babies in late-term pregnancy. It has exposed grave discrimination and I will be seeking legal advice.”

She said she might try to get clarification from the courts about whether unborn children in the third trimester have got human rights and what constituted “serious handicap”.

She might consider whether to re-open a judicial review of the first decision not to prosecute. This was stayed after police decided to conduct a second inquiry into the case, admitting the initial decision was not based on a full investigation.

Ms Jepson was born with a congenital jaw defect, uncorrected until her teens, and her brother has Down’s syndrome. Her lawyers had argued that a cleft palate could not be considered as a severe disability.

The prosecutor’s decision coincides with heated debate over whether the 24-week limit on terminating pregnancy should be reduced. The 1967 Abortion Act allows for later termination if two doctors decide a child would be seriously handicapped.

The Department of Health would not comment on the case but the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology said it knew the doctors “were acting in good faith and within the current legislation,” adding: “We now need to consider whether further guidance is needed.”

Ann Furedi, chief executive of the abortion care organisation Bpas, said: “This is very good news. We were very concerned at the prosecution because this situation arose because somebody who had nothing to do with the particular case took this case to court claiming an offence had been committed.”

She added: “Rather than leap into court or the papers, we need to take stock of the circumstance in which women and doctors make decisions around abortion.”

**The Cleft Lip and Palate Association accepted the CPS verdict. **

"Our concern was that if it was beyond all doubt that all it was a cleft lip and palate, then we could not understand why a decision to terminate had been taken," said the chief executive, Gareth Davies. Hereford County Hospital’s management, where the abortion was performed, reported “many expressions of support” for staff

I read this, it just broke my heart. I can’t comprehend it! When we start killing off those who aren’t perfect WHO among us is SAFE???

I fear for us all.
This is disgusting. It should not be in the least bit surprising, but it is disgusting.

Liberals need to go back and read William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

“Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.”
-George Santayana
I have a cousin who was born with a cleft lip. He is a doctor, so I don’t think it hurt him too much.
I read this, it just broke my heart. I can’t comprehend it! When we start killing off those who aren’t perfect WHO among us is SAFE???

I fear for us all.
You know this abortion thing has become so base that I often think the day will come when there will be quality control on mankind from conception to natural death. It will then carry a ‘Q’ symbol tatooed or implanted on it as a sign that it is defect free.

Only regular check ups will allow that person to continue living.

If a child does not have a quality assurance mark on conception or loses it at some stage through life it is for the scrapheap regardless of the stage in life.
im not sure why this is any different than other abortions… in all abortions the reasoning that it is legal is wrong. you cant really complain more about this than any others.
Just goes to show you the kind of messed up world we live in. Welcome to the culture of death. :irish1: (I just wanted to use the smiley I am not really smiling about this issue)
That report is so sick. One of my friends from high school just had a baby with a cleft lip. He’s adorable anyway. What is wrong with people? It’s so sad.
My brother was born with a cleft palate and a harelip. His mother (he’s my half-brother) was so weak from the delivery they were afraid to show her the baby. She said to a nurse, “My baby died, didn’t it?”

Just then, Bill cried. The nurse said, “You hear that? That’s your baby crying.”

His mother smiled and died.

That left my father a single parent in the depths of the Depression, with a young daughter just starting school and a newborn with years of special care and surgery ahead of him. My fatehr lived up to his responsibility.
That is sad. I would support abortion if the kid is so disabled it would probably be on life support forever or if it had such a severe mental problem that a good quality life would be impossible…but kids with cleft palates can have perfectly good lives!
That is sad. I would support abortion if the kid is so disabled it would probably be on life support forever or if it had such a severe mental problem that a good quality life would be impossible…but kids with cleft palates can have perfectly good lives!
I invite you to visit kids with such problems. Ask THEM if they want to die.

If those with such “quality of life” problems don’t want to die, who are WE to decide for them, before they are born?

And if we do decide, what keeps us from deciding that already-born people – perhaps the elderly and infrim – have “quality of life” problems?

The Church does not teach that “quality of life” is a justification for killing a living human being!
vern humphrey:
I invite you to visit kids with such problems. Ask THEM if they want to die.

