Abortion spa-like "packages"

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This is an all new low (link is a pdf so you will need Acrobat Reader to view it). This isn’t in place anywhere yet but Abortion Conversation thinks it could be soon.

The Deluxe spa treatment is $3000 and the Spiritual Journey package is $5000 depending on your amenities.

Again, this is only a proposal (as far as I know) so the prices are fictional but apperantly someone thinks they are reasonable.
You. . .have. . . **GOT. . .**to. . .be. . .KIDDING ME!!!

That is without question one of the top ten appalling documents I have ever read.

For quick, cheap murders.
  1. Economy-- This is our most popular package which has been offered since 1973. . .Outpatient surgery is simple, quick, and safe. Personal
    review of medical history and emotional “check-in” are available; beverages and snacks will be
    served and a choice of pain relievers is yours, all for a reasonable fee of $350.
Too busy to be inconvenienced???
  1. The Lunch Hour Special-- Designed for the busy woman for whom time is more valuable than
    money. we
    guarantee service in one hour.
The irony would be palpable if it weren’t so tragic.
  1. The Family Package-- This is an important decision in your life and of course you want your loved
    ones around you!! You can be accompanied through every phase of this process by the person you
    choose. Counseling is available for all family members and includes training and suggestions for
    them to participate in your care. Flowers, breakfast in bed, baby-sitting, just tell us what you want
    and we’ll pass it along. We stress support and coping skills before, during, and after your abortion.
  1. Deluxe Spa Treatment-- Get the luxury and personal attention you deserve!! Check into our
    special suite at the Jetson Hotel
where you will meet with our experienced guide, who will be
available to you for your abortion experience. After extensive orientation for you and your partner or
family, enjoy a relaxing massage and jacuzzi. Full emotional support is available to you and those
close to you, tailored to your needs.

The “Jetson Hotel” part made me think this was all a joke. Most grotesquely, it is not.

This is horrible.
This has to be a joke, right? If not, this document is more saturated with evil than anything else I’ve read. It actually makes me hope the world will end soon.
I feel physically ill.

I Googled the authors’ names, and sure enough, it’s for real. Lots of links to feminist and “utopian” sites.

I just finished reading Michael O’Brian’s apocalyptic book, “Solar Eclipse”–this actually sounds like something from the book!

Amazing, ain’t it, all of the soothing one requires when one is bound and determined to commit evil.

I’m a new mom to a 4-month old. A “spa package” sounds pretty dang great right about now. But you know what? Raising him is the greatest daily dose of bliss that money can’t buy!
I have to admit that I’m still reeling from when I first read this. I guess wanted to, I don’t know, add something to the discussion but insead I’ve been left speechless by overwhelming sadness.

At least I know I’m normal. I too thought it was a joke and felt nauseous reading that.
Not surprising . . . they will do anything to legitimize their business and make it more appealing/ acceptable. These folks have BIG money backers, so more of this kind of thing should be expected. The pro-choice folks have money to send doctors on nice vacations/ conferences where they’re preached to about the importance of ‘choice’. What’s the Catholic answer? “Let’s have a bake sale.” Come on folks . . . we need to find big money backers to combat this stuff. —KCT
This might be what you see under “abortion alternatives” in the future, sadly not alternatives to abortion but alternatives in the way in which to have an abortion.

Being involved in the postabortion ministry, I’ve heard horror stories even now of abortions clinics with journals to write your good byes to the baby, baptising fetal remains, posters of angels on the ceiling for women to look at during the “procedure” so they might envision their child being greeted in heaven, slogans like “every time you hear a bell ring, its one of our children (in the clinic) going to heaven” and hearing the ding of the elevator in the hallway over and over again. This actually happens NOW and is a demonic twisting of the Truth. These attempts and spiritualizing the process actually seem to haunt the women more than they do to help them. Duh.

I’ve heard horror stories even now of abortions clinics with journals to write your good byes to the baby, baptising fetal remains, posters of angels on the ceiling for women to look at during the “procedure” so they might envision their child being greeted in heaven, slogans like “every time you hear a bell ring, its one of our children (in the clinic) going to heaven” and hearing the ding of the elevator in the hallway over and over again. This actually happens NOW and is a demonic twisting of the Truth.
So now, it has been turned fully on its head. These idiots try to tell us that it is not a life that is being taken, but in offering this spurious comfort in “blessing” a woman’s “choice” to kill, they then try to ameliorate the horror of it all, but in doing so only confirm in the woman’s conscience that she is in fact killing an innocent.
So now, it has been turned fully on its head. These idiots try to tell us that it is not a life that is being taken, but in offering this spurious comfort in “blessing” a woman’s “choice” to kill, they then try to ameliorate the horror of it all, but in doing so only confirm in the woman’s conscience that she is in fact killing an innocent.
Yes but this is EXACTLY what Felos did as Terri was dying. First he says Terri has no brain function, can’t hear, feel, or respond, would not know she was dying of thirst because she’s nothing but an unfeeling mass of human tissue. Then of course he makes a big fuss about Terri’s room with stuffed animals and flowers and classical music playing. He claimed Michael took his wife in his arms as she breathed her last and Terri was totally peaceful. BAH!!!

