Abortion & the Problem of Rape

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It is very insensitive to call it a rapists baby and the last time my daughter heard her self being referred to as a rapists baby we had to pick her up from school beacuse she was not really welcome back
That is awful. People are to insensitive, especially to the innocent.
So should we call Caucasian people that have ancestors that owned slaves slave owner baby? 😔

People with an ancestor that murdered someone: Murder baby. 😔
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You make a good point but this should not be directed to the person you directed it too.
I don’t mean it in a bad way or to hurt that mother’s feelings. 🌻 I think I might have an ancestor that committed murder. @LoganBryce
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Why would you do that that’s just cruel. You should not be judged based on what ancestors and parents have done in the past
Once I heard Bill O’Reilly say if a rapists who commits a crime gets let’s say 15 years why give an unborn child the death penalty when. they did nothing wrong.
I think Bill O’Reilly is the one man on the planet who has the least right to declare what a woman should do with herself following a rape.
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The Church’s stance on abortion is based on the ontological value of the human person, i.e. whatever circumstances a pregnancy comes about doesn’t alter the objective reality that the unborn child is a person.

This is compounded with the fact that the death penalty isn’t morally justifiable when society is developed enough to have other means of responding to problems.

In either scenario, what might be legal nonetheless is a grave sin.
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Like I said before abortion is a symptom of society’s ongoing failure to care for women in need and that obviously includes victims of this crime.

It is not a solution or a “cure” and never will be. It’s an act of violence that in this case compounds another act of violence. Violence against the unborn child doesn’t undo the crime of the father.
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So you’re saying because of how you feel about Bill O’Reilly makes a valid point invalid.
God is always The Author of Life. Human beings pro-create. But God gives life.
When a violent act is involved it is really difficult to connect those dots.

I can’t help think of the cross as the tree of life. Through a violent act perpetrated by violent people we are saved from death. Christ’s whole life is fruitful, including his death. He redeems unworthiness into new life, as only God can do.
We can embrace his fruitfulness even through the violence involved. A deep mystery for sure.
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