If those with such “quality of life” problems don’t want to die, who are WE to decide for them, before they are born?

And if we do decide, what keeps us from deciding that already-born people – perhaps the elderly and infrim – have “quality of life” problems?

The Church does not teach that “quality of life” is a justification for killing a living human being!
I do know kids who were born like that. Im very close with a 5 year old boy whos autistic. He doesnt understand what death means and cant tell me he doesnt want to die. I love him but what is his life going to be like 30 years from now? Living in a group home where he might have to be physically restrained? For the most part, I am talking about people who would be unable to tell me they want to live because they cant speak or think. People who will never have a good quality of life. Im not talking about blind people, deaf people, or people in wheel chairs. Im talking about people who have severe disablities that they will never overcome and that will prevent them from leading any kind of good life. I understand your point, and Im not saying these people deserve to die. I know they cant help that they were born this way. But I respect a parents right to do this. As for elderly people, you cant take their life away, although sometiems I wish people could die instead of suffer through alzheimers etc, but these babies havent had a life to take away yet. Yes “life begins at conception” but I disagree. i think the church should teach that going to heaven can be better than a terrible life, and therefore in this case it would be ok.
I do know kids who were born like that. Im very close with a 5 year old boy whos autistic. He doesnt understand what death means and cant tell me he doesnt want to die. I love him but what is his life going to be like 30 years from now? Living in a group home where he might have to be physically restrained? For the most part, I am talking about people who would be unable to tell me they want to live because they cant speak or think. People who will never have a good quality of life. Im not talking about blind people, deaf people, or people in wheel chairs. Im talking about people who have severe disablities that they will never overcome and that will prevent them from leading any kind of good life. I understand your point, and Im not saying these people deserve to die. I know they cant help that they were born this way. But I respect a parents right to do this. As for elderly people, you cant take their life away, although sometiems I wish people could die instead of suffer through alzheimers etc, but these babies havent had a life to take away yet. Yes “life begins at conception” but I disagree. i think the church should teach that going to heaven can be better than a terrible life, and therefore in this case it would be ok.
Who are you to judge whether a life is terrible?

By the way, the Church teaches that heaven is better than even the best life here on earth. This doesn’t matter, we still don’t have the right to decide that an innocent must die.
I do know kids who were born like that. Im very close with a 5 year old boy whos autistic. He doesnt understand what death means and cant tell me he doesnt want to die. I love him but what is his life going to be like 30 years from now? .
I am the mother of an autistic child. Who is the absolute joy of my life. He touches the lives of everyone who meets him.

Is he perfect? NO
Does he understand the world around him? No
Do I know what his future is? NO

Do I worry about what life is going to be like for him? YES

Has he brought me immeasurable joy despite his disability? YES

Has he taught me the value of life, and how to live life? YES

Should I have let him die instead of bringing him into the world ? NO

I cannot believe how little value people put on life because it isn’t perfect.

As his teacher said “He is here to touch lives” And that is just what he’s done. Everyone who meets my son finds him so endearing and special. Yet he doesn’t talk much, and doesn’t have the mental capacity of his peers.

But he does love life, he finds joy in the simplest places - things we “more advanced” people overlook and take for granted.

I pray God grants mercy to people who so cavalierly overlook this.
I do know kids who were born like that. Im very close with a 5 year old boy whos autistic. He doesnt understand what death means and cant tell me he doesnt want to die. I love him but what is his life going to be like 30 years from now? Living in a group home where he might have to be physically restrained?
I take it that if YOU ever have to go to a group home, or Assisted Living, you would rather be killed?
For the most part, I am talking about people who would be unable to tell me they want to live because they cant speak or think.
There are a great many people with “poor quality of life” who CAN think and speak – look at Stephen Hawkings. I don’t know of any who would choose to die.
People who will never have a good quality of life. Im not talking about blind people, deaf people, or people in wheel chairs. Im talking about people who have severe disablities that they will never overcome and that will prevent them from leading any kind of good life.
Like the theoretical physicist, Steven Hawkings?