Do they think we are all STUPID?

Lisa N
Most of the MRTs (Morally Relativist Tyrants) think JUST that; that we are all stupid.:mad:
I feel physically ill.

I Googled the authors’ names, and sure enough, it’s for real. Lots of links to feminist and “utopian” sites.

I just finished reading Michael O’Brian’s apocalyptic book, “Solar Eclipse”–this actually sounds like something from the book!

Amazing, ain’t it, all of the soothing one requires when one is bound and determined to commit evil.

I’m a new mom to a 4-month old. A “spa package” sounds pretty dang great right about now. But you know what? Raising him is the greatest daily dose of bliss that money can’t buy!

Tell the hubby you DESERVE the “Spa package sans abortion” Then show him the particulars WITHOUT the part about MURDERING THE CHILD!

After he gets up poff the floor, he may decide that you REALLY NEED it an just might schedule one REAL SOON …

You’re right. It’s just amazing how much pamapering we need as we prepare to do evil - The Nazis would do that right before and after slaughtering Jews and other people.

But, we have gotten to the place where we have called Evil “Good” and Good “Evil”. I don’t know what’s next - Although the link on this post might…

Re: Prophecies of St. Malachy

I would pay esp. attention to St. Nilos…

May God richly bless those who spare His Little Ones, Michael

Part of our mission is to continually improve our services by remaining aware of the changing needs of our community and by listening to our patients’ comments and suggestions. Encouraging patients to help us create the kind of abortion experience they want, has led to some of the best improvements in our practice without sacrificing the outstanding standard of care we offer.

Soft lighting and relaxing music fill each treatment room, while aromatherapy and a warm heating pad help relax the patient. This treatment, combined with the care of our professional staff encourages a deeper state of relaxation before, during and after the procedure. This “whole woman” approach sets us apart from other abortion providers.

After the abortion surgery, patients can expect to spend approximately one hour in our recovery suite. While in recovery, we monitor blood pressure, bleeding, pulse and provide patients an opportunity to ask questions and relax.
* Tea and light refreshments are provided.***

Private Patient Option
For those patients who prefer an appointment when no other patients are in the center, we offer a completely private abortion. The fee for this option is $700 and includes the cost of the abortion and the comfort medication package. If you would feel more comfortable accompanied by your partner or significant other, he or she may join you throughout the visit once your counseling session has been completed. Please note that your insurance company will not cover the additional expense of this option.

*No Waiting Options
For those with tight schedules, child care concerns or those who would prefer to reduce the length of the time spent in our clinic, these options are available: *
  • *No Wait Same Day
    You can choose to be seen prior to the other patients that are scheuled ahead of you. The charge for this special option is an additional $100 plus the cost of the abortion. *
  • *No Wait Two Day
    You may come into the clinic a day or two ahead of your appointment to complete your labwork, ultrasound, paperwork and counseling session. This reduces the time required for pre-surgery preparation on the day of your procedure and costs $75 plus the cost of your abortion. Your partner or significant other may join you throughout on the first day of your visit *
well it’s at least much more expensive to have an abortion there than in my country. here an abortion is available for less than $100
Bruised Reed:
I have to admit that I’m still reeling from when I first read this. I guess wanted to, I don’t know, add something to the discussion but insead I’ve been left speechless by overwhelming sadness.

At least I know I’m normal. I too thought it was a joke and felt nauseous reading that.
Bruised Reed:

The question is, after reading these sicjening people trying to legitimize the MURDER OF GOD’S LITTLE ONES, are you angry enough to DO SOMEHTING ABOUT IT?? The same question goes out to the rest of the Thread.

