Abortion & the Problem of Rape

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Has the Catholic Church released any official statements or documents regarding extreme circumstances such as a forced pregnancy brought about by rape?
Has the Catholic Church released any official statements or documents regarding extreme circumstances such as a forced pregnancy brought about by rape?
Abortion is always wrong. That is what the Church teachss

Rape isn’t a reason for abortion.
The Church teaches that abortion is never allowed, even in cases of rape.
Abortion does not “un-rape” a woman. It is very rare for a woman to conceive under those circumstances, but those that have and have chosen life feel triumph over what happened.

Abortion is a violent act not only to a baby but to the mother. Abortion after a rape does violence to her twice.
Very true, when I was 13 i was raped beacuse of this I now have a happy, healthy nearly 15 year old.
Although I was not catholic when this happened I couldn’t bear the thought of killing my baby. Whilst it was hard mentally for a few years as having her around was a constant reminder of what happened I managed to pull through and now I see my daughter as a blessing from God.
I know it means very little from a stranger, but I am so sorry you had to go through that, and it is so amazing that you chose to keep and love your child. May God bless both of you with abundant grace and blessings for the hardships you have endured.
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Thank you
It has got easier over the last nearly 15 years. I hope that other survivors manage to pull through and realise that there is help and support around if they need it.
God of freedom, beauty and truth we believe that your deepest desire, your most powerful energy, is that all creation might know abundant life. We raise our voices in anguished prayer for our sisters and brothers, women and girls, men and boys, who are modern day slaves; They are your beloved daughters and sons, exploited sexually or forced to work because of human violence and greed. Fill us with your holy anger and your sacred passion that those who are trafficked might know healing and justice; that traffickers will come to repentance and conversion; that all of us might live in such a way that others are not made to pay the price for our comfort and convenience. Hasten the coming of the day when all people and our precious Earth itself will be treated, not as a commodity, but as radiant images of your freedom, beauty and truth. Amen. May it be so.
Once I heard Bill O’Reilly say if a rapists who commits a crime gets let’s say 15 years why give an unborn child the death penalty when. they did nothing wrong.
The way I observe God correcting our sins is a generational thing. King David was God’s choosen one, and yet it took generations of his children’s and their sins for his original sins to be corrected. Moses and that generation had to purify generations after the exodus.

The way men treat and view women is a direct mirror into mankind. God has indeed called men to be leaders of the household. In cases of rape, the man is still dominating an unauthorized authority that needs purified. Yes, his generation suffers from such horrific actions of how He views mankind. Abortion is an appropriate mirror of the relationship between man and women and until we make clear how to treat sexually, abortion is still the ugly reflection of the children correcting our sins; as it has been for millenniums.

Why would a man who rapes be conserved about his future generation?
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Yes, there are other solutions. There are other solutions for male gratification othan than rape. Sin is still sin and creates a ripple of ugly through time and space. The previous comment said we put a man in jail and sentence the child to life. This is only what is visible. The invisible reality comes with the man’s position as leader, his role in creation and creating another human being, taking responsibility for his created human and how these souls will come to reconciliation here and in the following realms. Yes, the woman has a choice, but often in cases is blinded by hurt. She too will have to reconcile her direction she takes; as will those who fail to help her.
What’s visible matters as well. You can not argue that the child isn’t punished more harshly than the rapist and it’s ok. As for the woman, I agree she is going to a terrible time that should have never happened in the first place. But this does not excuse punishing the child more harshly.
Abortion is wrong no matter the circumstances. The child should not be punished with death for the crimes of the rapist.
I agree with you, but there is a momentum of force that causes sin to ripple and unless there is a structure to stop this force, more destruction happens.

Look at St. Joseph. This man almost ducked to avoid what was perceived as sin to let the BVM Mary be aborted with her baby; let’s not forget that back then instead of just aborting the baby, they aborted the mother too! The powerful force that caused St Joseph to stand and take the force of the momentum was an Angel.

In cases of rape, nobody is making a protective barrier around the mother and baby. Thus, abortion is an ugly ripple of the originating crime against God (the lust/rape/slothfulness). Sure we can all morally Judge it is wrong when we have not been hurt by such sin, but what do we do to make the protective barriers if we aim to stop the ripple of sin? Where are the St Joseph’s of society to keep the abortions from happening?
It probably doesn’t feel like a “solution” when expecting a rapist’s baby.
It probably doesn’t but I doubt a woman whose husband raped her would consider murdering any of their children who had already been born.

I also consider the comment insensitive to people who have been conceived through rape.
And we definitely need to steer clear of dodgy ideas that rape rarely results in pregnancy. Keeping the baby has been used as “evidence” that the woman is lying about the rape in courts. And her being pregnant has been used as “evidence” that the sex must have been consensual. Hardly supporting her in having the baby.
Some people cannot go through with abortion no matter how much they contemplate it… I had actually made an appointment for an abortion and didn’t turn up.
It’s the rapist’s child but it’s also the mother’s child.

It’s not a vile product. It’s a human being conceived through a horrible way. @Cecilia_Dympna
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