Who gives US the right to determine that someone else should be killed? And if we do have that power, why doesn’t apply to people in nursing homes? Should we simply kill everyone with Alzheimer’s or other debilitating diseases?
I understand your point, and Im not saying these people deserve to die. I know they cant help that they were born this way. But I respect a parents right to do this. .
What right? If every living human being does not have an absolute right to live, there ARE no rights.
As for elderly people, you cant take their life away, although sometiems I wish people could die instead of suffer through alzheimers etc, but these babies havent had a life to take away yet. Yes “life begins at conception” but I disagree. i think the church should teach that going to heaven can be better than a terrible life, and therefore in this case it would be ok.
Where do we draw the line? You say old people cannot be killed. Why?

If you are willing to kill children in the womb, the next step – as has already happened in the Netherlands – is to kill newly-born children. And after that, the elderly.

Where will you stop?
That is sad. I would support abortion if the kid is so disabled it would probably be on life support forever or if it had such a severe mental problem that a good quality life would be impossible…but kids with cleft palates can have perfectly good lives!
My former boss’s daughter was one of those children for whom you would support an abortion. She had Rett’s syndrome, a chronic neurological disorder that eventually leaves its victims in a vegetative state. She had such a severe case that she was never able to walk or talk. Even so, her parents loved her very much and enjoyed simply caring for her and entertaining her. She passed away shortly after her 8th birthday, and based on the amount of people at the funeral and wake, I would say that this beautiful little girl had a profound impact on many lives. She certainly brought out the best in her parents and strengthened their faith. Which one of us has the right to say that she shouldn’t have been born?

Topic: one of my college roommates was born with a cleft lip and palate. She had corrective surgery as a teenager. It certainly didn’t hinder her academically or socially, and she had a very beautiful face as well. I can’t believe someone would abort their child for cosmetic reasons.
I am the mother of an autistic child. Who is the absolute joy of my life. He touches the lives of everyone who meets him.

Is he perfect? NO
Does he understand the world around him? No
Do I know what his future is? NO

Do I worry about what life is going to be like for him? YES

Has he brought me immeasurable joy despite his disability? YES

Has he taught me the value of life, and how to live life? YES

Should I have let him die instead of bringing him into the world ? NO

I cannot believe how little value people put on life because it isn’t perfect.

As his teacher said “He is here to touch lives” And that is just what he’s done. Everyone who meets my son finds him so endearing and special. Yet he doesn’t talk much, and doesn’t have the mental capacity of his peers.

But he does love life, he finds joy in the simplest places - things we “more advanced” people overlook and take for granted.

I pray God grants mercy to people who so cavalierly overlook this.
I never meant to offend you as the boy I know has had a tremendous effect on my life. Im glad he’s here…but what Im saying is, I respect his parents right to not have had him. A doctor and a lawyer, they are barely making the 60k tuition a year to send him to a special school that is his only hope. Its been really hard on his sister whos embarrassed to have friends over because he takes off his clothes and screams. His parents are devastated and Ive seen what its done to the family. Do i think all autistic kids should be aborted? No. Many make a positive contribution to society. But I do respect a parents decision to do that and completely understand it. I do not agree with aborting a baby with a cleft lip.
abortion because of a cleft palate.

and still they (proaborts) insist the boundaries can be controlled and done for the best intentions.
I never meant to offend you as the boy I know has had a tremendous effect on my life. Im glad he’s here…but what Im saying is, I respect his parents right to not have had him. A doctor and a lawyer, they are barely making the 60k tuition a year to send him to a special school that is his only hope. Its been really hard on his sister whos embarrassed to have friends over because he takes off his clothes and screams. His parents are devastated and Ive seen what its done to the family. Do i think all autistic kids should be aborted? No. Many make a positive contribution to society. But I do respect a parents decision to do that and completely understand it. I do not agree with aborting a baby with a cleft lip.
Do you see where your reasoning leads? You say that you “respect a parents decision to do that” [abort an autistic child] and then in the next sentence that it is not acceptable to abort a baby with a cleft lip. What you are doing is putting yourself in the position to judge which abnormalities deserve death. Why should we agree with you and not with the mother who wants to abort a baby with cleft lip? Why not abort a baby who’s the wrong sex? The wrong race?
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