Most anyone who’s read what I’ve written during the last few days KNOWS what I’m going to say. If you hav en’t written your letters yet, here’s your chance:

End Pro-Abortion Litmus Test - to the Thread:


Traditional Ang - Posts #10 & 20:

forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=603302&postcount=10 (use for directions)


Thos who don’t know, READ THE THREAD, and you’ll see theat the forces of Death have enlisted DEMOCRATIC SENATORS to do their bidding and that they’ve FILIBUSTERED 10 "Qualified and “Well Qualified” (ABA’s words) Judicial Nominees to the APPEALS BENCH simply becauase they are People of Faith (most are CATHOLICS) who MIGHT vote to OVERTURN ROE v. WADE.

PLEASE GO TO THE THREAD AND FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS. If we can break this FILIBUSTER, we might be able to get Roe v. Wade Overturned. If we can’t, Roe v. Wade stands unchallenged, and the Forces of Death win.

Please, lets not allow the forces of death another win of any sort.

May God righly bless those who act to spare the Lives of His Little Ones, Michael

Soft lighting and relaxing music, aromatherapy and a warm heating pad - It’s sounds almost like they’re giving her a back and foot rub! - Is this all to make the Patient FORGET that she’s getting an Abortion, that she’s KILLING HER BABY?

Just listen to how BANAL, SERENE & EVERYDAY they make the evil sound!

rayne89 said:

Part of our mission is to continually improve our services by remaining aware of the changing needs of our community and by listening to our patients’ comments and suggestions. Encouraging patients to help us create the kind of abortion experience they want, has led to some of the best improvements in our practice without sacrificing the outstanding standard of care we offer.

Soft lighting and relaxing music fill each treatment room, while aromatherapy and a warm heating pad help relax the patient. This treatment, combined with the care of our professional staff encourages a deeper state of relaxation before, during and after the procedure. This “whole woman” approach sets us apart from other abortion providers.

After the abortion surgery, patients can expect to spend approximately one hour in our recovery suite. While in recovery, we monitor blood pressure, bleeding, pulse and provide patients an opportunity to ask questions and relax.** Tea and light refreshments are provided.**

Private Patient Option
For those patients who prefer an appointment when no other patients are in the center, we offer a completely private abortion. The fee for this option is $700 and includes the cost of the abortion and the comfort medication package. If you would feel more comfortable accompanied by your partner or significant other, he or she may join you throughout the visit once your counseling session has been completed. Please note that your insurance company will not cover the additional expense of this option.

No Waiting Options
For those with tight schedules, child care concerns or those who would prefer to reduce the length of the time spent in our clinic, these options are available:
  • No Wait Same Day
    You can choose to be seen prior to the other patients that are scheuled ahead of you. The charge for this special option is an additional $100 plus the cost of the abortion.
  • No Wait Two Day
    You may come into the clinic a day or two ahead of your appointment to complete your labwork, ultrasound, paperwork and counseling session. This reduces the time required for pre-surgery preparation on the day of your procedure and costs $75 plus the cost of your abortion. Your partner or significant other may join you throughout on the first day of your visit

BTW, does anyone notrice that they do NOT want the Significant Other there during the ABORTION (One exception) or during the COUNSELING (Selling) SESSION…Could this be because the Significant Other MIGHT talk the patient OUT OF HAVING THE ABORTION??

Most Abortion clinics turn their staff over every two or three years…How can they be truly caring when they’ve never gotten to know the woman outside of the SALES Session?

So, that bit about treating the whole woman is a LIE!

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael
Traditional Ang:
BTW, does anyone notrice that they do NOT want the Significant Other there during the ABORTION (One exception) or during the COUNSELING (Selling) SESSION…Could this be because the Significant Other MIGHT talk the patient OUT OF HAVING THE ABORTION??
More likely they know the reaction anyone would have actually watching this “procedure”. The soft lights etc may be to distract the woman. But if someone were there, and actualy watched? . . . Man, that would be the fodder of nightmares for years to come. On the other hand, it could be the source for emotional distress lawsuits that would bankrupt the abortion industry!

I just saw this thread today. I am so incredibly disgusted and horrified I don’t know what to say. Besides the fact that an abortion is not an excuse for a SPA TREATMENT. It is the KILLING of a CHILD. All these people are doing is trying to make money off of convincing women that they are not committing murder. I am just sickened by this article. :mad:
Traditional Ang:
Bruised Reed:

The question is, after reading these sicjening people trying to legitimize the MURDER OF GOD’S LITTLE ONES, are you angry enough to DO SOMEHTING ABOUT IT?? The same question goes out to the rest of the Thread.
The answer is that your post may have been more effective without the implication that I (as well as the other posters) haven’t done something about it.
Uuugh…I’ve actually seen that thing before, and it apalls me.
“Abortion Experience”… Since when was surgery supposed to be enjoyable??
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