Abortion vs. contraception

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We all know that the church considers both of them to be grave sins. Which one is considered “graver”? Since it is impossible to eradicate both, one must compromise. Successful contraception eliminates the need for abortion.

You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. So what is the best (or better) solution? Does the church have some “dogmatic” view on this question?
Abortion is a graver evil. To think one must ‘compromise’ is a mistake, however.
Grave matter is grave matter, contraception is intrinsically evil.

It is possible to eliminate both of them, you choose not to commit either act.
Successful contraception eliminates the need for abortion.
Key word being “successful.” The problem is that using contraception actually gives way to a higher abortion rate, because the purpose of sex, to procreate children, becomes divorced from the act. “A contraceptive mentality gives way to an abortive mentality, and an abortive mentality cannot stand,” said Chesterton, nearly a century ago, and he was right.

It’s not really necessary or appropriate to try to rank which sin is worse. Both are sins. Both are bad. Don’t do either of them.

Successful contraception eliminates the need for abortion.
The pro-life movement takes issue with this assertion. Contraception as it is commonly practiced enhances the demand for abortions. Here’s why. When men and women can obtain inexpensive, easy-to-use contraception, it increases the likelihood they will engage in “risky” sex that they would not otherwise attempt. The inevitable failure rate of commonly-used contraception makes for an astounding number of unexpected and unwanted pregnancies.

Planned Parenthood knows this all too well. Their primary business is abortion, and everything they do feeds that machine. They give out free condoms and inexpensive contraception because they know that they will have a repeat customer, no matter what happens. Abby Johnson has documented this well.

Contraception also feeds the “3% of services” lie that Planned Parenthood sells. Every time a man dips his hand in the “Free Condoms” jar, that’s a service. Every time an NP writes a scrip or a refill for the Pill, that’s a service. You can see how “services” add up mighty fast and overwhelm the comparatively rare abortion procedures, but it obscures the truth about how prevalent and lucrative abortion really is.
Since it is impossible to eradicate both, one must compromise.
We may never do evil, even in pursuit of good.
Successful contraception eliminates the need for abortion
This is not true. It is one of the preeminent lies is the abortion industry. “Safe, legal, and rare” was the mantra until it was demonstrated it is only one of those three— legal.

In fact the Supreme Court in Casey v Planned Parenthood explicitly said abortion is needed “in the event contraception should fail”. It said women rely on the availability of abortion.
You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.
This little platitude is completely irrelevant.
So what is the best (or better) solution?
We continue to preach the truth. Both of these things are morally wrong and hurt women.
Does the church have some “dogmatic” view on this question?
The Church’s teaching:

Abortion is grave matter against the fifth commandment.

Contraception is grave matter against the sixth commandment.
Slightly off topic-

This answers the question why abortion is still legal in the states. If you want to fight a winnable battle, focus on abortion and put contraception off the table. If you want to fight a battle you have absolutely no chance of winning, fight the battle against contraception.
If you want to fight a battle you have absolutely no chance of winning, fight the battle against contraception.
Actually, I don’t think that is true. Many women want natural birth control. They don’t want to put chemicals or devices in their bodies.

Tech companies like Ava are making observation of fertility symptoms easier and more reliable every day.
Actually, I don’t think that is true. Many women want natural birth control. They don’t want to put chemicals or devices in their bodies.

Tech companies like Ava are making observation of fertility symptoms easier and more reliable every day.

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Abortion vs contraception? They are a pair that walk hand in hand together. There’s no ‘verses’.
Are you familiar with Natural Family Planning?
OKComputer…When we break the 10 Commandments, they are not broken. They remain intact and will until the end of the world. It is us who are broken.
Even though I’m an agnostic, I agree with what you are saying about contraception leading to more abortion. My only caveat is that some women will contracept but, if it fails will not abort. The problem is, there are too few of them.

I also agree that a battle against contraception will never succeed. The pill is too entrenched into society. Somehow, women and men need to realize that contraception should only be used if they’re also willing to accept that it fails and accept the child that results…good luck with that!
OKComputer…When we break the 10 Commandments, they are not broken. They remain intact and will until the end of the world. It is us who are broken.
Okay, let me be clear-I’m no fan of contraception, I accept the church teachings on it 100%.

But…and it’s a huge “but”-the rest of the world disagrees with us, including many, many, many pro lifers. It is my dream that abortion be banned and we need to unite with people who might not agree with us 100% of the time. If we demand to fight the contraception battle, (which is of course, your right)abortion being banned will never, ever happen. And we’ll have only ourselves to blame.

Really sad.
I also agree that a battle against contraception will never succeed. The pill is too entrenched into society. Somehow, women and men need to realize that contraception should only be used if they’re also willing to accept that it fails and accept the child that results…good luck with that!
100% correct.
We all know that the church considers both of them to be grave sins. Which one is considered “graver”? Since it is impossible to eradicate both, one must compromise. Successful contraception eliminates the need for abortion.

You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. So what is the best (or better) solution? Does the church have some “dogmatic” view on this question?
Except this is not a “have your cake and eat it, too” scenario.
I’m not talking about Catholic women. SO MANY women don’t want to put chemicals and devices in their bodies. It was and is a hot topic in many secular boards I’ve been on, particularly with crunchy moms.

Regarding these surveys and stats, I’m not even going to revisit was has been debunked a million times over on these boards including the propensity or non-practicing Catholics to identify as “Catholic” in these surveys.
If we demand to fight the contraception battle
Who exactly is fighting a contraception battle and with whom?

Griswold v Connecticut put the legality of selling them to bed decades ago. Not sure what you are referring to. There hasn’t been a serious effort to make them illegal since Griswold.
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If we demand to fight the contraception battle
Who exactly is fighting a contraception battle and with whom?

Griswold v Connecticut put the legality of selling them to bed decades ago. Not sure what you are referring to. There hasn’t been a serious effort to make them illegal since Griswold.
Perhaps he is referring to a section of the pro-life movement which preaches against access to contraception. There is no unified front to outlaw the stuff, but there sure is a backlash against it, among faithful Catholics, particularly those who practice NFP.
erhaps he is referring to a section of the pro-life movement which preaches against access to contraception
Correct. I admit they are a small minority in the pro-life movement. It turns off a TON of people who otherwise agree with us.
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