
I cannot accept the professor’s analogy. It is not an apples to apples comparison. I hope someone challenges this professor. There is a huge difference between abortion and refusing to do a marrow transplant!The law professor used this analogy.
You have an eight year old son that would die without a bone marrow transplant. You as the parent are a match, to your child. But you refuse to go through with any bone marrow transfusion. Your child dies.
…The same application to mother and child within the womb. Instead of a bone marrow transfusion, instead is an umbillicord connecting the two of them for nine months. A mother’s bodily intergrity not to be connected to her child for nurishment has a stronger right then her child’s life, despite the fact her child would die.
For you to accept abortion to be a moral right, you have to accept a parent’s right to refuse the bone marrow transfusion and allowing their eight year old child to die.
It would be more like the difference between euthenasia and saying do not recessitate (spelling?). One (abortion) is taking an action to end a life, and the other is deciding not to take action to preserve a life. One is active, the other is passive.
There is a significant difference morally, in my opinion!
There would not be nearly the level of debate about this issue if this were not the case. Abortion would not be such a heinous, sickening crime if it didn’t involve someone (actually a team of people) making a decision and taking action to purposefully end a life.
Unvelievable this is happening.